阿拉伯–以色列冲突 | |||||||||
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指挥官与领导者 | |||||||||
伤亡与损失 | |||||||||
≈22,570名军人死亡[5] | 90,785名阿拉伯人死亡[7] |
西奧多·赫茨爾在1896年提出的《猶太人聲明》(The Jewish State)中,反覆提及聖經裡關於應許之地的理念[11];在同一時間,遷徙至巴勒斯坦的猶太移民也與日漸增。基督教錫安主義者支持以色列人的復國行動,因為他們普遍認同以色列人有巴勒斯坦的祖傳擁有權,來源根據多為保羅在新約聖經裡被收錄的保羅書信,許多人甚至認為猶太人返鄉復國是耶穌再臨的要素之一[12][13]。

1948年5月14日,以色列正式宣佈獨立及擁有由聯合國劃給猶太人國家的地區的主權。次日,阿拉伯聯盟在致聯合國的信函中重申他們反對「兩國方案」[27],埃及、黎巴嫩、敘利亞、約旦及伊拉克於當日進攻劃給阿拉伯國家的區域邊界,第一次以阿戰爭隨即爆發。以色列軍在一些地區擊退阿拉伯軍隊,把邊界擴展至原有的猶太國界線之外[28]。1948年12月,以色列已佔據約旦河以西的巴勒斯坦之大部分(77%),餘下的土地由約旦及埃及控制,巴勒斯坦至今無法立國。在戰前及戰爭期間,711,000[29]阿拉伯裔巴勒斯坦人逃離家園而成為難民,始因於猶太激進團體如國民軍組織和斯坦恩團體(Stern Group)等的報復式屠殺阿拉伯人村落。阿拉伯各國的領袖皆在戰前向阿拉伯裔難民們保證,在阿拉伯人戰勝後他們可重返家園。戰爭持續至1949年,以色列與周圍鄰國簽訂停戰協議,停火線被稱為綠線。
...一個「不完整」的猶太國度只是個開端,而我計畫要組織一支強大的軍力,利用軍隊來抵擋所有國家的擴張及侵略。 | ||
——戴維·本-古里安致寶拉(Paula)及孩子們的信[30][31][32][33] |
- 川普和平計劃
- 和平協定
- 巴林 - 以色列和平協議
- 以阿和平協議
- 以色列-蘇丹和平協議
- 以色列-摩洛哥和平協議
- 2021年巴勒斯坦大選
- 以黎關係
- Pollack, Kenneth, M., Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, University of Nebraska Press, (2002), pp. 93–94, 96.
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- Lesch, Ann M. and Tschirgi, Dan. Origins and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Greenwood Press: West Port, Connecticut. (1998). Pg. 47
- Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab Israeli Conflict: A History With Documents. Bedford/St. Martin's: Boston. (2004). Pg. 129
- Lesch, Ann M. and Tschirgi, Dan. Origins and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Greenwood Press: West Port, Connecticut. (1998). Pg.47,51
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- Letters to Paula and the Children, David Ben Gurion, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1971, letter dated 12-05-37, pages 153-57.
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- . Haaretz.com. [2021-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-19) (英语).
- Aliyeh to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity - Shoshana Neumann, Bar-Ilan University, page 10.
- Asia: Yemen - 45,127 (6.7), Turkey - 34,647 (5), Iraq - 124,225 (18), Iran - 25,971 (3.8), Syria and Lebanon - 3,162 (0.5), Eden - 3,320 (0.5); Africa: Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria - 52,565 (7.7), Libya - 32,130 (4.6) (Keren-Hayesod, 1953).
Note: The numbers add up to 286,500 (without Turkey). - '1942 - 1951' (页面存档备份,存于), Jewish Agency for Israel.
- During the first four years of statehood, the country had to struggle for its existence, while simultaneously absorbing over 700,000 immigrants. - . [2011-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-23).
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- Jews in Grave Danger in All Moslem Lands, The New York Times, May 16, 1948, quoted in Was there any coordination between Arab governments in the expulsions of the Middle Eastern and North African Jews? (页面存档备份,存于) (JIMENA)
- Aharoni, Ada. . Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. Volume 15, Number 1/March 2003 [2010-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-10).
- Howard M. Sachar. A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our TimePublished by Alfred A. Knopf (New York). 1976. p. 455. ISBN 0-394-28564-5.
- . US State Department. [2007-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-13).
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- . The Jordanian Government. [2007-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-11).
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- . BBC News. BBC MMIX. January 6, 2009 [June 16, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-25).
- Israel (country) (页面存档备份,存于), Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia., 2007, p. 12. 2009-10-31.
- "Lebanon truce holds despite clashes (页面存档备份,存于)", CNN
- guardian.co.uk (September 14, 2006). "Amnesty report accuses Hizbullah of war crimes" (页面存档备份,存于). Retrieved July 16, 2008.
- Associated Press via CHINAdaily (July 30, 2006). "Rice postpones trip to Beirut" Archive.is的存檔,存档日期2011-08-06. Retrieved July 16, 2008.
- Sarah Martin and Kristele Younes, Refugees International (August 28, 2006). "Lebanon: Refugees International's Statement for Donors' Conference" (页面存档备份,存于). Retrieved July 16, 2008.
- Human Rights Watch (August 2006). "Fatal Strikes: Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon" (页面存档备份,存于). Retrieved 2007-04-05.
- Lebanon Higher Relief Council (2007). "Lebanon Under Siege" (页面存档备份,存于). Retrieved March 5, 2007.
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- . USA Today. August 15, 2006 [2010-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-28).
- . The White House. April 24, 2008 [2010-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-17).
- Sengupta, Kim. . The Independent (London). August 27, 2008 [April 7, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-13).
- . Reuters. [2010-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-18).
- . BBC. December 23, 2008 [January 1, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-27).
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- Anthony H. Cordesman, Center for Strategic & International Studies, February 2009 (页面存档备份,存于) p.9
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- "Demands grow for Gaza war crimes investigation" UK Guardian, Jan 13, 2009.
- Natasha Mozgovaya and Akiva Eldar. . Haaretz. December 28, 2009 [2010-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-28).
- . FT. 13 August 2020 [13 August 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-13).
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- Associated Press, comp. (1996). Lightning Out of Israel: [The Six-Day War in the Middle East]: The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Commemorative Ed. Western Printing and Lithographing Company for the Associated Press. ASIN B000BGT89M.
- Bard, Mitchell (1999). Middle East Conflict. Indianapolis: Alpha Books. ISBN 0-02-863261-3.
- Barzilai, Gad. (1996). Wars, Internal Conflicts and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East. Albany: State University of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-2944-X
- Brown, Wesley H. & Peter F. Penner (ed.): Christian Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld 2008. ISBN 978-3937896571.
- Carter, Jimmy (2006). Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-8502-6. Note: Critical analyses such as (页面存档备份,存于) have pointed to numerous factual errors and misrepresentions in this book.
- Casper, Lionel L. (2003). Rape of Palestine and the Struggle for Jerusalem. New York & Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House. ISBN 965-229-297-4.
- Citron, Sabina (2006). The Indictment: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Historical Perspective. New York & Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House. ISBN 965-229-373-3.
- Cramer, Richard Ben. . New York: Simon and Schuster. 2004. ISBN 0-7432-5028-1.
- Dershowitz, Alan (2004). The Case for Israel. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-67952-6.
- Falk, Avner (2004). Fratricide in the Holy Land: A Psychoanalytic View of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Madison: U of Wisconsin P. ISBN 0-299-20250-X
- Gelvin, James L. . New York & Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge UP. 2005. ISBN 0-521-61804-5.
- Gold, Dore. . New York: Crown Forum. 2004. ISBN 1-4000-5475-3.
- Goldenberg, Doron (2003). State of Siege. Gefen Publishing House. ISBN 965-229-310-5.
- Gopin, Marc. (2002). Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019-514-650-6.
- Hamidullah, Muhammad. . Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. January 1986, 7 (1): 9. doi:10.1080/13602008608715960.
- Howell, Mark (2007). What Did We Do to Deserve This? Palestinian Life under Occupation in the West Bank, Garnet Publishing. ISBN 1859641954
- Israeli, Raphael (2002). Dangers of a Palestinian State. New York & Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House. ISBN 965-229-303-2.
- Katz, Shmuel (1973). Battleground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine. Shapolsky Pub. ISBN 0-933503-03-2.
- Khouri, Fred J. 3rd. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. 1985. ISBN 0-8156-2339-9.
- Lewis, Bernard. . Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP. 1984. ISBN 0-691-05419-3.
- Lesch, David. . Oxford University Press, USA. 2007. ISBN 0195172302.
- –––. (September 1990). "The Roots of Muslim Rage." The Atlantic Monthly.
- Maoz, Zeev (2006). Defending the Holy Land. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. ISBN 0-472-11540-5
- Morris, Benny. . New York: Knopf. 1999. ISBN 0-679-42120-3.
- Rogan, Eugene L., ed., and Avi Shlaim, ed. The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001.
- Segev, Tom (1999). One Palestine Complete: Jews and Arabs Under British Mandate. New York: Henry Holt & Co. ISBN 0-8050-6587-3.
- Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (页面存档备份,存于)
- League of Arab States (页面存档备份,存于)
- Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs (页面存档备份,存于)
- US State Department Mideast Peace information
- United Nations on the Question of Palestine (页面存档备份,存于), and *Israel's UN mission's responses
- Arab-Israeli Conflict from UCB Libraries GovPubs
- 以色列
- Israel News - Yedioth Aharonoth (页面存档备份,存于) Israel's largest newspaper, centrist (Hebrew) (页面存档备份,存于)
- IsraelInsider Israel's Daily Online News Magazine (see also Israelinsider)
- Jerusalem Post (页面存档备份,存于), Israel's oldest English newspaper, conservative
- Ha'aretz (页面存档备份,存于) Israeli newspaper, liberal
- Jerusalem Newswire (页面存档备份,存于) Christian-run Jerusalem-based news website, conservative
- 阿拉伯
- Lebanon Daily Star (页面存档备份,存于), largest English-circulation newspaper in the Arab world
- Al Jazeera (页面存档备份,存于), pan-Arab news station (see also Al Jazeera)
- Al Ahram (页面存档备份,存于), Egypt's largest newspaper (see also Al Ahram)
- Palestine Chronicle (页面存档备份,存于), weekly electronic paper
- Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (页面存档备份,存于)
- Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, influential centrist Israeli think tank specializing in military and strategic analysis
- Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), Palestinian research organization
- Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (页面存档备份,存于) Joint Israeli-Palestinian think tank
- Middle East Research and Information Project (页面存档备份,存于) (see also Middle East Research and Information Project)
- Saban Center for Middle East Policy (see also Saban Center for Middle East Policy)
- Washington Institute for Near East Policy (页面存档备份,存于) (see also Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
- Original analysis of current developments in the peace-process, from Middle East Media Research Institute
- The Ariel Center for Policy Research (页面存档备份,存于)
- A Regional Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Jay Shapiro (页面存档备份,存于)
- Obama and the Palestinian Question by Alvaro de Vasconcelos, Opinion, June 2009 European Union Institute for Security Studies
See main article: List of Middle East peace proposals
- MideastWeb Middle East Map Collection (页面存档备份,存于)
- FactsOfIsrael.com Maps, history, statistics, victims
- University of Texas Map Collection (页面存档备份,存于)
- Crisis Guide: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from the Council on Foreign Relations (页面存档备份,存于)
- Resources >Modern Period>20th Cent.>History of Israel>State of Israel The Jewish History Resource Center, Project of the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Daily digest of commentary about the Arab-Israeli conflict from around the world (页面存档备份,存于)
- Israel and the Palestinians (页面存档备份,存于)
- Encarta Encyclopedia on the Arab-Israeli Conflict( (页面存档备份,存于) 2009-10-31)
- Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict (页面存档备份,存于), includes links to historical sources, as well as sources representing the Arab and Israeli sides of the conflict.
- The Guardian (UK) A Brief History of Arab-Israeli Conflict (页面存档备份,存于) (flash)
- Mideast: Land of Conflict (页面存档备份,存于) from CNN
- 开放式目录计划中和Israel-Palestine Conflict相关的内容
- University of Texas Center for Mideast Studies extensive collection of updated links
- Diplomacy Monitor - Middle East (页面存档备份,存于)
- Information (articles, reports, maps, books, links, ...) on the israeli palestinian conflict (middle east conflict) (页面存档备份,存于)
- Holy Land, Unholy War Independent coverage of the Middle East conflicts by the news agency Inter Press Service
- "A Brief History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by Jeremy Pressman
- 除少内部较少的激进派系没有解除武装外,如人阵、民阵等