借自法語 ,且保留了揚抑符。
- 1840, Charles Knight, “The Antiquities of France.”, 出自 , 卷 9,頁號 204:
- The residences of some of the nobility in London were at one period called Inns, which has the same signification as hôtel, and several of the Inns of Court, as Gray’s Inn, Furnival’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, and Clifford’s Inn, were originally the residences of Lords Gray, Furnival, Lincoln, and Clifford. […] Many of the hôtels in Paris contain within their enclosed walls an extensive garden, spacious court, stables, and offices.
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- 1840, Jean-Marie-Vincent Audin, The Traveller’s Classical Guide Through France:
- The price is high in the large and elegant hôtels in the opulent quarters; but more moderate rate in those situated in the interior of the city, where lodgings are simply neat and convenient. The hôtels the most splendid and expensive, are those of the quarters of Palais Royal, Tuileries and Chaussée-d’Antin. […] All these prices include the portage from the hôtel to, and from packet-boat to the hôtel. […] Among the many old Hôtels, the traveller, will notice: the hôtel of the Bouvardière; the hôtel of Drouges, and the episcopal palace.
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- 1871, William Chambers, Robert Chambers, “'HÔTEL'”, 出自 : A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People, 卷 5,頁號 437:
- In point of fact, the garçon is much above the English waiter in his aims. He voluntarily undergoes a kind of curriculum of education, by passing from the hôtels of one country to those of another, and does not consider himself proficient till he speaks German, French, Italian, and English; at the very least, if of German birth, speaking French with fluency. Some good and capacious hôtels, built distinctly as such, have lately been established at the principal railway termini in London, also at Dover and a few other places. With these exceptions, the hôtels of England are far behind the new high-class hôtels of the continent; nor do we know of any English hôtel which approaches in grandeur or extent to the Hôtel de Louvre in Paris, the Metropole at Geneva, or to some of the magnificent hôtels at Hamburg. But while we now write (1862), projects are on foot to build several hôtels in London worthy of the place, and corresponding to the vastness of modern demands. / In England, the hôtel system of living is simply that of paying for what is called for, with the addition of a certain charge per diem for the rooms which are occupied; in France and other continental countries, this plan is so far modified by the plan of dining at a table d’hôte, which lessens the general expenses. Both in England and continental hôtels, the charge for attendance is now made explicitly in the bill, a very grateful improvement. The ordinary hôtels in all parts of the United Kingdom are licensed by magistrates to sell wines, spirits, and other excisable liquors, and therefore come under the category of public-houses open to the supervision of the police. In the higher-class hôtels, however, the supply of liquors is confined to the resident guests; and it is only in the others that drink is sold as in taverns. […] Throughout the United States of America, the system of hôtels has taken a peculiar turn. The hôtels are built for the purpose, and usually very large; with few exceptions they are conducted as boarding-houses on the plan of charging so much per diem, everything included excepting liquor, which is obtainable in a large drinking-room called the bar. […] Elegant in their architecture, and spacious and commodious in their interior arrangements, the American hôtels are got up at great expense, as may be judged from their extensive accommodation, which ranges from 180 to 800 rooms. […] The system of American hôtels is generally followed in the British colonies.
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- 1878, , “Les Coteries Précieuses”, 出自 Old Paris; Its Court and Literary Salons, 卷 II, London: ,頁號 90:
- Personal merit and talent had been more considered than mere rank at the hôtel of the marquise, yet the most illustrious of the aristocracy frequented it.
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源自中古法語 ← 古法語 ;繼承自晚期拉丁語 (“安養院;庇護所;客棧”),拉丁語 (“好客的;客人的”)的名詞用法。的雙詞。
m (複數)
- 公館、宅邸
- 1862, 維克多·雨果, Les Misérables, I.1.ii:
- Le palais épiscopal était un vaste et bel hôtel bâti en pierre au commencement du siècle dernier par monseigneur Henri Puget [...].
- 主教宮是由 Henri Puget 先生於上世紀初建造的一座巨大而美麗的石頭宅邸[...]。
- 1862, 維克多·雨果, Les Misérables, I.1.ii:
- 賓館
- 南非語:
- 阿爾巴尼亞語:
- 阿姆哈拉語: (hotel)
- 阿拉伯語: (ʔūtīl)
- 阿斯圖里亞斯語:
- 阿塞拜疆語:
- 巴斯克語:
- 白俄羅斯語: (hatélʹ)
- 孟加拉語: (hōṭel)
- 保加利亞語: (hotél)
- 緬甸語: (huitai)
- 加泰羅尼亞語:
- 中馬蘭諾語:
- 捷克語:
- 丹麥語:
- 荷蘭語:
- 英語:
- 世界語:
- 愛沙尼亞語:
- 斐濟語:
- 芬蘭語:
- 加利西亞語:
- 德語:
- 古吉拉特語: (hoṭel), (hoṭal)
- 海地克里奧爾語:
- 豪薩語:
- 印地語: (hoṭal)
- 匈牙利語:
- 冰島語:
- 伊多語:
- 印尼語:
- 意大利語:
- 日語: (hoteru)
- 卡納達語: (hōṭelu)
- 朝鮮語: 호텔 (hotel)
- 吉爾吉斯語: (otelʹ)
- 拉脫維亞語:
- 盧森堡語:
- 馬其頓語: (hotél)
- 馬拉加斯語:
- 馬來語:
- 馬拉雅拉姆語: (hōṭṭal), (hoṭṭēl)
- 毛利語:
- 北弗里斯蘭語: (Mooring)
- 查看“”在(《法语宝典》)中的释义。
m (複數)
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