The Financial Review Rich List 2018 is the 35th annual survey of the wealthiest people resident in Australia, published by The Australian Financial Review on 25 May 2018.[1]

The net worth of the wealthiest individual, Anthony Pratt, was A$12.90 billion; while the net worth of the 200th wealthiest individual, Radek Sali, was A$387 million; up from $341 million in 2017.[2] The combined wealth of the 200 individuals was calculated as A$282.7 billion;[1] compared with a combined wealth of A$6.4 billion in 1984 when the BRW Rich 200 commenced.[3] Nineteen women were included on the 2018 Rich List, representing 8.5 percent of the list.[2] The average age was 66 years. The list included a record 76 individuals whose net worth was one billion or more, an increase of 16 from 2017; and about one-quarter of those billionaires lived offshore at the time of the list's publication.[1]

List of individuals

2018[1] Name Citizenship Source of wealth 2017[4][5]
Rank Net worth
A$ bn
Rank Net worth
A$ bn
1 Steady12.90 IncreaseAnthony Pratt AustraliaVisy Industries; Pratt Industries1 Increase12.60 Increase
2 Steady12.77 IncreaseHarry Triguboff AO AustraliaMeriton Apartments2 Decrease11.40 Increase
3 Steady12.68 IncreaseGina Rinehart AustraliaHancock Prospecting; investment3 Increase10.40 Increase
4 Increase9.09 IncreaseHui Wing Mau People's Republic of China
Shimao Property8 Decrease5.96 Increase
5 Decrease8.42 IncreaseSir Frank Lowy AC Australiaex-Westfield; property (shopping centres)4 Decrease8.26 Steady
6 Decrease8.32 IncreaseIvan Glasenberg Australia[7]
 South Africa
Glencore commodities trading5 Increase6.85 Increase
7 Steady6.45 IncreaseJohn Gandel AC AustraliaProperty (shopping centres)7 Decrease6.05 Increase
8 Decrease6.10 DecreaseAndrew Forrest AO AustraliaFortescue Metals Group6 Increase6.84 Increase
9 Increase5.88 IncreaseVivek Chaand Sehgal AustraliaMotherson Sumi Systemsn/anot listed
10 Decrease5.50 IncreaseJames Packer AustraliaCrown Resorts; Consolidated Media Holdings9 Decrease4.79 Decrease
11 Increase5.16 IncreaseScott Farquhar AustraliaAtlassian18Increase2.51 Increase
12 Increase5.16 IncreaseMike Cannon-Brookes Australia17 Increase2.51 Increase
13 Increase4.93 IncreaseKerry Stokes AC AustraliaProperty; Seven West Media; resources142.90 Increase
14 Decrease4.02 IncreaseLen Ainsworth AM AustraliaGaming; manufacturing113.07 Increase
15 Decrease3.99 IncreaseStan Perron AM AustraliaProperty10 Increase3.90 Increase
16 Increase3.87 IncreaseAlan Wilson and family AustraliaReece Groupn/anot listed
17 Decrease3.56 IncreaseLindsay Fox AC AustraliaLinfox; property13 Steady2.91 Increase
18 Decrease3.47 IncreaseLang Walker AustraliaWalker Corporation (property)123.00
19 Decrease3.28 IncreaseBianca Rinehart AustraliaHancock Prospecting; investment15 Increase2.74 Decrease
20 Increase2.84 IncreaseClive Palmer AustraliaMineralogy and other mining198 Increase0.344 Increase
21 Decrease2.61 IncreaseDavid Hains and family AustraliaInvestment16 Decrease2.55 Increase
22 Increase2.43 IncreaseSir Michael Hintze GCSG, AM Australia
 United Kingdom
Retail; investment24 Increase1.98 Increase
23 Decrease2.55 IncreaseSolomon Lew AustraliaPremier Investments; retail192.38 Increase
24 Decrease2.41 IncreaseJack Cowin AustraliaCompetitive Foods Australia; investment202.38 Increase
25 Decrease2.50 IncreaseMarc Besen AustraliaRetail222.24
26 Increase2.26 IncreaseMaurice Alter and family AustraliaRetail1.81
27 Increase2.17 IncreaseAngela Bennett AustraliaMining1.76
28 Decrease2.12 DecreaseGerry Harvey AustraliaHarvey Norman Holdings212.34 Increase
29 Increase2.12 IncreaseYe Lipei AustraliaProperty1.70
30 Increase2.08 IncreaseAlexandra Burt and Leonie Baldock AustraliaResources1.56
31no data available
32 Increase1.96 IncreaseNigel Austin AustraliaCotton On Group; retail1.89
33 Increase1.92 IncreaseJohn Van Lieshout AustraliaRetail1.72
34 Increase1.79 IncreaseChris Wallin AustraliaResources1.13
35 Increase1.78 IncreaseKerr Neilson AustraliaFinancial services1.44
36 Increase1.77 IncreaseJudith Neilson AustraliaInvestment1.34
37 Increase1.76 IncreaseTony Perich and family AustraliaAgriculture; property1.59
38 Increase1.76 DecreaseDavid and Vicky Teoh AustraliaTelecommunications1.91
39 Increase1.96 IncreaseNigel Austin AustraliaCotton On Group; retail1.89
40 Decrease1.73 IncreaseManny Stul and family AustraliaMoose Toys; retail39 Increase1.42
41 Increase1.71 IncreaseBrett Blundy AustraliaRetail; property; agriculture1.39
42 Increase1.70 IncreaseJohn Kahlbetzer AustraliaAgriculture0.841
43 Decrease1.66 DecreaseHuang Bingwen and family AustraliaManufacturing251.93
44 Increase1.66 IncreaseRichard White AustraliaTechnology0.882
45 Increase1.63 IncreaseChau Chak Wing AustraliaProperty; investments1.56
46 Increase1.61 IncreaseMorry Fraid, Zac Freid and family AustraliaRetail; property1.60
47no data available
48 Increase1.56 IncreaseBob Ell AustraliaProperty1.52
49 Decrease1.56 DecreaseAlan Rydge AustraliaRydges Hotels & Resorts; Event Cinemas232.09 Increase
50 Increase1.54 IncreasePaul Little AO AustraliaToll Holdings0.927
51 Increase1.54 IncreaseSam Tarascio AustraliaProperty1.43
52 Increase1.46 IncreaseTerry Snow AM AustraliaCapital Airport Group; property1.00
53 Increase1.40 DecreaseRaphael Geminder AustraliaManufacturing1.44
54 Increase1.39 IncreaseAlex Waislitz AustraliaInvestment1.24
55 Increase1.35 IncreaseNick Politis AM AustraliaRetail; property0.733
56 Increase1.33 IncreaseBrian Flannery AustraliaResources0.818
57 Increase1.28 IncreasePaul Salteri AM and family AustraliaInvestmentn/anot listed
58 Increase1.27 IncreaseMichael Heine and family AustraliaFinancial servicesn/anot listed
59 Increase1.27 IncreaseRussell Withers and family AustraliaRetail1.23
60 Increase1.26 IncreaseCon Makris and family AustraliaProperty1.17
61 Increase1.26 IncreaseGretel Packer AustraliaMedia; Crown Resorts; investment1.02
62 Decrease1.24 IncreaseJonathan Munz and family AustraliaManufacturing50 Increase1.10
63 Increase1.23 IncreaseRalph Sarich AO AustraliaInvestment; property1.12
64 Increase1.21 IncreaseMaha Sinnathamby AustraliaResidential property571.02
65 Increase1.20 IncreaseChris Thomas AustraliaAgriculture1.12
66 Increase1.18 IncreaseBruce Mathieson AustraliaGaming; investments0.943
67 Increase1.17 IncreasePeter Gunn AustraliaLogistics; investment; property1.00
68 Increase1.16 DecreaseBob Ingham AO AustraliaEx-Inghams Enterprises1.19
69 Increase1.16 IncreaseRobert Millner and family AustraliaWashington H. Soul Pattinson; investmentn/anot listed
70 Increase1.15 IncreaseGreg Goodman and family AustraliaGoodman Group; property1.08
71 Increase1.14 IncreasePaul Lederer AustraliaEx-Primo smallgoods; investment0.824
72 Increase1.13 IncreaseJeff Chapman AustraliaFinancial services0.811
73 Increase1.09 IncreaseTim Roberts AustraliaEx-Multiplex; investment0.896
74 Increase1.07 IncreaseSandy Oatley and family AustraliaAgriculture; property; tourism0.913
75 Increase1.04 DecreaseReg and Hazel Rowe AustraliaSuper Retail Group; property1.14
76 Increase1.02 IncreaseChris Morris AustraliaComputershare; financial services0.847
77 Increase0.999 IncreaseRichard Smith AustraliaFood services0.891
78 Increase0.961 IncreaseJustin Hemmes and family AustraliaHotels; propertyn/anot listed
79 Increase0.927 IncreaseErvin and Charlotte Vidor AustraliaProperty; hotels0.804
80no data available
81 Increase0.876 IncreaseJamuna Gurung and Shesh Ghale AustraliaMelbourne Institute of Technology0.647
82no data available
83 Increase0.869 IncreaseSpiros Alysandratos AustraliaTravel; property0.582
84 Increase0.867 IncreaseGeoff Harris AustraliaFlight Centre; investment0.637
85 Increase0.863 IncreaseBill James AustraliaRetail0.647
86 Increase0.861 IncreaseGraham Turner AustraliaFlight Centre; hotels0.620
87 Increase0.859 SteadyNechama Werdiger and family AustraliaProperty0.859
88 Increase0.858 DecreaseGordon Fu and family AustraliaProperty0.877
89 Increase0.850 IncreasePatrick Grove AustraliaTechnology0.801
90 Increase0.843 IncreasePeter Scanlon and family AustraliaPatrick Corporation0.772
91 Increase0.822 IncreaseAndrew Roberts AustraliaEx-Multiplex; property0.819
92 Increase0.817 IncreaseSam Chong AustraliaResources; hotels0.440
93 Increase0.813 IncreaseJack Gance AustraliaChemist Warehouse; retail0.546
94 Increase0.803 IncreaseMario Verrocchi AustraliaChemist Warehouse0.558
95 Increase0.787 IncreaseLloyd Williams AustraliaProperty; thoroughbreds0.784
96 Increase0.784 IncreaseShaun Bonétt AustraliaPrecision Group; property0.718
97 Increase0.784 IncreaseLarry Kestelman AustraliaDodo Services; telecommunications0.749
98 Increase0.783 IncreaseChris Ellison AustraliaResources0.754
99 Increase0.775 IncreaseChristian Beck AustraliaTechnology0.619
100 Increase0.756 IncreaseJina Chen and Alex Wu AustraliaHealthcare0.686
101no data available
102 Increase0.749 IncreaseAllan Myers AC, QC AustraliaInvestment; agriculture0.682
103 Increase0.744 DecreaseRod Duke AustraliaBriscoe Group0.751
104 Increase0.739 IncreaseDale Elphinstone AustraliaElphinstone Group; mining services0.475
105 Increase0.737 IncreaseTheo Karedis AustraliaRetail; property0.723
106 Increase0.730 IncreaseIris Lustig-Moar and Max Moar AustraliaProperty0.694
107no data available
108 Increase0.714 IncreaseKevin Seymour and family AustraliaProperty0.679
109 Increase0.708 IncreaseAndrew Muir and family AustraliaThe Good Guysn/anot listed
110 Increase0.706 IncreaseTravers Duncan AustraliaResources; property0.670
111 Increase0.704 IncreaseJack Bendat AM AustraliaProperty0.701
112 Increase0.702 IncreaseBruce Gordon AustraliaMedia107 Decrease0.629 Decrease
113 Increase0.702 DecreaseBruno Grollo and family AustraliaGrocon; property0.720
114 Increase0.689 IncreaseMark Creasy AustraliaResources0.610
115 Increase0.689 DecreaseMick Power AustraliaConstruction0.902
116 Increase0.684 IncreaseDavid Greiner and Ben Richardson AustraliaTechnology0.593
117no data available
118 Increase0.680 IncreaseChris Mackay AustraliaFinancial services0.560
119 Increase0.676 IncreaseAndrew and Michael Buxton AustraliaProperty0.579
120no data available
121 Increase0.673 IncreasePaul Fudge AustraliaMedia0.663
122 Increase0.762 IncreaseBruce Neill AustraliaFinancial services0.472
123 Increase0.667 DecreaseJonathan Hallinan AustraliaProperty0.490
124 Increase0.660 IncreaseMax Beck AustraliaProperty0.562
125 Increase0.660 DecreaseHarry Stamoulis and family AustraliaManufacturing0.646
126 Increase0.657 IncreaseKim McKendrick and family AustraliaEx-Godfrey Hirst Carpets0.582
127 Increase0.655 IncreaseFrank Costa AO and family AustraliaAgriculture0.538
128 Increase0.654 IncreaseKerry Harmanis AustraliaResources0.640
129 Increase0.651 IncreaseGreg Poche AustraliaEx-StarTrack0.638
130 Increase0.646 IncreaseTrevor Lee AustraliaAgriculture0.407
131 Increase0.638 IncreaseTerry Peabody AustraliaEx-Transpacific; investment0.587
132 Increase0.631 IncreaseZig Inge and family AustraliaProperty0.611
133 Decrease0.625 IncreaseNaomi Milgrom AO AustraliaSussan; Sportsgirl; Suzanne Grae1170.585
134 Increase0.621 DecreaseJohn Symond AM AustraliaEx-Aussie Home Loans0.673
135 Increase0.617 IncreaseHamish Douglass AustraliaFinancial services0.531
136 Increase0.611 IncreaseNick DiMauro AustraliaProperty0.530
137 Increase0.594 IncreaseMarcus Blackmore AustraliaBlackmores; healthcare0.529
138 Increase0.589 IncreaseLeon Kamenev AustraliaEx-Menulog; technology0.558
139 Increase0.588 IncreaseChristina and Tony Quinn AustraliaDarrell Lea; retail0.465
140no data available
141 Increase0.586 IncreaseJamie Pherous AustraliaTravel services0.432
142 Increase0.580 IncreaseDanny Hill AustraliaProperty0.447
143 Increase0.580 IncreaseTim Kentley-Klay AustraliaTechnology0.470
144 Increase0.574 DecreaseTim Gurner AustraliaProperty0.473
145 Increase0.569 IncreaseTony Tartak and family AustraliaServices0.407
146 Increase0.566 IncreaseBill Roche and Imelda Roche AO AustraliaRetail0.504
147no data available
148 Increase0.561 IncreaseGordon Martin AustraliaManufacturing0.484
149 Increase0.560 IncreaseGraham Tuckwell AustraliaFinancial services0.462
150 Increase0.559 IncreaseGrahame Mapp AustraliaInvestment0.423
151 Increase0.555 IncreaseSteven Kalmin AustraliaGlencore0.454
152 Increase0.553 IncreasePaul Blackburne AustraliaProperty0.530
153 Increase0.549 DecreaseAndrew Abercrombie AustraliaFinancial services0.574
154 Increase0.549 IncreaseJohn Higgins AustraliaInvestment; services0.484
155 Increase0.546 DecreaseNigel Satterley AustraliaSatterley; property0.551
156 Increase0.536 IncreaseRobert Whyte AustraliaInvestment0.446
157 Increase0.535 DecreaseGeorge Kepper AustraliaTechnology; property0.563
158 Increase0.534 IncreaseDiana and Rino Grollo AustraliaProperty0.493
159no data available
160 Increase0.534 IncreaseKevin Maloney AustraliaMining services0.499
161 Increase0.534 IncreaseJohn Singleton AustraliaMedia; investment; property0.450
162 Increase0.529 IncreaseTony Poli AustraliaResources; property0.482
163 Increase0.527 IncreaseHilton Nathanson AustraliaFinancial services0.451
164 Increase0.527 DecreaseWill Vicars AustraliaFinancial servicesn/anot listed
165 Increase0.519 IncreaseDavid Paradice AustraliaFinancial services0.479
166 Increase0.519 DecreaseIan Roberts AustraliaHealthcare0.557
167 Increase0.519 IncreaseTony Wales AustraliaEx-Computershare; investment0.483
168 Increase0.513 IncreaseRobert Magid AustraliaProperty0.499
169 Increase0.511 IncreaseMichael Boyd AustraliaSonic Healthcare0.488
170 Increase0.506 IncreaseArthur Laundy AustraliaHotels0.412
171 Increase0.506 IncreaseYenda Lee and family AustraliaBing Lee; retail0.482
172 Increase0.503 IncreaseSeumas Dawes AustraliaFinancial services0.412
173 Increase0.499 DecreasePeter Cooper AustraliaFinancial services0.507
174 Increase0.498 IncreaseJan Cameron CNZM AustraliaEx-Kathmandu; retailn/anot listed
175 Increase0.491 IncreasePeter Hughes and family AustraliaAgriculture0.391
176 Increase0.487 IncreaseGerry Ryan OAM AustraliaJayco Australia; manufacturing0.473
177 Increase0.486 IncreaseGreg Coffey AustraliaFinancial services0.482
178 Increase0.483 DecreaseEvan Acton and family AustraliaRural0.490
179 Increase0.475 IncreaseDick Honan AustraliaManildra Group0.440
180 Increase0.472 IncreaseTrevor St Baker AustraliaEnergyn/anot listed
181 Increase0.468 IncreaseTony Haggarty AustraliaResources0.462
182 Increase0.459 IncreaseOwen Kerr AustraliaFinancial services0.342
183 Increase0.457 DecreaseBryan Dorman AustraliaTechnology0.520
184 Increase0.453 DecreaseJohn and Robert Kirby AustraliaVillage Roadshow; entertainment0.454
185no data available
186 Increase0.450 IncreaseRod Jones AustraliaNavitas Group0.403
187 Increase0.449 DecreaseBob Rose AustraliaProperty0.454
188 Increase0.432 DecreaseLaurie Sutton AustraliaRetail0.453
189 Increase0.428 DecreaseJohn Simpson AustraliaProperty0.614
190 Increase0.415 IncreaseDoug Shears AustraliaRural0.413
191 Increase0.413 IncreaseOri Allon AustraliaTechnology0.364
192 Increase0.411 DecreaseAlf Moufarrige AustraliaServcorp; property0.467
193 Increase0.409 IncreaseBob Sharpless AustraliaPropertyn/anot listed
194 Increase0.407 DecreasePatricia Ilhan AustraliaCrazy John's0.404
195 Increase0.405 IncreaseTony Denny AustraliaRetail0.355
196 Increase0.404 IncreaseJohn Kinghorn AustraliaInvestment0.353
197 Increase0.401 IncreaseAlan Tribe AustraliaRetail0.375
198 Increase0.399 DecreaseBarry Lambert AustraliaFinancial services0.437
199 Increase0.395 IncreaseRuslan Kogan; retailn/anot listed
200 Increase0.387 IncreaseRadek Sali AustraliaEx-Swisse0.372
Icon Description
Steady Has not changed from the previous year's list
Increase Has increased from the previous year's list
Decrease Has decreased from the previous year's list

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Stensholt, John, ed. (25 May 2018). "2018 AFR Rich List: Who are Australia's richest people?". The Australian Financial Review. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  2. 1 2 Janda, Michael (24 May 2018). "Rich List: Billionaires multiply as profits surge, wages stall". ABC News. Australia. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  3. Janda, Michael (31 May 2019). "Australia's wealthiest have become 50 times richer in my lifetime". ABC News. Australia. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  4. Stensholt, John, ed. (25 May 2017). "Financial Review Rich List 2017". The Australian Financial Review. Retrieved 8 June 2017.
  5. Mayne, Stephen (26 May 2017). "Mayne's take: The top 25 Australian billionaires, as claimed by Fairfax". Crikey. Private Media. Retrieved 10 October 2019.
  6. Chancellor, Jonathan (22 May 2013). "Billionaire property developer Hui Wing Mau the highest debutant on BRW Rich List". SmartCompany. Retrieved 17 July 2014.
  7. Wen, Philip (26 May 2011). "Mystery billionaire emerges from corporate shadows". Executive Style. Australia. Retrieved 8 October 2019.
  8. Glasenberg, Ivan (5 May 2013). "Letztlich macht es keine Differenz, ob Ihr Vermögen eine Milliarde beträgt oder sechs". SonntagsZeitung (Interview) (in German). Interviewed by Martin Spieler. Archived from the original on 6 May 2013. Retrieved 30 September 2019.
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