


  1. 之罕用形式
    • 1963, “New Physical Research Facilities [新的物理研究设施]”, 出自 Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs [原子能项目中的主要活动], 1962年1月-12月, ,頁號 336:
      Seven new elements were discovered with the 60-inch cyclotron: 85 (astatine), 93 (neptunium), 94 (plutonium), 96 (curium), 97 (berkelium), 98 (californium), and 101 (mendeleevium).
    • 1970, O. A. Songina, Rare Metals [稀有金屬],頁號 290:
      In 1960 the following transuranide elements were definitely known to exist (atomic numbers are given in parentheses): neptunium (93); plutonium (94); americium (95); curium (96); berkelium (97); californium (98); einsteinium (99); fermium (100); mendeleevium (101). [] Element 101 — mendeleevium — was prepared in an even smaller quantity: 17 atoms in all.
      截止1960年,以下超铀元素肯定是已知存在的(括号内为原子序数):镎(93);钚(94);镅(95);锔(96);锫(97);锎(98);锿(99);镄(100);(101)。 [] 101号元素的制备量更小。总共17个原子。
    • 1977, D. A. Johnson, “Oxidation States of the Lanthanides [镧系元素的氧化态]”, 出自 Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry [无机化学和放射化学的进展], 卷 20, , →ISBN, section “Extension to Other Systems”, subsection “Actinide Series”,頁號 110:
      The first dipositive actinide ion to be identified in aqueous solution was that of mendeleevium (262). [] As mendeleevium is the analog of thulium, it was not surprising that nobelium, the analog of ytterbium, was subsequently found to form a very stable dipositive oxidation state.
      第一个在水溶液中被确认的锕系元素正二价阳离子是(262)离子。 [] 由于是铥的同系物,因此随后发现镱的同系物锘形成非常稳定的正二价氧化态,也就不足为奇。


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