This is a list of typefaces shipped with Windows 3.1x through Windows 11.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Typefaces only shipped with Microsoft Office or other Microsoft applications are not included.[7] The "Included with" column indicates the first edition of Windows in which the font was included.

Typeface Family Spacing Weights/Styles Target script Included with Can be installed on Example image
Aharoni[6] Sans SerifProportionalBoldHebrew XP, Vista
Aldhabi[6] SerifProportionalRegularArabic 8 Vista, 7
Andalus[6] ProportionalRegularArabic
Angsana New[6] ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
AngsanaUPC[6] ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Aparajita[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicDevanagari 7 XP, Vista
Arabic Typesetting[6] ProportionalRegularArabic Vista
Arial[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Black Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew 3.1
Bahnschrift[6] Sans SerifProportionalLight, Semilight, Regular, Semibold, Bold; intermediate weights (variable font)Latin 10 (v1709) 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (v1507-1703)
Batang[6] RegularKorean NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
BatangChe[6] RegularKorean
BIZ UDGothic, BIZ UDPGothic[6] Regular, BoldJapanese 10 (v1809)
BIZ UDMincho, BIZ UDPMincho[6] MediumJapanese 10 (v1809)
Book Antiqua Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Browallia New[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
BrowalliaUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Calibri[6] Sans SerifProportionalLight, Light Italic, Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese (Windows 8), Arabic (Windows 10), Armenian (Windows 10) Vista, 8 (Light) Regular: 2000, XP; Light: Vista, 7
Calisto MT SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Cambria[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Cambria Math[6] SerifProportionalRegularMath Vista 2000, XP
Candara[6] Sans SerifProportionalLight, Light Italic, Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista, 10 v1809 (Light) 2000, XP
Cascadia Code[6] MonospaceMonospaceExtraLight, ExtraLight Italic, Light, Light Italic, SemiLight, SemiLight Italic, Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 11 10
Century Gothic Sans SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Comic Sans MS[6] Sans Serif, ScriptProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 95 (sR1), 8 (Italic) 3.1
Consolas[6] Monospace, PreformattedMonospaceRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Constantia[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Copperplate Gothic DisplayProportionalLight, BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Corbel[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Cordia New[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
CordiaUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Courier New[6] MonospaceMonospaceRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew 3.1
DaunPenh[6] RegularKhmer Vista 2000, XP
David[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldHebrew
DengXian[6] Light, Regular, BoldSimplified Chinese 10 (v1507)
DilleniaUPC[6] Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicThai
DFKai-SB[6] SerifProportionalRegularTraditional Chinese Vista
DokChampa[6] RegularLao Vista
Dotum[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularKorean
DotumChe[6] RegularKorean
Ebrima[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldN'Ko, Tifinagh, Vai 7 XP, Vista
Estrangelo Edessa[6] RegularSyriac XP
EucrosiaUPC[6] Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicThai
Euphemia[6] RegularUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Vista
FangSong[6] RegularSimplified Chinese Vista
Franklin Gothic[6] Sans Serif ProportionalMedium, Medium ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic XP, Vista
FrankRuehl[6] RegularHebrew
FreesiaUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Gabriola[6] Serif, ScriptProportionalRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 7 XP, Vista
Gadugi[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldCherokee, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics 8 Vista, 7
Gautami[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldTelugu XP NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
Georgia[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 2000 95, NT 4.0, 98
Gill Sans MT[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Medium, Heavy, ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic
Gisha[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegular, BoldHebrew Vista
Gulim[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularKorean
GulimChe[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularKorean
Gungsuh[6] SerifProportionalRegularKorean
GungsuhChe[6] SerifProportionalRegularKorean
HoloLens MDL2 Assets[6] SerifProportionalRegular 10 (v1507)
Impact[6] DisplayProportionalRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 95, NT 4.0
Ink Free[6] DisplayProportionalRegularLatin 10 (v1803) 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (v1507-1709)
IrisUPC[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Iskoola Pota[6] Regular, BoldSinhala Vista
JasmineUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Bold Italic, ItalicThai
Javanese Text[6] RegularJavanese 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
KaiTi[6] (SimKai) RegularSimplified Chinese Vista XP, Vista
Kalinga[6] Regular, BoldOdia Vista
Kartika[6] Regular, BoldMalayalam XP (SP2)
Khmer UI[6] Regular, BoldKhmer 7 XP, Vista
KodchiangUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Kokila[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicDevanagari 7 XP, Vista
Lao UI[6] Regular, BoldLao 7 XP, Vista
Latha[6] Regular, BoldTamil XP NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
Leelawadee[6] Regular, BoldThai Vista
Leelawadee UI[6] Regular, Bold, SemilightBuginese, Thai, Javanese, Khmer, Lao 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Levenim MT[6] Regular, BoldHebrew
LilyUPC[6] Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicThai
Lucida Console[6] Monospace, PreformattedMonospaceRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Lucida Handwriting RegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Lucida Sans Unicode[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Malgun Gothic[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, SemilightKorean (no Hanja before Windows 8) Vista, 10 (v1507) (Semilight) 2000, XP
Mangal[6] Regular, BoldDevanagari 2000
Marlett[6] SerifProportionalRegularWindows Interface 95 3.1
Meiryo, Meiryo UI[6] Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicJapanese Vista, 7 (UI)
Microsoft Himalaya[6] RegularTibetan Vista 2000, XP
Microsoft JhengHei[6] Sans Serif ProportionalLight, Regular, BoldTraditional Chinese Vista 2000, XP
Microsoft JhengHei UI[6] Light, Regular, BoldTraditional Chinese 8 Vista, 7
Microsoft New Tai Lue[6] Regular, BoldNew Tai Lue 7 XP, Vista
Microsoft PhagsPa[6] Regular, Bold'Phags-pa 7 XP, Vista
Microsoft Sans Serif[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai 95
Microsoft Tai Le[6] Regular, BoldTai Le 7 XP, Vista
Microsoft Uighur[6] Regular, BoldUighur Vista, 8 (Bold)
Microsoft YaHei[6] Sans Serif ProportionalLight, Regular, BoldSimplified Chinese Vista 2000, XP
Microsoft YaHei UI[6] Light, Regular, BoldSimplified Chinese 8 Vista, 7
Microsoft Yi Baiti[6] RegularYi Vista
MingLiU, PMingLiU[6] SerifProportionalMonospaced, ProportionalTraditional Chinese
MingLiU-ExtB, PMingLiU-ExtB[6] Monospaced, ProportionalTraditional Chinese Vista
MingLiU_HKSCS[6] MonospacedCantonese Vista
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB[6] MonospacedCantonese Vista
Miriam[6] ProportionalHebrew
Miriam Fixed[6] MonospacedHebrew
Mongolian Baiti[6] RegularMongolian, Manchu, Xibo Vista 2000, XP
MoolBoran[6] RegularKhmer Vista
MS Gothic[6] Sans SerifMonospaceRegularJapanese
MS PGothic[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegularJapanese
MS Mincho[6] SerifMonospaceRegularJapanese
MS PMincho[6] SerifProportionalRegularJapanese
MS UI Gothic[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegularJapanese
MV Boli[6] RegularThaana XP
Myanmar Text[6] Regular, BoldMyanmar 8 Vista, 7
Narkisim[6] RegularHebrew
Nirmala UI[6] Regular, BoldDevanagari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Sinhala 8 Vista, 7
NSimSun[6] SerifMonospaceRegularSimplified Chinese
Nyala[6] RegularEthiopic Vista 2000, XP
OCR-A Extended Monospace, PreformattedMonospaceRegularLatin 3.1
Palatino Linotype[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 2000 95, NT 4.0, 98
Plantagenet Cherokee[6] RegularCherokee Vista
Raavi[6] Regular, BoldGurmukhi XP NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
Rod[6] RegularHebrew
Sakkal Majalla[6] SerifProportionalRegular, BoldArabic 7 XP, Vista
Sanskrit Text[6] RegularDevanagari 10 7, 8, 8.1
Segoe MDL2 Assets[6] Regular 10 (v1507)
Segoe Print[6] Display, Script, Sans SerifProportionalRegular, BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Segoe Script[6] Display, Script, SerifProportionalRegular, BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista 2000, XP
Segoe SD Sans Serif ProportionalLight, Light Italic, SemiLight, SemiLight Italic, Regular, Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black, Black ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic Vista 2000, XP
Segoe UI[6] Sans Serif ProportionalLight, Light Italic, SemiLight, SemiLight Italic, Regular, Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black, Black ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Georgian, Lisu 8 Vista, 7
Segoe UI Emoji[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularEmoji, emoticons and symbols 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Segoe UI Historic[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Brahmi 10 7, 8, 8.1
Segoe UI Symbol[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegularLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 7 XP, Vista
Segoe UI Variable[6] Sans Serif ProportionalSmall Light, Small SemiLight, Small Regular, Small Italic, Small Bold, Display Light, Display SemiLight, Display Regular, Display Italic, Display Bold, Text Light, Text SemiLight, Text Regular, Text Italic, Text BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 11 10
Segoe Fluent Icons 11
Shonar Bangla[6] Regular, BoldBengali 7 XP, Vista
Shruti[6] Regular, BoldGujarati XP NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
SimHei[6] Sans SerifMonospaceRegularSimplified Chinese
Simplified Arabic[6] ProportionalRegular, BoldArabic
SimSun[6] SerifMonospaceRegularSimplified Chinese
SimSun-ExtB[6] SerifMonospaceRegularSimplified Chinese Vista
Sitka Banner[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sitka Display[6] Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sitka Heading[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sitka Small[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sitka Subheading[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sitka Text[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Sylfaen[6] SerifProportionalRegularArmenian, Georgian 2000 95, NT 4.0, 98
Symbol[6] DisplayProportionalRegular 3.1
Tahoma[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai 95 3.1
Times New Roman[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian 3.1
Traditional Arabic[6] SerifProportionalRegular, BoldArabic 2000 95, NT 4.0, 98
Trebuchet MS[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Bold Italic, ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 2000 95, NT 4.0, 98
Tw Cen MT[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Regular Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic Vista, XP, 7, 8.1, 10 Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Tunga[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, BoldKannada XP NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R[6] Sans SerifMonospaceRegularJapanese 10 (v1809)
UD Digi Kyokasho N-B[6] Sans SerifMonospaceBoldJapanese 10 (v1809)
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegularJapanese 10 (v1809)
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B[6] Sans SerifProportionalBoldJapanese 10 (v1809)
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegularJapanese 10 (v1809)
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B[6] Sans SerifProportionalBoldJapanese 10 (v1809)
Urdu Typesetting[6] Serif ProportionalRegularArabic 8
Utsaah[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicDevanagari 7
Vani[6] SerifProportionalRegular, BoldTelugu 7
Verdana[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold ItalicLatin, Greek, Cyrillic 95 3.1
Vijaya[6] Display, ScriptProportionalRegular, BoldTamil 7
Vrinda[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegular, BoldBengali XP (SP2) NT 4.0, 98, 2000, ME
Webdings[6] DisplayProportionalRegular 98 3.1, 95, NT 4.0
Wingdings[6] DisplayProportionalRegularSymbols 3.1
Yu Gothic[6] Sans Serif ProportionalRegular, Bold, Light, MediumJapanese 8.1 Vista, 7, 8
Yu Gothic UI[6] Sans SerifProportionalRegular, Bold, Light, Semilight, SemiboldJapanese 10 (v1507) Vista 7, 8
Yu Mincho[6] SerifProportionalRegular, Demibold, LightJapanese 8.1 Vista, 7, 8

See also


  1. Kaplan, Michael S. (February 6, 2007). "What are the fonts in Vista?". Sorting it all Out V.. 2!. Archived from the original on June 25, 2014.
  2. Martinez Perez, Alberto (May 18, 2008). "Fonts included with each version of Windows".
  3. "Fonts supplied with Windows Vista". Typography. Microsoft. Retrieved October 21, 2013.
  4. "Windows 7 font list". Microsoft Docs – Typography. Microsoft. February 10, 2021. Retrieved March 30, 2021.
  5. "Windows 8 font list". Microsoft Docs – Typography. Microsoft. September 22, 2020. Retrieved March 30, 2021.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 "Windows 10 font list". Microsoft Docs – Typography. Microsoft. Retrieved March 30, 2021.
  7. As of 2019 October 16, Office Cloud fonts include the following additional fonts: Abadi, Agency FB, Aharoni, Algerian, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Avenir Next LT Pro, Baskerville Old Face, Bell MT, Bembo, Berlin Sans FB, Bernard MT Condensed, Blackadder ITC, Bodoni MT, Bookman Old Style, Bookshelf Symbol 7, Bradley Hand ITC, Britannic Bold, Broadway, Brush Script MT Italic, Californian FB, Castellar, Centaur, Century, Century Schoolbook, Chiller, Colonna MT, Cooper Black, Dante, Dubai, Edwardian Script ITC, Eras ITC, Felix Titling, Footlight MT Light, Forte, Freestyle Script, Garamond, Gigi, Gill Sans MT, Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, Goudy Old Style, Grotesque, Hadassah Friedlaender, Harrington, HGGothicE, HGMaruGothicMPRO, HGMinchoE, HGSoeiKakugothicUB, High Tower Text, Imprint MT Shadow, Jokerman, Juice ITC, Kristen ITC, Kunstler Script, Lucida Bright, Lucida Calligraphy, Lucida Fax, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Magneto Bold, Maiandra GD, Matura MT Script Capitals, Microsoft GothicNeo, Mistral, Modern No. 20, MS Outlook, MS Reference Sans Serif, MT Extra, Niagara Engraved, Niagara Solid, OCRB, Onyx, Palace Script MT, Papyrus, Perpetua, Playbill, Pristina, Rage Italic, Ravie, Rockwell, Sagona Book, Sagona ExtraLight, Script MT Bold, Selawik, Snap ITC, Source Sans Pro, STCaiyun, STFangsong, STHupo, STKaiti, STXihei, STXingkai, STXinwei, STZhongsong, Tempus Sans ITC, TH SarabunPSK, The Hand, The Serif Hand, Tw Cen MT, Univers, Viner Hand ITC, Vivaldi Italic, Vladimir Script, Wide Latin.
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