拂菻罽婆 "罗马恺撒" | |
特勤,东方之王(钱铭) 罽宾王(中文史料) | |
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罽宾国(突厥沙希王朝)王 | |
統治 | 739-745年 |
前任 | 乌散特勤洒 |
繼任 | 勃匐準 |

从719年起,烏散特勤灑成为罽宾的国王。他在739年退位,传位给他的儿子拂菻罽婆。“拂菻罽婆”这个名字可能是“罗马恺撒”的对音,以纪念“恺撒”,这是当时东罗马皇帝利奥三世的头衔。利奥三世在717年击败了罗马和罽宾共同的敌人阿拉伯帝国。[3][lower-alpha 1]719年,利奥三世派使节穿越中亚,抵达中国。[3]中国史料记载,开元七年(719年)正月,拂菻王派吐火罗的大首灵,进贡狮子和羚羊,各两只。几个月后,他又派大德僧来朝廷进贡。[7]
In the 27th year(唐玄宗开元)二十七年(739年),其王烏散特勒灑以年老,上表請以子(以嫡子)拂菻罽婆嗣位,許之,仍降使冊命。
喀布里斯坦是罽宾领域的中心地带,有时包括扎布里斯坦[9]和健馱邏國。他们的一些铸币是在犍陀罗东部的罽宾冬都洪德(乌达班达普拉)铸造的。[1]在他们的统治期间,罽宾与阿拉伯阿拔斯王朝的东扩不断发生冲突。[3]大约650年,阿拉伯从西边进攻罽宾领土,并占领了喀布尔。[3]但罽宾能够发动反攻并击退阿拉伯,夺回喀布尔和扎布里斯坦(加兹尼附近),以及远至坎大哈的阿拉霍西亚地区。[3]阿拉伯在697-698年占领喀布尔和扎布里斯坦时失败,阿拉伯将军Yazid ibn Ziyad在战争中丧生。[3]
745年,拂菻罽婆向中国朝廷请求退位,让位给他的儿子勃匐准(他的名字只在中国史料中记载)。这些事件载入中国史书《旧唐书》和《唐会要》 。[14]
- Martin 2011,第127頁:"He received this laudatory epithet because he, like the Byzantines, was successful at holding back the Muslim conquerors."
- The study of these new coins originally appeared in "New Coins of Fromo Kēsaro" by Helmut Humbach in: G. Pollet (ed.), "India and the Ancient World. History, trade and culture before A.D. 650". Professor P.H.L. Eggermont jubilee volume. Leuven 1987, 81-85, plates. XI-XIII
- Dani, Ahmad Hasan; Litvinsky, B. A. . UNESCO. 1 January 1996: 380. ISBN 978-92-3-103211-0 (英语).
The legends are written only in Bactrian and Pahlavi scripts and languages. They run as follows: obverse (11 h) (1) GDH (2) ’p < zwt > (2 h) (1) bg (2) h. wtyp (The glory increased! The Majestic Sovereign); on the rim around, ϕρoµo κησαρo βαγo χoαδηo (Fromo Kesaro, the Majestic Sovereign); reverse (10 h) ŠT’ (2 h) h. wndy ([minted in his] 6th [regnal year at] Hund).
- Readings with photographs in "New Coins of Fromo Kēsaro" by Helmut Humbach in: G. Pollet (ed.), "India and the Ancient World. History, trade and culture before A.D. 650". Professor P.H.L. Eggermont jubilee volume. Leuven 1987, 81-85, plates. XI-XIII
- Kim, Hyun Jin. . Routledge. : 58–59. ISBN 978-1-317-34090-4 (英语).
- Rahman, Abdur; Bopearachchi (Ed.), Osmund; Boussac (Ed.), Marie-Françoise. (PDF) XV. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2002: 37–41 [2022-10-30]. ISBN 2-503-51681-5. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-04-26).
- Inaba, Minoru; Balogh, Dániel. . Balogh, Dániel (编). . Barkhuis. 2020: 103–107. ISBN 978-9-493-19401-4.
- Piras, Andrea. : 681. [2022-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-26) (英语).
- 《舊唐書·卷198》: "開元七年正月,其主遣吐火羅大首領獻獅子、羚羊各二。不數月,又遣大德僧來朝貢"。
- Kuwayama, S. (PDF). INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES KYOTO UNIVERSITY. 2002: 195–196 [2022-10-30]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-06-06).
- . Pro.geo.univie.ac.at (Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna). [July 22, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-02).
- Dani, Ahmad Hasan; Litvinsky, B. A. . UNESCO. 1 January 1996: 381–382. ISBN 978-92-3-103211-0 (英语).
- "New Coins of Fromo Kēsaro" by Helmut Humbach in: G. Pollet (ed.), "India and the Ancient World. History, trade and culture before A.D. 650". Professor P.H.L. Eggermont jubilee volume. Leuven 1987, 81-85, plates. XI-XIII
- Harmatta, János. . Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1996: 374 [2022-10-30]. ISBN 92-3-103211-9. (原始内容存档于2022-10-30).
- Charlton, Evan. . London: Macmillan. 1987. ISBN 9780333124291.
- Kuwayama, S. (PDF). INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES KYOTO UNIVERSITY. 2002: 259 [2022-10-30]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-06-06).
- D. W. Macdowall, "The Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara" Numismatic Chronicle, Seventh Series, Vol. III, 1968, pp. 189-224, see extracts in R. T. Mohan, AFGHANISTAN REVISITED … Appendix –B, pp. 164-68
- Raizada Harichand Vaid, Gulshane Mohyali, II, pp. 83 and 183-84.
- H. G. Raverty, Tr. Tabaqat-i-Nasiri of Maulana Minhaj-ud-din, Vol. I, p. 82
- . Pro.geo.univie.ac.at (Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna). [July 22, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-10).
- Martin, Dan. . Akasoy, Anna; Burnett, Charles; Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit (编). . Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing. 2011: 117–144. ISBN 978-0-7546-6956-2.
前任者: 乌散特勤洒 |
突厥沙希王朝 738-745年 |
繼任者: 勃匐準 |