Districts of Tajikistan, situation before 2017
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As of 2020, the regions of Tajikistan are subdivided into 47 districts (Tajik: ноҳия, nohiya or Russian: район, rayon), not including 4 districts belonging to the capital city Dushanbe, and 18 cities of regional subordination (including Dushanbe, an extraregional capital city).[1] Before ca. 2017, there were 58 districts.[2][3][4] The districts are further subdivided into rural municipalities called jamoats, which in turn are further subdivided into villages (or deha or qyshloq).
The numbering of the districts follows the map.
Sughd Region
No. | District | Native name | Former names | Capital | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
1 | Mastchoh | Мастчоҳ | Dilvarzin | Buston | 1,000 | 128,400 |
2 | Bobojon Ghafurov | Бобоҷон Ғафуров | Leninabad, Khodzhent | Ghafurov | 2,700 | 380,500 |
3 | Asht | Ашт | Shaydon | 2,800 | 168,100 | |
4 | Zafarobod | Зафаробод | Zafarobod | 400 | 75,900 | |
5 | Spitamen | Нов | Nau (until 2003)[6] | Navkat | 400 | 141,600 |
6 | Jabbor Rasulov | Ҷаббор Расулов | Proletarsk | Mehrobod | 300 | 137,700 |
10 | Shahriston | Шаҳристон | Shahriston | 1,100 | 43,700 | |
11 | Devashtich | Ғончӣ | Ghonchi | Ghonchi | 1,600 | 173,500 |
13 | Ayni | Айнӣ | Zahmatobod | Ayni | 5,200 | 83,600 |
14 | Kuhistoni Mastchoh | Кӯҳистони Мастчоҳ | Dalyon | Mehron | 3,700 | 25,400 |
Cities of regional subordination:
No. | City | Native name | Former names | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
7 | Konibodom | Конибодом | 800 | 211,100 | |
8 | Isfara | Исфара | 800 | 274,000 | |
9 | Istaravshan | Истаравшан | Uroteppa (until 2000) | 700 | 273,500 |
12 | Panjakent | Панҷакент | 3,700 | 303,000 | |
- | Khujand | Хуҷанд | Leninabad, Khojent | <100 | 183,600 |
- | Istiqlol | Истиқлол | Taboshar | <100 | 17,900 |
- | Guliston | Гулистон | Kayrakkum | <100 | 49,200 |
- | Buston | Бустон | Chkalovsk | <100 | 36,900 |
Areas of Republican Subordination
No. | District | Native name | Former names | Capital | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
16 | Shahrinav | Шаҳринав | Qaratogh, Hisori Poyon | Shahrinav | 1,000 | 123,000 |
18 | Varzob | Варзоб | Varzob | 1,700 | 82,200 | |
20 | Rasht | Рашт | Gharm | Gharm | 4,600 | 127,400 |
21 | Lakhsh | Лахш | Jirgatol | Vahdat[7] | 4,600 | 66,400 |
22 | Rudaki | Рӯдакӣ | Leninskiy (until 2003),[6][8] Kuktosh, Loqay-Tojik | Somoniyon | 1,800 | 518,200 |
23 | Fayzobod | Файзобод | Fayzobod | 900 | 103,600 | |
25 | Nurobod | Дарбанд | Komsomolobod, Darband (until 2003)[9] | Darband | 900 | 82,100 |
26 | Tojikobod | Тоҷикобод | Qalai Labi Ob | Tojikobod | 700 | 46,000 |
27 | Sangvor | Сангвор | Tavildara | Tavildara | 6,000 | 23,300 |
Cities of regional subordination:
No. | City | Native name | Former names | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
- | Dushanbe | Душанбе | Stalinabad | 100 | 863,400 |
15 | Tursunzoda | Турсунзода | Regar (renamed between 1979 and 1989) | 1,200 | 298,800 |
17 | Hisor | Ҳисор | 1,000 | 308,100 | |
19 | Vahdat | Ваҳдат | Yangibazar (1927-1936), Ordzhonikidzeabad (1936-1992), Kofarnihon (1992-2003)[10] |
3,700 | 342,700 |
24 | Roghun | Роғун | Obigarm | 500 | 44,100 |

Districts of Dushanbe.
City districts of Dushanbe
No. | District | Native name | Former names | Area in km2 | Popular (est. 2019) |
1 | Ibn Sina | Сино | Frunze[6] | 43,8 | 326 100 |
2 | Firdavsi | Фирдавсӣ | Central[6] | 29,1 | 209 000 |
3 | Ismail Somoni | Исмоили Сомонӣ | Oktyabrskiy (October) | 25,8 | 148 700 |
4 | Shohmansur | Шоҳмансур | Zheleznodorozhnyi (Railway) | 27,9 | 162 600 |
Khatlon Region
No. | District | Native name | Former names | Capital | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
28 | Khuroson | Хуросон | Ghozimalik[11] | Obikiik | 900 | 116,500 |
29 | Yovon | Ёвон | Yovon | 900 | 234,600 | |
31 | Baljuvon | Балҷувон | Sarikhosor | Baljuvon | 1,300 | 30,400 |
32 | Khovaling | Ховалинг | Khovaling | 1,700 | 57,900 | |
33 | Jomi | Абдураҳмони Ҷомӣ | Kuybyshevsk, Khojamaston | Abdurahmoni Jomi | 600 | 175,800 |
35 | Danghara | Данғара | Danghara | 2,000 | 161,000 | |
36 | Temurmalik | Темурмалик | Qizil-Mazor (until 1957),[12] Sovetskiy (until 2004)[13] |
Bahmanrud | 1,000 | 69,800 |
37 | Mu'minobod | Мӯминобод | Leningradskiy | Mu'minobod | 900 | 94,700 |
38 | Kushoniyon | Кӯшониён | Bokhtar | Ismoili Somoni | 600 | 245,900 |
39 | Vakhsh | Вахш | Qurghonteppa | Vakhsh | 1,000 | 199,300 |
40 | Vose' | Восеъ | Aral | Vose' | 800 | 216,500 |
42 | Shamsiddin Shohin | Шамсиддин Шоҳин | Shuroobod | Shuroobod | 2,300 | 55,500 |
43 | Nosiri Khusrav | Носири Хусрав | Beshkent[14] | Bahori | 800 | 39,300 |
44 | Shahritus | Шаҳритус | Qubodiyon | Shahritus | 1,500 | 130,000 |
45 | Qubodiyon | Қубодиён | Qabodiyon | Qubodiyon | 1,800 | 188,100 |
46 | Dusti | Дӯстӣ | Jilikul | Jilikul | 1,200 | 117,100 |
47 | Jayhun | Ҷайҳун | Qumsangir | Dusti | 1,000 | 139,000 |
48 | Jaloliddin Balkhi | Ҷалолиддин Балхӣ | Kolkhozobod (until 23 June 2007),[15] Rumi | Balkh | 900 | 201,300 |
49 | Farkhor | Фархор | Farkhor | 1,200 | 170,800 | |
50 | Panj | Панҷ | Saroy-Kamar | Panj | 900 | 119,700 |
51 | Hamadoni | Ҳамадонӣ | Moskovskiy | Moskovskiy | 500 | 148,800 |
Cities of regional subordination:
No. | City | Native name | Former names | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
- | Bokhtar | Бохтар | Qurghonteppa | <100 | 111,800 |
30 | Norak | Норак | 400 | 61,500 | |
34 | Levakant | Левакант | Kalininabad, Sarband | 100 | 48,300 |
41 | Kulob | Кӯлоб | 300 | 214,700 |
Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region
No. | District | Native name | Former names | Capital | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
52 | Darvoz | Дарвоз | Qala'i-Khumb | Qal'ai Khumb | 2,800 | 24,000 |
53 | Vanj | Ванҷ | Rokharv | Vanj | 4,400 | 34,400 |
54 | Rushon | Рӯшон | Rushon | 5,900 | 25,800 | |
55 | Shughnon | Шуғнон | Khorugh | 4,600 | 38,000 | |
56 | Roshtqala | Роштқалъа | Roshtqal'a | 4,300 | 27,400 | |
57 | Ishkoshim | Ишкошим | Vakhan | Ishkoshim | 3,700 | 32,900 |
58 | Murghob | Мурғоб | Vostochno-Pamirskiy | Murghob | 37,300 | 15,900 |
City of regional subordination:
No. | City | Native name | Former names | Area in km2[5] | Population (2020 estim.)[1] |
- | Khorugh | Хоруғ | <100 | 30,500 |
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2020" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. pp. 13–29. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
- ↑ Socio-Economic Atlas of Tajikistan, World Bank (2005)
- ↑ Regions of the Republic of Tajikistan 2005, State Committee of Statistics, Dushanbe, 2005 (in Russian)
- ↑ Republic of Tajikistan, map showing administrative division as of January 1, 2004, "Tojjikoinot" Cartographic Press, Dushanbe (in Russian)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Regions of the Republic of Tajikistan 2017" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. pp. 15–21. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
- 1 2 3 4 Renaming Nau District to Spitamen District; Leninskiy District to Rudaki District; Frunze District to Sino District; Central District to Firdavsi District
- ↑ Presidential News, 4 October 2008 Archived 9 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ "Rudaki District". Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2009-02-12.
- ↑ Renaming Darband District to Nurobod District
- ↑ "Vahdat District". Archived from the original on 2009-02-01. Retrieved 2009-02-12.
- ↑ Ghozimalik District renamed Khuroson District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
- ↑ Qizil-Mazor (Kzyl-Mazar) District renamed Sovetskiy District Archived October 6, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, 1957 (in Russian)
- ↑ Sovetskiy District renamed Temurmalik District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, 2004 (in Russian)
- ↑ Beshkent District renamed Nosiri Khusrav District Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, 2004 (in Russian)
- ↑ Kolkhozobod District renamed after Jaloliddin Rumi
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