- (不及物,及物) 打开;开业
- 近義詞:
- Some vacancies have opened up due to retirements.
- 因为有人退休所以出现了一些职位空缺。
- Open up the door!
- 开门!
- The executive pay gap is opening up again.
- 高管薪水差异又开始出现了。
- (不及物) 张开,变宽
- The corridor gradually opened up into a triangular room.
- 走道逐渐扩大成一个三角形的房间。
- (不及物) 开口,愿意说话
- After three hours of questioning, he finally opened up.
- 盘问了三个小时后,他终于开口了。
- (不及物) 开火
- As the convoy entered the pass, we opened up on them with everything we had.
- 运输队通过关卡时,我们将所有火力倾泻而下。
- (不及物,比喻義,指天空) 下雨
- The sky has really opened up. I've never seen this much rain!
- 天真是裂开了一样。我从来没见过那么大的雨!
- 全速移动
- (戲劇) (“不自然地过度面向观众”)之同義詞
- 2015, Robert Barton, Acting: Onstage and Off,頁號 184:
- In stage acting, we are frequently asked to cheat out to the audience by opening up our body positions so that we are something halfway between facing them and our partner.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
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