Doddakalahalli is a village in Kunigal taluk of Tumkur district of the Indian state of Karnataka. The name of the village is derived from the rocky landscape - kallu meaning stone in Kannada. As of 2001 census, the population of the village was 722 (356 males, 366 females) with a literacy level of 52.10% (61.4% among men; 42.9 among women).[1][2] The Mysore general census of 1871 listed 14 houses in the village with a total population of 102.[3]


  1. โ†‘ "Village/ Wardwise Literacy Rate of Tumkur District As Per 2001 Census". Karnataka State Literacy Mission authority. Retrieved 16 August 2009.
  2. โ†‘ "Doddakallahalli Village in Tumkur District: Social and Developmental Canvas of the village". Retrieved 16 August 2009.
  3. โ†‘ Lindsay, Major A.W.C. (1875). Supplement to the Mysore General Census of 1871. Mysore Government Press. p. 386.

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