The Ghamot National Park Ghamot National Park is a national park in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It is located in Neelam District of AJK and it was established in 2004.[1] Conservation efforts in the Gumot National Park are funded by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme and implemented by the Himalayan Wildlife Foundation. The national park is significant as it hosts a connected population of the threatened Himalayan Brown Bear of Pakistan, connected through a network of national parks in northern Pakistan including the Deosai National Park and Musk Deer National Park.[2][3] The park also hosts a population of the threatened musk deer.[4]


List of fauna found in the national park.[5]

#NameScientific nameStatusBreeding
1Himalayan vultureGyps himalayensisRare No
2Golden eagleAquila chrysaetosRare No
3Eurasian sparrowhawkAccipiter nisusRare Yes
4Bearded vultureGypaetus barbatusRare No
5Pallid harrierCircus macrourusRare No
6Common swiftApus apusCommon Yes
7Pacific swiftApus pacificusCommon Yes
8Little swiftCircus macrourusCommon Yes
9Long-tailed minivetPericrocotus ethologusBecoming rare Yes
10Rosy minivetPericrocotus roseusRare Yes
11Orange minivetPericrocotus flammeusCommon Yes
12Eurasian collared doveStreptopelia decaoctoRare Yes
13Red collared doveStreptopelia tranquebaricaRare Yes
14Spotted doveSpilopelia chinensiRare Yes
15Rock doveColumba liviaCommon No
16Oriental turtle doveStreptopelia orientalisRare Yes
17Yellow-billed blue magpieUrocissa flavirostrisRare No
18Spotted nutcrackerNucifraga caryocatactesRare Yes
19Alpine choughPyrrhocorax graculusRare No
20Red-billed choughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocoraxRare No
21Large-billed crowCorvus macrorhynchosCommon Yes
22European rollerCoracias garrulousCommon Yes
23Indian rollerCoracias benghalensisRare Yes
24Grey-bellied cuckooCacomantis passerinesRare Yes
25Jacobin cuckooTadorna tadornaRare Yes
26Asian koelEudynamys scolopaceaRare Yes
27Plain priniaPrinia inornataCommon Yes
28Zitting cisticolaCisticola juncidisCommon Yes
29Himalayan priniaPrinia crinigerBecoming rare Yes
30Common tailorbirdOrthotomus sutoriusRare No
31Brown dipperCinclus pallasiiRare No
32Bar-tailed treecreeperCerthia himalayanaRare No
33Eurasian treecreeperCerthia familiarisCommon No
34Black drongoDicrurus macrocercusCommon Yes
35Ashy drongoDicrurus leucophaeusAbundant Yes
36Scaly-breasted muniaLonchura punctulataCommon No
37Rock buntingEmberiza ciaCommon Yes
38Crested buntingMelophus lathamiCommon Yes
39Chestnut-eared buntingEmberiza fucataRare Yes
40Pine buntingEmberiza leucocephalosCommon Yes
41White-capped buntingEmberiza stewartiCommon Yes
42Streaked laughingthrushGarrulax lineatusAbundant No
43Variegated laughingthrushGarrulax variegatesRare No
44Spectacled finchCallacanthis burtoniRare Yes
45Yellow-breasted greenfinchCarduelis spinoidesSummer visitor Yes
46Common rosefinchCarpodacus erythrinusCommon Yes
47Dark-breasted rosefinchCarpodacus nipalensisCommon Yes
48Pink-browed rosefinchCarpodacus rhodochrousCommon Yes
50Eurasian hobbyFalco subbuteoRare No
51Common kestrelFalco tinnunculusBecoming rare Yes
52Asian house martinDelichon dasypusBecoming rare Yes
53Sand martinRiparia ripariaRare Yes
54Barn swallowHirundo rusticaRare No
55Great grey shrikeLanius excubitorRare Yes
56Long-tailed shrikeLanius schachCommon Yes
57Red-flanked bluetailTarsiger cyanurusRare Yes
58Plumbeous water redstartRhyacornis fuliginosusCommon Yes
59Spotted flycatcherMuscicapa striataCommon Yes
60Verditer flycatcherEumyias thalassinusRare Yes
61White-capped redstartChaimarrornis leucocephalusRare Yes
62African stonechatSaxicola torquataRare No
63Pied bush chatSaxicola caprataBecoming rare No
64Grey bush chatSaxicola ferreusCommon No
65Chestnut-bellied rock thrushMonticola rufiventrisRare Yes
66Blue rock thrushMonticola solitariusRare Yes
67Blue-capped rock thrushMonticola cinclorhynchaRare Yes
68Himalayan rubythroatLuscinia pectoralisRare Yes
69Spotted forktailEnicurus maculatusCommon Yes
70Little forktailEnicurus scoulerRare Yes
71Kashmir flycatcherFicedula subrubraRare Yes
72Slaty-blue flycatcherFicedula tricolorRare Yes
73Little pied flycatcherFicedula westermanniRare Yes
74Common redstartPhoenicurus phoenicurusAbundant Yes
75Crested larkGalerida cristataCommon Resident
76Indian paradise flycatcherTerpsiphone paradisiRare Yes
77Wire-tailed swallowHirundo smithiiScarce Summer visitor
78Blue-throated barbetPsilopogon asiaticusRare No
79Great barbetMegalaima virensRare Yes
80White wagtailMotacilla albaRare Yes
81Upland pipitAnthus sylvanusRare No
82Grey wagtailMotacilla cinereaBecoming rare Yes
83Citrine wagtailMotacilla citreolaRare Yes
84Western yellow wagtailMotacilla flavaRare Yes
85Eurasian golden orioleOriolus oriolusRare No
86Himalayan monalLophophorus impejanusRare Yes
87Koklass pheasantPucrasia macrolophaRare Yes
88Chukar partridgeAlectoris chukarRare Yes
89Himalayan snowcockTetraogallus himalayensisRare Yes
90Kalij pheasantLophura leucomelanosRare Yes
91Western tragopanTragopan melanocephalusRare No
92Great titParus majorBecoming rare Yes
93Green-backed titParus monticolusCommon No
94Fire-capped titCephalopyrus flammicepsSummer visitor Yes
95Black-crested titParus melanolophusCommon Yes
96Rufous-naped titParus rufonuchalisRare Rare
97Himalayan black-lored titParus xanthogenyRare Yes
98House sparrowPasser domesticusRare Yes
99Russet sparrowPasser rutilansRare Yes
100Rose-ringed parakeetPsittacula krameriRare No
101Alpine accentorPrunella collarisCommon Yes
102Rufous-breasted accentorPrunella strophiataCommon No
103Red-vented bulbulPycnonotus caferRare Yes
104Black bulbulHypsipetes leucocephalusRare Yes
105Himalayan bulbulPycnontus leucogenysRare Yes
106Grey-hooded warblerSeicercus xanthoschistosRare Yes
107Pallas's leaf warblerPhylloscopus proregulusRare No
108Large-billed leaf warblerPhylloscopus magnirostrisRare Yes
109White-cheeked nuthatchSitta leucopsisRare Yes
110Tickell's leaf warblerPhylloscopus affinisRare Yes
111Snow partridgeLerwa lerwaRare Yes
112Common chiffchaffPucrasia macrolophaRare Yes
113Yellow-browed warblerPhylloscopus inornatusCommon Yes
114Greenish warblerPhylloscopus trochiloidesBecoming rare Yes
115Scaly-bellied woodpeckerPicus squamatusRare Yes
116Himalayan woodpeckerDendrocopos himalayensisRare Yes
117GoldcrestRegulus regulusRare No
118White-throated fantailRhipidura albicollisCommon Yes
119Brown wood owlStrix leptogrammicaRare Yes
120Asian barred owletGlaucidium cuculoidesRare No
121Kashmir nuthatchSitta cashmirensisRare Rare
122Song thrushTurdus philomelosRare Yes
123Tickell's thrushTurdus unicolorRare Yes
124Mistle thrushTurdus viscivorusRare Yes
125Eurasian hoopoeUpupa epopsRare Yes
126Common mynaAcridotheres tristisRare Yes
127Common starlingSturnus vulgarisCommon Yes
128Indian white-eyeZosterops palpebrosaAbundant No


  1. "Amazing National Parks of Pakistan". Pakistan Tours Guide. 2015-08-07. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  2. "Project Detail". Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  3. "The Bears in Musk Deer National Park Gurez, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and their Conflict with Local People". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2019-06-08.
  4. Ovais, Fareeha Irfan (2015-11-15). "Environment: Plant poachers". DAWN.COM. Retrieved 2019-06-10.
  5. Jahangeer, Muhammad (December 7, 2022). "Study of Bird Diversity in Ghamot National Park Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan" (PDF). Researchers Link. Zoological Society of Pakistan. Retrieved November 18, 2023.
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