Zophos baudoni
Zophos cf. baudoni from Dominica.
Scientific classification
clade Heterobranchia

clade Euthyneura
clade Panpulmonata
clade Eupulmonata
clade Stylommatophora

informal group Sigmurethra
Binomial name
Zophos baudoni
(Petit, 1853)

Hyalina baudoni

Zophos baudoni is a species of air-breathing land snail, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Haplotrematidae.



Zophos baudoni lives on the rainforest floor.[1]

It is carnivorous and it feeds on earthworms and immature Pleurodonte specimens.[1]


This article incorporates CC-BY-3.0 text from the reference [1]

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Robinson D. G., Hovestadt A., Fields A. & Breure A. S. H. (July 2009). "The land Mollusca of Dominica (Lesser Antilles), with notes on some enigmatic or rare species". Zoologische Mededelingen 83 http://www.zoologischemededelingen.nl/83/nr03/a13
  2. Guppy R. J. L. (1868). "On the terrestrial mollusks of Dominica and Grenada, with an account of some new species from Trinidad". Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4)1: 429-442. page 430.
  3. Ramnath N. & Fields A. (2002). "A survey of the land snails of four islands in the Lesser Antilles: Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenada". Abstracts Annual Meeting American Malacological Society, Charleston: 90.
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