

借自西班牙語 (领导人,老板),源自古法語 ,源自拉丁語 , 同源對似詞。



  1. (美國非正式) 长官,头子 有政治影响力的官员,包括警长等,常指拉丁裔或墨西哥裔
    • 1887, Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of Central America, History Company,頁號 153:
      Antonio Rivera Cabezas was chosen vice-jefe in March 1830.
    • 1898, Southern Pacific Company Passenger Department, Sunset, Sunset Magazines Inc. (1912), pages 313-314
      before he stepped forward uttering the stereotyped greeting, the Texan had put him down as the jefe or head man....
      Snatching up the rifle he lit out after the jefe, who had left two jumps ahead of the smoke.
    • 1900, United States War Department, Annual Reports of the War Department, U.S. Government Printing Office:
      Hilario Saño, a suspect, resident here but much doubted by the jefe local, was put to the test
  2. (美國) 老板
    • 1982 January, George Durham, Taming the Nueces Strip: The Story of McNelly's Rangers, University of Texas Press,頁號 120:
      “They ain’t going to deliver the cattle across.... They’ve taken too much of a beating as it is. They’ve lost their big jefe and lots of men.”
    • 1998 June, Thomas Miller Klubock, Contested communities: Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's El Teniente Copper Mine, 1904-1948, Duke University Press,頁號 147:
      When they were slacking off in the mine, for example, and a jefe arrived unexpectedly, they shouted loro (parrot) or fuego (fire) as warning signals.
    • 2004 December, Jeffrey Harris Cohen, The Culture of Migration in Southern Mexico, University of Texas Press:
      A jefe in this sense is a mentor, a person who is often a compadre of the migrant.... In any case, a jefe is not a loan shark
    • 2005 May, Monica Rico, EMails that Go Nowhere, Google Mail.
      A jefe in this sense refers to a true boss, the leader of the household, also known as Jose Rico.


  • jefe político




繼承中世紀西班牙語 ,源自古法語 ,源自拉丁語 。对比葡萄牙語 同源對似詞。


  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈxefe/ [ˈxe.fe]
  • 音頻 (哥倫比亞)(檔案)
  • 韻部:-efe
  • 斷字:je‧fe


 m (複數,陰性,陰性複數)

  1. 老板领导上司主席
  2. (軍事) 上校
  3. (電子遊戲) boss,头领
  4. (口語墨西哥) 爸爸


  •  m
  •  m


  •  f
  •  m (主编)
  •  m


  •  f
  •  m
  •  m
  •  m
  •  m


  • 英語:
  • 中比科爾語:
  • 宿霧語:
  • 他加祿語:


  •  m
  •  m
  •  m
  •  m
  •  m


  • jefe”, , Vigésima tercera edición [西班牙皇家學院字典,第二十三版], 西班牙皇家學院, 2014


  •  m
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