



  1. Latham, Edward. . London: Swan Sonnenschein. 1906: 147. OCLC 4697187. Antoine-François Momoro Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.
  2. Amable Guillaume P. Brugière de Barante. . Langlois et Leclercq. 1851: 322 (法语).
  3. John Boyd Thacher. . Weed-Parsons Printing Co. 1905: 8 [31 August 2011].
  4. Discours de Momoro aux Cordeliers, 12 February 1794
  5. Doyle, William (1989); The Oxford History of the French Revolution; Clarendon Press; ISBN 0-19-822781-7. See p.270: "Among those who went to the scaffold... on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth... [was] the leader of section Marat, Momoro."
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