Giant blazingstar, Mentzelia laevicaulis
There are at least 25 members of the order Violales found in Montana.[1] Some of these species are exotics (not native to Montana)[2] and some species have been designated as Species of Concern.[3]
Blazingstar and stickleaf
Family: Loasaceae
- Mentzelia albicaulis, white-stem stickleaf
- Mentzelia decapetala, ten-petal blazingstar
- Mentzelia dispersa, mada stickleaf
- Mentzelia laevicaulis, giant blazingstar
- Mentzelia nuda, bractless blazingstar
- Mentzelia pumila, dwarf mentzelia

Wild cucumber, Echinocystis lobata
Family: Cucurbitaceae
- Bryonia alba, white bryony
- Echinocystis lobata, wild cucumber
Family: Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix ramosissima, salt-cedar
Small wild pansy, Viola arvensis
Family: Violaceae
- Viola adunca, sand violet
- Viola arvensis, small wild pansy
- Viola canadensis, Canada violet
- Viola glabella, smooth yellow woodland violet
- Viola macloskeyi, smooth white violet
- Viola nephrophylla, northern bog violet
- Viola nuttallii, Nuttall's violet
- Viola nuttallii var. praemorsa, upland yellow violet
- Viola nuttallii var. vallicola, valley violet
- Viola orbiculata, roundleaf violet
- Viola palustris, alpine marsh violet
- Viola pedatifida, prairie violet
- Viola purpurea, pine violet
- Viola renifolia, kidney-leaf white violet
- Viola selkirkii, great-spurred violet
- Viola septentrionalis, northern blue violet
See also
- โ "Violales". Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17.
- โ Exotic species have been deliberately or accidentally introduced to areas outside of their native geographic range and are able to reproduce and maintain sustainable populations in these areas. These exotic populations may also be referred to as alien, introduced, invasive, non-native, or non-indigenous. "Species Status Codes, Exotics". Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17.
- โ Species of Concern are native taxa that are at-risk due to declining population trends, threats to their habitats, restricted distribution, and/or other factors. Designation as a Montana Species of Concern or Species of Concern is based on the Montana Status Rank, and is not a statutory or regulatory classification. Rather, these designations provide information that helps resource managers make proactive decisions regarding species conservation and data collection priorities. "Species Status Codes, Species of Concern". Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17.
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