This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Musca, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Musα1096686158512h 37m 11.08s−69° 08 07.92.69−2.17306B2IV-Vβ Cep variable, Vmax = 2.68m, Vmin = 2.73m, P = 0.0903 d; Member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
β Musβ1108796232212h 46m 16.87s−68° 06 29.13.04−1.86311B2V + B3VBinary star, Member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
δ Musδ1129856361313h 02m 15.78s−71° 32 55.73.611.3990.8K2IIIBinary star
λ Musλ1022495736311h 45m 36.57s−66° 43 43.83.680.66128A7III
γ Musγ1090266119912h 32m 28.11s−72° 07 58.73.84−1.14324B5V53 Persei variable, Vmax = 3.84m, Vmin = 3.86m, P = 2.72926 d
ε Musε1068495992912h 17m 34.64s−67° 57 38.44.06−0.77302M5IIIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 3.99m, Vmin = 4.31m, P = 40 d
μ Musμ1025845758111h 48m 14.49s−66° 48 53.54.75−0.86432K4IIIslow irregular variable, Vmax = 4.71m, Vmin = 4.76m
η Musη1149116466113h 15m 15.00s−67° 53 40.44.79−0.68405B8VAlgol variable, Vmax = 4.76m, Vmin = 4.81m, P = 2.3963 d; probable member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1152111152116482013h 17m 13.03s−66° 47 00.34.86−2.941185K2Ib/IIsuspected variable
HD 1030791030795785111h 51m 51.27s−65° 12 21.24.89−0.19338B4VBinary star
HD 1028391028395769611h 49m 56.63s−70° 13 32.84.98−3.271455G5Ib
GT MusGT1013795686211h 39m 29.63s−65° 23 51.95.01−1.17561G2III + AAlgol and RS CVn variable, Vmax = 4.96m, Vmin = 5.23m, P = 2.75459 d
ι1 Musι11162446546813h 25m 07.36s−74° 53
HD 99104991045559711h 23m 21.43s−64° 57 17.05.09−0.73475B5VDouble system with HD 99103.
ζ2 Musζ21075666032012h 22m 07.39s−67° 31 system, Member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
λ Cha(λ)1053405915112h 07m 50.09s−75° 22 01.45.17−0.47438K2II/III
HD 1048781048785888412h 04m 38.95s−68° 19 44.05.340.25339A0VMember of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
θ Musθ1139046409413h 08m 07.16s−65° 18 21.75.44−12.17~7000WC6 + O9.5IEclipsing triple system, one component is a Wolf–Rayet star, Vmax = 5.5m, Vmin = 5.52m, P = 18.341 d
HD 99264992645565711h 24m 11.18s−72° 15 23.85.55−1.61883B2IV-V
HD 1113151113156260812h 49m 44.95s−71° 59 10.55.55−0.49526G8Ib/II
HD 1164581164586552213h 25m 50.40s−70° 37 38.15.65−0.12464Apvariable star, ΔV = 0.010m, P = 149.25373 d
ζ1 Musζ11075676032912h 22m 12.03s−68° 18 25.95.730.31396K0IIIDouble system
HD 1089701089706118112h 32m 09.90s−73° 00 03.85.880.78341K1III
HD 1003821003825628711h 32m 20.00s−66° 57 42.65.891.09298K1IIICN...
HD 1046001046005872012h 02m 37.76s−69° 11 32.25.891.01308B9Vvariable star, ΔV = 0.004m, P = 0.3 d; member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1145701145706446613h 12m 48.77s−66° 13 36.45.911.20285A0V(n)
HD 1143711143716439013h 11m 51.38s−69° 56 31.35.922.70144F3IV/VDouble system
HD 1122191122196316512h 56m 31.72s−72° 11 06.75.93−0.72698G8III
LS MusLS1131206368813h 03m 05.36s−71° 28 32.65.93−2.491575B1.5IIIneBe star
HD 1011621011625672711h 37m 48.51s−67° 37 13.35.940.80348K0III
HD 1051511051515905012h 06m 23.08s−65° 42 33.95.95−0.25566G8/K0IIIBinary star
HD 1154391154396499413h 19m 18.99s−72° 02
S MusS1061115955112h 12m 47.03s−70° 09 06.46.05−2.441630F6IbCepheid variable, Vmax = 5.89m, Vmin = 6.49m, P = 9.66007 d
HD 1067971067975989812h 17m 06.36s−65° 41 of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1151491151496479013h 16m 45.05s−65° 08
HD 1159671159676528913h 22m 52.62s−72° 08 48.06.06−0.74746B6VBinary star,;suspected variable, Vmax = 6.05m, Vmin = 6.16m
HD 99872998725597911h 28m 18.46s−72° 28 26.36.09−0.74758B3Vsuspected variable
HD 1170251170256578313h 29m 07.98s−64° 40
BO MusBO1093726140412h 34m 54.46s−67° 45 24.86.11−1.331003M6II/IIIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 5.3m, Vmin = 6.56m, P = 132.4 d
HD 1183441183446657413h 38m 45.83s−70° 26
HD 1107161107166221212h 45m 02.07s−68° 49 50.76.16−2.711940F6Ia
HD 116890EZ1168906575513h 28m 46.82s−69° 37 37.66.17−0.48698B8Vα² CVn variable, ΔV = 0.09m, P = 4.3127 d
HD 1073011073016018312h 20m 28.28s−65° 50 of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1066761066765985112h 16m 23.87s−72° 36
KY MusKY1098676170312h 38m 52.37s−67° 11 35.06.22B1Iaα Cyg variable
HD 1051381051385904612h 06m 19.93s−68° 39 05.06.23−2.581884G3Ib
HD 98672986725530811h 19m 36.58s−75° 08
FH MusFH1100206179612h 39m 55.90s−66° 30 ellipsoidal variable, ΔV = 0.03m, P = 0.58 d; probable (80%) member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1080541080546060112h 25m 17.62s−65° 46
HD 1050711050715900312h 05m 53.63s−65° 32 48.86.30B8Ia-Iabvariable star, ΔV = 0.013m, P = 1.45408 d
R MusR1103116198112h 42m 05.03s−69° 24 27.26.31−2.551929F7IbCepheid variable, Vmax = 5.93m, Vmin = 6.73m, P = 7.510211 d
HD 1139191139196411713h 08m 27.84s−67° 47 48.36.34−1.091000M1III
HD 1077731077736041712h 23m 15.04s−67° 37 55.86.362.83166K0IV-V
HD 1176511176516615213h 33m 35.92s−65° 37 57.46.361.21349A0V
HD 1149121149126468213h 15m 25.77s−69° 40 45.16.371.51306K2/K3III
HD 1034821034825808511h 54m 44.62s−66° 22 33.76.383.20141F2IV
HD 98695986955535011h 20m 04.16s−71° 59 39.66.41−0.42758B4V
HD 1045701045705870612h 02m 28.59s−71° 29 20.46.410.86421K1III
HD 1047521047525881012h 03m 44.54s−74° 12 50.76.44−0.81921G6III
HD 98671986715533211h 19m 50.84s−72° 57 29.86.460.59486A0V
HD 1098571098576173812h 39m 14.64s−75° 22 14.16.46−0.40769B8Vn
HD 1018051018055709211h 42m 14.82s−75° 13 38.36.483.80112G1V
HD 1058221058225938912h 11m 01.22s−68° 15 39.46.48−0.82939K0/K1III
ι2 Musι21165796562813h 27m 18.58s−74° 41 30.26.620.71495B9V
HD 1005461005465637911h 33m 25.44s−70° 11 41.26.70337B9Vnehas an unconfirmed planet (b), Member of the Lower Centaurus–Crux subgroup of the Scorpius–Centaurus association.[1]
HD 1124101124106324212h 57m 32.0s−65° 38 476.86440G8IIIhas a planet (b)
GQ MusGQ11h 52m 02.35s−67° 12 20.27.2nova and AM Her variable
HD 105056GS1050565899812h 05m 49.88s−69° 34 23.07.3416000O9.5Iaα Cyg variable, Vmax = 7.34m, Vmin = 7.55m, P = 3.85253 d
HD 1112321112326253412h 48m 51.75s−68° 25 30.57.615.3194G8Vhas a planet (b)
TU MusTU1002135619611h 31m 10.92s−65° 44 32.18.4115000O7.5V + O9.5Vβ Lyr variable, Vmax = 8.17m, Vmin = 8.75m, P = 1.3872833 d
RT MusRT3108315726011h 44m 32.88s−67° 18 18.98.573500F8Cepheid variable, Vmax = 8.57m, Vmin = 9.32m, P = 3.086131 d
T MusT1156736511613h 21m 13.85s−74° 26 31.08.602040C+seimregular variable, Vmax = 7.6m, Vmin = 8.6m, P = 111.8 d
KZ MusKZ1098856175112h 39m 19.16s−71° 37 18.59.0911000B2IIIβ Cep variable
HD 1083411083416078812h 27m 31.0s−71° 25 239.36161K2Vhas a planet (b)
UU MusUU1031375788411h 52m 17.72s−65° 24 15.19.541490F8:pCepheid variable, Vmax = 9.13m, Vmin = 10.28m, P = 11.63641 d
SY MusSY10033611h 32m 10.01s−65° 25 11.610.202770MpeZ Andromedae and semiregular variable, Vmax = 10.2m, Vmin = 12.7m, P = 624.5 d
MP MusMP13h 22m 07.55s−69° 38 12.210.39K1VeT Tauri star, ΔV = 0.127m, P = 3.714 d
Y MusY6391113h 05m 48.20s−65° 30 46.610.50698FpR CrB variable
TV MusTV31073011h 39m 50.76s−64° 48 59.310.75755F2W UMa variable
LP 145-1415736711h 45m 42.92s−64° 50 29.511.5115.106DQ64th-closest white dwarf
GRS 1124-683GU11h 26m 26.60s−68° 40 32.313.3K3V-K7VX-ray nova
2S 1254-690GR12h 57m 30.15s−69° 17 19.019.1Low-mass X-ray binary, Vmax = 18m, Vmin = 19.1m, P = 0.1636 d
PSR J1141-654511h 41m 07.02s−65° 45 19.125.08pulsar/white dwarf binary
KN MusKN11762213h 33m 32.86s−65° 58 27.11780WC2/WO1central star of planetary nebula NGC 5189
Table legend:

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 de Zeeuw, P.T.; Hoogerwerf, R.; de Bruijne, J.H.J.; Brown, A.G.A.; Blaauw, A. (1999). "A Hipparcos Census of Nearby OB Associations". Astronomical Journal. 117 (1): 354–99. arXiv:astro-ph/9809227. Bibcode:1999AJ....117..354D. doi:10.1086/300682. S2CID 16098861.


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