This is an incomplete, chronological list of films produced in the Khmer language between 1955 and 1975.

The Golden Age of Khmer Cinema was a period when Khmer films could compete with other international films in terms of standards and quality. Unique to this era is the union of music and film featuring Cambodia's most talented actors and singers. As nearly every film produced in this era is accompanied by at least one song from Sinn Sisamouth, Ros Sereysothea or other singers of the era. Between 1965 - 1975, at least 300 films were produced and screened throughout the nation's theatres. It ended abruptly in April 1975 with the rise of the Khmer Rouge.


Title Director Actors Genre Notes
Anuksavary Krung Kep
Dan Prean Labass Prich
Neang Badaja


Title Director Actors Genre Notes
Kapea Prumajarey Srey DarakutSun Bun LyOriginal title: ការពារព្រហម្មចារី
Runteas KruosaLy Bun YimLy Bun Yim, San Mary
Birds of ParadiseMarcel CamusNarie Hem
Kbone JivitNor Rithya, Dy SavethDramaOriginal title: ក្បូនជីវិត
Dy Saveths' first film.
Kla KrohemLy Bun Yim
Kolap PailinChea Yuthon, Dy SavethRomance
Lea Hauy Duong DaraTea Lim KunNor Rithya, Dy Saveth
Jet MdaiYvon HemMeas Som el, Saom VansodanyDramaThe earliest existing Khmer film.
Kmouch CheunLy Bun YimHorror
Onlong VeasnaDy SavethDramaOriginal title: ចន្ទ្រាដីខ្មែរ
Phnom Kyoll KompullYi Ki Len, Keo Montha
Rosat Taam KyollNarie HemChea Yuthon, Narie Hem
Kong Kam Kong KeoBiv Chhay LiengChea Yuthon and Y Kim SuaFolktaleOriginal title: កងកម្ម កងកែវ
Y Kim Sua died while making this film. Due to her eye tragedy when performing a scene in the movie, this film was never released; But instead, it was written as a novel.
Chantrea Dey KhmerKim NovaDramaOriginal title: ចន្ទ្រាដីខ្មែរ
Kmouch ChaoLy Bun YimLy Bun YimHorror
Krong SopamithKong Som Eun
Prasat Neang KmaoKong Som Eun, Keo Montha
Preah Moha MonkalineKim Nova
Puuje 1 Truoy 2Chea Yuthon, Kim Nova
Sakarak BophaNarie HemNarie Hem
SophatNor RithyaNor Rithya, Saom Vansodany
Veasna Neang RumduolNor Rithya, Dy Saveth
ApsaraNorodom SihanoukNhiek Tioulong, Saksi Sbong, Princess Norodom Buppha Devi, Prince Sisowath Chivan MonirakRomantic dramaFirst feature-length and color film by Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's head of state and former king

See also

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