波兰境内的犹太人大屠杀是纳粹德国在波兰占领区内实施的种族灭绝行动,以专门建造的滅絕營为特征。第二次世界大战期间,第三帝国的猶太人大屠殺夺走了300万波兰犹太人的生命,[4]占大屠杀中全部犹太人遇难者的半数。在德国的灭绝行动中,另有多达300万的波兰裔受害者,但学者们对于是否将他们同样归于犹太人大屠杀受害者仍有争议。[5] 纳粹系统性杀害了超过90%的波兰犹太人人口,德国建立的灭绝营在其中起到了核心作用。[9]
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概况 | |
时间 | 1939年9月-1945年4月 |
地点 | 德占波兰,以及今日的西乌克兰、西白俄罗斯等地 |
主要实施者 | |
部队 | 骷髅总队、别动队、秩序警察、特拉夫尼基人、白俄罗斯国土防卫军、烏克蘭反抗軍、立陶宛TDA营、立陶宛特别支队[1][2][3] |
受害者 | 300万波兰犹太人[4];学界对300万波蘭人遇难者是否属于犹太人大屠杀受害者存在争议[5] |
幸存者 | 5万-12万人;[6]一说21万-23万人;[7]一说总计35万人。[8] |
武装抵抗 | |
隔都与集中营起义 | 本津、比亚韦斯托克、比克瑙、琴斯托霍瓦、拉赫瓦、卢茨克、马佐夫舍地区明斯克、米佐什、平斯克、波尼亚托瓦、索比布尔、索斯诺维耶茨、特雷布林卡、华沙、维尔纽斯 |
在德国占领期间,即使会让自己和家人付出最为高昂的代价,仍有许多波蘭人成功地从德国人手中救下了犹太人。 在大屠杀期间救援犹太人的各国援救者中,波兰籍援救者的人数是最多的。[6][13]以色列已认定了6,992名波兰国际义人。[14]
随着1941年6月22日德国军队入侵苏联占领区,两国早些时候在莫斯科签署的互不侵犯条约被撕毁。1941年到1943年间,波兰全境处于德国的控制之下。[26] 纳粹在波兰中部和东南部建立了半殖民地性质的波蘭總督府,面积占原波兰领土的39%.[27]
在第二次世界大战之前,波兰有350万犹太人,[8]主要居住在城市中;犹太人口约占波兰总人口的10%. 波蘭猶太人歷史博物館的数据库提供了全国1,926个犹太社区的信息。[28]德国在征服波兰和1939年屠杀知识分子之后,[29]德国的第一项反犹太措施涉及将犹太人驱逐出第三帝国吞并领土的政策。[30]位于最西部的省份大波兰和東波美拉尼亞变成了全新的德国帝國大區,即但泽-西普鲁士帝国大区与瓦尔特兰帝国大区,[31]旨在是通过移居者殖民(“生存空间”)实现完全德國化。[32]罗兹市直接附属于新的Warthegau地区,吸收了大约4万名自周围地区驱逐出来的波兰犹太人。[33]共有20.4万名犹太人经过罗兹隔都。依照最初的计划,他们将被驱逐到波兰总督府;[34][35]然而大规模移除犹太人的最终目的地迟迟不决,直到两年后最终解决方案启动为止。[36]
德国占领当局在入侵后立即开始迫害波兰犹太人,特别是在主要城市地区。在头一年半的时间里,纳粹仅仅是剥夺犹太人的贵重物品和财产以获取利润,[9]将他们赶入临时的隔都,并迫使他们为公共工程和战争经济从事奴隶劳动。[38]在此期间,德国人命令犹太社区任命犹太人委员会管理隔都,从而“以最严格的方式”负责执行命令。[39]大多数隔都都建立在犹太人生活井井有条的城镇。出于后勤原因,没有铁路连接的德占区定居点中的犹太人社区被解散。[40]在一项涉及使用货运列车的大规模驱逐行动中,全体波兰犹太人被集中在与现有铁路走廊相邻的破败街区(Jüdischer Wohnbezirk),与其他社区隔离开来。[41]粮食供给完全取决于党卫队。[42]最初,犹太人被法律禁止烘焙面包; [43]纳粹以不可持续的方式将犹太人与公众隔绝。[42]
1942年初春,波蘭總督府开始对境内的所有隔都实施系统清场,此时犹太人唯一的生存机会是逃到“雅利安地带”。德国人为所谓的“安置列车”实施围捕;几乎同一时期,德国的各大工程企业(包括HAHB、[68]埃尔福特的Topf and Sons、以及C.H. Kori GmbH等)为党卫队建造了灭绝设施,其建立与围捕行动直接相关。[69][70][71]
死亡工厂只是众多大规模灭绝方式中的一种。纳粹在波兰东部设有僻静的杀戮地点:有5万名犹太人自布热西奇、別廖扎、亚努夫、科布林、霍洛德茨、安托帕利等隔都以及東方總督轄區西部边界上的其它地点运往布隆纳山,并在该地的行刑坑中处决;爆炸物被用来加速行刑坑的挖掘过程。[82][83][84]在前沃倫省的羅夫諾郊区的索森斯基森林中,有超过23,000名犹太人男女老幼被枪杀。[85]在波翁卡村(Górka Połonka)的森林(见地图),25,000名犹太人被迫脱光衣服,然后躺在其他人的尸体上被成批处决;其中大多数受害者来自卢茨克隔都。[86][87]利沃夫隔都囚犯的处决地点安排在亚诺夫斯卡附近,有35,000-40,000名犹太人被杀害后埋葬在皮亚斯基(Piaski)峡谷。[88]

奥斯威辛II号营的灭绝计划导致130万至150万人死亡。[112] 其中超过110万是来自欧洲各地的犹太人,包括20万名儿童。[106][113]有40万名受害者得到了登记,不到奥斯威辛到达总人数的三分之一;这40万人中有14万-15万名非犹太波兰人、2.3万名吉普赛人,1.5万名苏联战俘和2.5万其他受害者。[112][114]奥斯威辛从德占波兰得到了大约30万犹太人,[115]他们是从中转营和被清场的隔都用货运列车运来的。[116]向奥斯维辛的运输从比托姆开始(1942年2月15日)、随后是奧爾庫什(6月中的三天)、奧特沃茨克(在8月)、沃姆扎和切哈努夫(11月),[117]然后是克拉科夫(1943年3月13日)、[118] 索斯诺维茨、本津、栋布罗瓦(1943年6月至8月),[119]以及其他几十个大都市和城镇,[28]1944年8月,德占波兰境内最后一个隔都——罗兹隔都遭到清场,居民同样被遣送至奥斯维辛。[120]奥斯维辛-比克瑙集中营的毒气室和焚尸炉于1944年11月25日根据海因里希·希姆莱的命令被炸毁;纳粹企图以这种方式摧毁大规模杀戮的证据。[121]
索比布尔集中营被伪装成离卢布林不远的铁路中转营,于1942年5月开始大规模毒气处决。[152]与其他灭绝中心一样,从清场的隔都和过境营地(伊兹比察和孔斯科沃拉)经大屠杀列车运来的犹太人会遇到一名穿着医用外套的党卫队队员。在索比布尔,党卫队二级小队长赫尔曼·米歇尔(Hermann Michel)命令囚犯接受“消毒”。[153]



1942年9月,为了拯救犹太人,援助犹太人临时委员会(Tymczasowy Komitet Pomocy Żydom)在佐菲亚·科萨科-什丘斯卡的倡议与波兰地下国的财政援助下成立。临时委员会由尤利安·格罗贝尔尼主持的犹太人援助委员会(Rada Pomocy Żydom,代号“热戈塔”)取代。目前尚不清楚有多少犹太人受到热戈塔的帮助,但在1943年的某一时期,仅在华沙就有2,500名犹太儿童受到热戈塔的伊雷娜·森德勒的照顾。自1942年起,热戈塔获得了近2900万兹罗提(超过500万美元),用于向波兰数千个犹太家庭提供救济金。[196]流亡政府还向猶太戰鬥組織和犹太军事联盟等犹太抵抗组织提供特别援助——包括资金、武器和其他物资。[197]

约翰·康奈利和莱谢克·贡德克认为,在欧洲和世界历史的背景下,波兰的通敌现象是边缘化的。[198]首次违反道德界限的行为发生在 苏联占领时期:1940年-1941年期间,苏联将波兰人家庭大规模向东发配至西伯利亚,内务人民委员部武装的犹太民兵(opaskowcy)参与了相关行动。[206][207][208][209]1941年7月10日,在巴巴羅薩行動开始时,300多名耶德瓦布内的犹太人被一群波兰人活活烧死在一座谷仓里;根据国家记忆研究院最终调查结果,德国的秩序警察当时也在现场。[210]关于耶德瓦布内事件的经过仍然存在争议;争论的因素包括部署在比亚里斯托克区的齐辛瑙-施罗特斯堡别动队(由党卫队二级突击队中队长赫尔曼·沙佩尔领导)的作用、[211][212]德国纳粹的压力,以及广泛存在的对犹太人1939年热烈欢迎红军的憎恨。[206][207][208][209]
根据政治家斯特凡·科尔本斯基的说法,国家武装部队(NSZ)的一些成员参与了对亲苏联地下组织的犹太人成员的处决。[213]历史学家理查德·卢卡斯和塔德乌什·彼得罗夫斯基写道,NSZ向犹太人提供援助,并将他们与波兰国际义人一起列入他们的队伍。[214]NSZ圣十字旅救出了霍利紹夫集中营的约1,000名囚犯中的280名犹太妇女。NSZ的一名犹太游击队员菲力克斯·帕利(Feliks Parry)表示,他们中的大多数人“对他们组织的意识形态基础没有丝毫概念”而且并不关心,只关注抵抗纳粹分子。[215]在战后的波兰,共产党秘密警察经常折磨NSZ叛乱分子,迫使他们承认杀害了犹太人,以及犯下了其他所谓的罪行;其中最值得注意的是1946年在卢布林对23名NSZ军官的审判。即使审讯结束,公安部对政治犯的折磨并不会停止。如果NSZ被告在法庭上翻供否认“杀害犹太人”,也会遭受肉体折磨。[216]
根据Donald Niewyk和Francis Nicosia的说法,“波兰人和其他斯拉夫人团体是否属于犹太人大屠杀受害者”这一问题,取决于是应根据纳粹的动机界定大屠杀,还是应根据纳粹实现其种族议程的程度来界定大屠杀。采取第一种立场的人认为,纳粹在波兰、乌克兰、白俄罗斯和苏联的暴行是“纳粹蔑视'非人'的直接结果”;[5]:49采取第二种立场的人指出,这些人的死亡“比犹太人、吉普赛人和残疾人(的灭绝)更具选择性”,并且很难区分“出于种族动机杀害的波兰人和苏联公民,[以及]德国军事行动直接或间接杀害的两国公民。”[5]:49Niewyk和Niocosia自身认同第二种立场。[5]:52
波兰犹太人历史系列的一部分 |
波兰犹太人和犹太教史 |
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波兰犹太人历史 |
20世纪 |
波兰国际义人 |
1989年至今 |
波兰犹太人历史时间轴 |
波兰犹太人列表 |
二战爆发前的波兰共和国是一个多元文化的国家,其人口的近三分之一来自少数民族:13.9%的乌克兰人; 10%的犹太人; 3.1%白俄罗斯人; 2.3%的德裔;以及3.4%的捷克人、立陶宛人和俄罗斯人。[218]波兰1918年重获独立之后不久,来自苏维埃共和国的大约50万难民在最初的自发逃亡中来到波兰。难民中以来自乌克兰的居多(参见栅栏区)——内战期间乌克兰发生了多达2,000起反犹骚乱。[219]在1919年11月到1924年6月的第二次移民浪潮中,约有120万人离开苏联领土前往新生的波兰。据估计约有46万名难民将波兰语作为第一语言。[218][220]1933年至1938年间,约有2.5万名德国犹太人逃离納粹德國前往波兰寻求庇护。[221]
关于犹太人在大屠杀开始后真正的生存机会的问题持续引起历史学家的注意。[172]首先,德国人有意让逃离隔都变得非常困难,犹太人在驱逐到灭绝营之前几乎无法逃出隔都。驱逐行动被欺骗性地伪装成“在东方重新安置”。所有通行证都被取消,重建的墙壁减少了大门数量,警察由党卫队队员取代。一些已经被驱逐到特雷布林卡的受害者被迫向家中写信报平安。还有约3,000人进入了德国的“波兰人酒店”陷阱。许多隔都犹太人直到最后才相信正在发生的事情,因为事态实际的结果在当时似乎是不可想象的。[172] 大卫·朗道表示,弱势的犹太领导可能在屠杀中发挥了作用。[247]以色列·古特曼提出了类似观点,认为波兰地下国可能袭击营地并炸毁通往营地的铁轨。但正如保罗森所指出的,这样的想法是后见之明的产物。[172]

波兰有大量的纪念馆致力于纪念大屠杀。 1948年4月,华沙的隔都英雄纪念碑揭幕。主要的博物馆包括位于奥斯威辛郊区的奥斯维辛-比克瑙国家博物馆,每年有140万游客来访;还有位于华沙隔都旧址上的波蘭猶太人歷史博物館,介绍了波兰犹太人的千年历史。[274][275]自1988年以来,一年一度的名为“生者之旅”的国际活动于4月的大屠杀纪念日在奥斯维辛-比克瑙旧址举行,共有超过15万名来自世界各地的年轻人参加。[276]
- . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. [21 July 2011]. (原始内容存档于August 29, 2015).
- Snyder, Timothy (2004), The Reconstruction of Nations. New Haven: Yale University Press: pg. 162
- Turowski, Józef; Siemaszko, Władysław. [Zbrodnie nacjonalistów ukraińskich dokonane na ludności polskiej na Wołyniu 1939–1945]. Warsaw: Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce – Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Środowisko Żołnierzy 27 Wołyńskiej Dywizji Armii Krajowej w Warszawie: Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland – Institute of National Remembrance with the Association of Soldiers of the 27th Volhynian Division of the Home Army, Warsaw 1990. 1990 [2019-03-19]. OCLC 27231548. (原始内容存档于2020-08-20).
- Materski, Wojciech; Szarota, Tomasz; IPN. [Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami]. Foreword by Janusz Kurtyka (Warsaw: Institute of National Remembrance (IPN)). 2009. ISBN 978-83-7629-067-6. (原始内容存档于March 23, 2012) –Digital copy, Internet Archive.
The 2009 study published by the IPN revised the estimated Poland's war dead at about 5.8 million Poles and Jews, including 150,000 during the Soviet occupation,[4] not including losses of Polish citizens from the Ukrainian and Belarusian ethnic groups.
- Niewyk & Nicosia (2012), p. 73
- Lukas (1989), pp. 5, 13, 111, 201,"Introduction". Also in:Lukas (2001), p. 13.
- David Engel, (PDF), , The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, pp. 5–6 in current document, YIVO, "The largest group of Polish-Jewish survivors spent the war years in the Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories.", 2005, ISBN 9780300119039, [see also:] Golczewski (2000), p. 330, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于December 3, 2013)
- Cherry & Orla-Bukowska (2007), p. 137,'Part III Introduction' by Michael Schudrich.
- Berenbaum, Michael. . Contributors: Arnold Kramer, USHMM. Little Brown / USHMM. 1993. ISBN 978-0-316-09135-0. (原始内容存档于August 22, 2016).
—— Second ed. (2006) USHMM / Johns Hopkins Univ Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-8358-3, p. 140. - Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem, Holocaust: The Trains.Aish.com. Internet Archive.
- Simone Gigliotti. . . Berghahn Books. 2009: 55 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1-84545-927-7. (原始内容存档于2020-09-20).
- American Jewish Committee. (2005-01-30). "Statement on Poland and the Auschwitz Commemoration." 的存檔,存档日期August 8, 2007,. Press release.
- Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Righteous Among the Nations - per Country & Ethnic Origin January 1, 2009. Statistics的存檔,存档日期August 18, 2010,.
- www.yadvashem.org (2019)
- Piotrowski (1998),Preface.
- Levin, Nora. . The Jews in the Soviet Union Since 1917: Paradox of Survival, Volume 1 (NYU Press). 1990: 347 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8147-5051-3. (原始内容存档于2019-09-16).
Many Jews associated with the Bund, Zionist organizations, religious life, and 'bourgeois' occupations, were deported in April. The third deportation in June–July 1941 consisted mainly of refugees from western and central Poland who had fled to eastern Poland.[p.347]
- Materski & Szarota (2009),Source: Z.S. Siemaszko (1991), p. 95. ISBN 0850652103.
- Sellars, Kirsten. . Cambridge University Press. 2013: 145 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1-107-02884-5. (原始内容存档于2019-10-01).
- Eberhardt, Piotr. (PDF). Monographies. 2011, 12: 25, 27, 29. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于May 20, 2014) –Internet Archive, direct download.
- David G. Williamson. . Stackpole Books, 2011. 2011: 127. ISBN 978-0811708289. (原始内容存档于July 5, 2018).
The Russians initially stressed that they were the protectors of the Poles and were Poland's `friendly Slavonic neighbour´!
- Wegner, Bernd. . Berghahn Books. 1997: 74 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1-57181-882-9. (原始内容存档于2021-03-15).
- Moorhouse, Roger. . Basic Books. 2014: 28, 176 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0465054923. (原始内容存档于2019-10-16).
- Trela-Mazur, Elżbieta. [Sowietyzacja oświaty w Małopolsce Wschodniej pod radziecką okupacją 1939–1941]. Kielce: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego. 1998: 43, 294 [1997]. ISBN 978-83-7133-100-8. Also in: Trela-Mazur (1997), studia wschodnie. (页面存档备份,存于) Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Volume 1, pp. 87–104.
- Buwalda, Piet. . Woodrow Wilson Center Press. 1997: 16 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8018-5616-7. (原始内容存档于2019-09-30) –Google Books.
- Jockusch, Laura; Lewinsky, Tamar. . Volume 24, Number 3. Winter 2010. Full text downloaded from the Holocaust and Genocide Studies (with signup). (原始内容存档于December 20, 2014).
- Eberhardt & Owsinski (2003), pp. 199-201
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Further Reading: "Einsatzgruppen," at the Holocaust Encyclopedia.
- 统计数据所用的资料包括波蘭猶太人歷史博物館虚拟犹太镇的"Glossary of 2,077 Jewish towns in Poland"的存檔,存档日期February 8, 2016,.、以及Gedeon 的 "Getta Żydowskie",以及Michael Peters 的 "Ghetto List". 2015年3月14日查阅。
- Wardzyńska, Maria, (PDF), (Był rok 1939. Operacja niemieckiej policji bezpieczeństwa w Polsce. Intelligenzaktion) (Institute of National Remembrance), 2009, pp. 8–10 in current document [2019-03-19], ISBN 978-83-7629-063-8, PDF file, direct download 2.56 MB, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-11-29) (波兰语).
- Gilbert, Martin, , Collins: 84–85, 1986 [2019-03-19], (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
- Czesław Łuczak. . Poznań: Wydawn. Poznańskie. 1987: V–XIII. ISBN 978-83-210-0632-1. Google Books.
- . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2013. (PDF version). (原始内容存档于October 3, 2013).
- Rotbein Flaum, Shirley. . Timeline. JewishGen Home Page. 2007 [26 March 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-21).
Source: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1990), Baranowski, Dobroszycki, Wiesenthal, Yad Vashem Timeline of the Holocaust, others.
- Rosenberg, Jennifer. . 2006 [2019-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2006-04-30).
Sources: Lodz Ghetto: Inside a Community Under Siege by Adelson, Alan and Robert Lapides (ed.), New York, 1989; The Documents of the Łódź Ghetto: An Inventory of the Nachman Zonabend Collection by Web, Marek (ed.), New York, 1988; The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry by Yahil, Leni, New York, 1991.
- Rosenberg, Jennifer. . History & Overview. Jewish Virtual Library. 2015 [1998] [19 March 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 2, 2015).
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- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. (PDF). London, New York, Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. Publishers: Polish government-in-exile, official report addressed to the wartime allies of the then-United Nations. 1942. pp. 1–16 (1–9 in current document).
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By the end of 1940, the forced-labor program in the General Government had registered over 700,000 Jewish men and women who were working for the German economy in ghetto businesses and as labor for projects outside the ghetto; there would be more.
- Trunk, Isaiah. . New York: Macmillan. 1972: 5, 172, 352 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8032-9428-8. with an introduction by Jacob Robinson. (原始内容存档于2020-09-30).
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- Browning (2004), p. 229.
- Piotrowski (1998), p. 217,"Ukrainian Collaboration."
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Without the auxiliaries, the Nazis' murderous intentions toward the Jewish population on the Eastern Front would not have been nearly as deadly.
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- Piotrowski (1998), p. 209,'Pogroms involving murder.'
- Ronald Headland (1992), Messages of Murder: A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and the Security Service, 1941–1943. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, pp. 125–126.ISBN 0-8386-3418-4.
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Mass graves resulting from deaths in the ghettos and various places of detention due to mistreatment, starvation ... concern the fate of several hundred thousand Jews. In the Warsaw ghetto alone, more than 100,000 Jews died and were buried in various places.
- Rhodes, Richard (2002), Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust. (页面存档备份,存于) New York: Vintage Books, pp. 243, 255. ISBN 0-307-42680-7.
- Yahil, Leni. . Oxford University Press. 1991: 264–266, 270. ISBN 978-0195045239. (原始内容存档于February 22, 2017). Also in: Browning (2004), pp. 244, 321, 429.
- Browning (2004), p. 244: For the global events at the end of 1941, see Battle of Moscow.
- Thacker, Toby. . Springer. 2016: 236, 258. ISBN 978-0230274228. (原始内容存档于July 5, 2018).
Hitler made the decision to proceed with the mass murder of 'all the Jews of Europe' in the autumn of 1941.
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As part of Amt IV of the R.S.H.A., the SS, SD, Kripo, and Orpo were responsible for `the rounding up, transportation, shooting, and gassing to death of at least three million Jews.´
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See Smith's book excerpts at: Hershl Sperling: Personal Testimony by David Adams, and the book summary at Last victim of Treblinka by Tony Rennell.
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- Cymet, David. . Lexington Books. 2012: 278 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0739132951. (原始内容存档于2022-01-01).
In the town of Ostrow, thirteen miles [21] away from Treblinka, the stench was unbearable.
- Klee, Ernst., Dressen, W., Riess, V. The Good Old Days: The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. ISBN 1-56852-133-2.
- Kopówka & Rytel-Andrianik (2011),pp. 76–102 (of 610) in PDF. (页面存档备份,存于)
- Musial, Bogdan (ed.), "Treblinka – ein Todeslager der Aktion Reinhard," in: "Aktion Reinhard" – Die Vernichtung der Juden im Generalgouvernement, Osnabrück 2004, pp. 257–281.
- Arad (1999), p. 375.
- Alex Bay. . Holocaust History.org. 2015. Belzec. The Nazi Camp for Jews in the Light of Archaeological Sources by Andrzej Kola, translated by Ewa and Mateusz Józefowicz, The Council for the Protection of Memory of Combat and Martyrdom, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Warsaw-Washington [2000]. (原始内容存档于August 14, 2014). Belzec survivor Rudolf Reder, author of postwar memoir about Belzec wrote that the camp's gas chambers were rebuilt of concrete. No traces of concrete were found in archaeological studies. Instead, the brick rubble was found in excavations.
- . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. [1 May 2016]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2017).
- Rudolf Reder. . 1999 reprint by Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum with Fundacja Judaica in bilingual format, featuring English translation by Margaret M. Rubel. Preface by Nella Rost (ed.) (Kraków: Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna division of the Central Committee of Polish Jews). 1946: 1–65 [28 May 2015]. OCLC 186784721. (原始内容存档于May 18, 2015) –WorldCat..
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- Gerstein, Kurt, [Der Gerstein-Bericht], Tübingen, 4 May 1945: Deathcamps.org, see, the Gerstein Report in Wikipedia, 1945, ISBN 978-90-411-0185-3, further reading: In the name of the people by Dick de Mildt. The Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, (原始内容存档于September 25, 2006).
- . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (原始内容存档于April 20, 2015).
- Arad (1999), p. 102.
- ARC contributing authors. . Aktion Reinhard Camps. 26 August 2006. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2005).
- "Archeologists reveal new secrets of Holocaust", Reuters News, 21 July 1998
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- Raul Hilberg. The Destruction of the European Jews. Yale University Press, 1985, p. 1219. ISBN 978-0-300-09557-9
- Schelvis (2014), p. 70,Arrival and Selection.
- Chris Webb, C.L. . Belzec, Sobibor & Treblinka Death Camps. H.E.A.R.T. 2007 [16 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于September 6, 2011).
It was a heavy Russian benzine engine – presumably a tank or tractor motor at least 200 horsepower V-motor, 8 cylinders, water cooled (SS-Scharführer Erich Fuchs).
- Schelvis (2014), p. 110.
Sobibór branch of the Majdanek State Museum. . 2016. (原始内容存档于January 18, 2017).
. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (原始内容存档于May 29, 2017). - Schelvis, Jules. Sobibor: A History of a Nazi Death Camp. Berg, Oxford & New Cork, 2007, p. 168, ISBN 978-1-84520-419-8.
- . (原始内容存档于October 9, 2014).
- . . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2003. (原始内容存档于August 16, 2012).
- Rosenberg, Jennifer. . . about.com. 2008. ISBN 978-0-404-16983-1. (原始内容存档于July 5, 2004).
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- Reszka, Paweł P. . Gazeta Wyborcza. December 23, 2005 [March 5, 2015]. (原始内容 (Internet Archive)存档于November 6, 2011).
- Lawrence, Geoffrey; et al (编). . 7. London: HM Stationery Office. 1946: 111. ISBN 978-1-57588-677-0. (原始内容存档于May 16, 2013).
- Yad Vashem, (PDF), Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies, pp. 28–30 of 58 in current document, 2000, (原始内容存档 (PDF)于March 20, 2009).
- Patrick Henry. . . CUA Press. 2014: 22–23 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0813225890. Prevalent misconception in most discussions about the Jewish resistance during World War II. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
- Totten, Samuel; Feinberg, Stephen. . IAP. 2009: 52, 104, 150, 282 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1607523017. Human dignity and spiritual resistance. (原始内容存档于2020-09-07). Also in: Gershenson, Olga. . Rutgers University Press. 2013: 104 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0813561820. (原始内容存档于2020-09-03).
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- Isaiah Trunk, , , U of Nebraska Press: 464–466, 472–474, 1972, ISBN 978-0803294288, (原始内容存档于January 3, 2014),
The highest degree of cooperation was achieved when chairmen, or other leading Council members themselves, actively participated in preparing and executing acts of resistance, particularly in the course of liquidations of ghettos. [Prominent examples include Warsaw,Częstochowa, Radomsko, Pajęczno, Sasów, Pińsk, Mołczadź, Iwaniska, Wilno, Nieśwież, Zdzięcioł (see: Zdzięcioł Ghetto), Tuczyn (Równe), and Marcinkańce (Grodno) among others]
另见: Martin Gilbert, , Collins: 828, 1986 - The Holocaust Encyclopedia, , United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2011, see map., (原始内容存档于January 26, 2012) –Internet Archive. 另见:Shmuel Krakowski, , YIVO, 2010, (原始内容存档于June 2, 2011)
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- The Holocaust Encyclopedia, , United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2017, (原始内容存档于August 3, 2017)
- Gunnar S. Paulsson. . Journal of Holocaust Education. Summer–Autumn 1998, 7 (1&2): 19–44. doi:10.1080/17504902.1998.11087056. Relevant excerpt about the 'chances of survival in hiding.'.
Keeping in mind that these cases are drawn from published memoirs and from cases on file at Yad Vashem and the Jewish Historical Institute, it is probable that the 5,000 or so Poles who have been recognised as 'Righteous Among the Nations' so far represent only the tip of the iceberg, and that the true number of rescuers who meet the Yad Vashem 'gold standard' is 20, 50, perhaps even 100 times higher (p. 23, § 2; available with purchase).
- Yad Vashem Shoa Resource Center,Zegota (页面存档备份,存于) 的存檔,存档日期October 20, 2013,. (页面存档备份,存于) October 20, 2013, at theWayback Machine. , page 4/34 of the Report.
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- for the Jews 的存檔,存档日期May 11, 2018,., Jan Grabowski, page 55, Indiana University Press
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- This last statement is based on the fact that Polish Antisemitism, even during the war, was not murderous in nature and did not speak in terms of outright liquidation except on its outermost fringes. It expressed extreme messages and unequivocal conclusions–the imperative of mass Jewish emigration from Poland–but did not advocate pogroms or genocideWere These Ordinary Poles? Daniel Blatman . [2018-05-19]. (原始内容存档于May 20, 2018).
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Religion and Native Language (total). Section, Jewish: 3,113,933 with Yiddish: 2,489,034 and Hebrew: 243,539
. - Norman Davies, , (Polish edition), Second volume, pp. 512–513, 1979; Alice Teichova, Herbert Matis, Jaroslav Pátek, : 342–344, 2000 [2019-03-19], ISBN 9781139427654, (原始内容存档于2020-09-24); Gedeon & Marta Kubiszyn, , Jewish history of Radom (Virtual Shtetl), page 2 of 6, [2019-03-19], (原始内容存档于2017-08-11) (波兰语); , Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, (原始内容存档于February 16, 2012).
- Materski & Szarota (2009),page 9.
- Piotrowski (1998), pp. 305–,'Poland's losses.'
- Materski & Szarota (2009),page 16.
- Materski & Szarota (2009),page 28. Some 800,000 Poles perished in concentration camps and mass murders.
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German military police in Grzegorzówka[p.153] and in Hadle Szklarskie[p.154] (Przeworsk County) extracted from two Jewish women the names of Christian Poles helping Jews – 11 Polish men were murdered. In Korniaktów forest (Łańcut County)[p.167] a Jewish woman caught in a bunker revealed the whereabouts of the Catholic family who fed her – the whole Polish family were murdered. In Jeziorko, Łowicz County,[p.160] a Jewish man betrayed all Polish rescuers known to him – 13 Catholics were murdered by the German military police. In Lipowiec Duży(Biłgoraj County),[p.174] a captured Jew led the Germans to his saviors – 5 Catholics were murdered including a 6-year-old child and their farm was burned. There were other similar cases; on a train to Kraków[p.170] the Żegota courier Irena who smuggled four Jewish women to safety was shot dead when one of them lost her nerve.
- Hans G. Furth One million Polish rescuers of hunted Jews? Journal of Genocide Research, June 1999, Vol. 1 Issue 2, pp. 227–232; AN 6025705.
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Approximately 3 million Poles rescued, hid, or otherwise helped Jews during the war, and fewer than a thousand denounced Jews to the Nazis.
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It has been estimated that a million or more Poles were involved in helping Jews.
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Kierownictwo Walki Cywilnej w "Biuletynie Informacyjnym" ostrzega "szmalcowników" i denuncjatorów przed konsekwencjami grożącymi im ze strony władz państwa podziemnego. [p.37 in PDF] Ot, widzi pan, sprawa jednej litery sprawia ogromną różnicę. Ratować i uratować! Ratowaliśmy kilkadziesiąt razy więcej ludzi, niż uratowaliśmy. – Władysław Bartoszewski [p.7]
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The Jewish looters knew better than anyone else "where to dig for valuables." Testimonies of Anzel Daches, Majer Gdański, Laja Goldman, Mojżesz Klajman, Chana Kohn, Jakub Libman, and Izrael Szerman, dated October 13, 1947; the Jewish Historical Institute Archive, record group 301, number 2932.
- Piotrowski (1998),p. 66. 'Collaborating.'
- Piotrowski (1998), p. 66,"Blackmailers."
- Lukas, Richard C. . University Press of Kentucky. 1989: 13. ISBN 978-0813116921. Also in: Lukas, Richard C. . University Press of Kentucky. 1986: 120. ISBN 978-0781809016.
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- Lerski, Jerzy Jan; Wróbel, Piotr; Kozicki, Richard J. . Greenwood Publishing Group. 1996: 110, 538 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-313-26007-0. For the Soviet deportations' more recent IPN findings, see Materski & Szarota (2009),Introduction. (原始内容存档于2020-10-02).
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In dozens of towns and settlements, attacks were carried out by "militias", "self-defence groups" and opaskowcy (called such for the red armbands they wore), which were made up primarily of Jews and Belarussians.[p.151]
- Strzembosz, Tomasz. 由Jerzy Michałowicz翻译. (PDF). Yad Vashem Studies. 2002, XXX: 7–20. PDF file, direct download. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于August 5, 2011).
The localities in question include: Grodno, Skidel (see the Skidel revolt), Jeziory, Łunna, Wiercieliszki, Wielka Brzostowica, Ostryna, Dubna, Dereczyn, Zelwa, Motol, Wołpa, Janów Poleski, Wołkowysk, and Drohiczyn Poleski.
- Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian. . Panel Jedwabne – A Scientific Analysis. Georgetown University, Washington DC: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. June 8, 2002 [2019-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-19).
- . Info-poland.buffalo.edu. [2011-10-07]. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2016).
- Rossino, Alexander B. . Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry. 2003, 16. References: №58. The Partisan: From the Valley of Death to Mount Zion by Yitzhak Arad; №59. The Lesser of Two Evils: Eastern European Jewry under Soviet Rule, 1939–1941 by Dov Levin; and №97. Abschlussbericht, 17 March 1964 in ZStL, 5 AR-Z 13/62, p. 164. (原始内容存档于February 22, 2014) –Internet Archive.
- Wróbel, Piotr. . Dagmar Herzog: Lessons and Legacies: The Holocaust in international perspective (Northwestern University Press). 2006: 391–396 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8101-2370-0. (原始内容存档于2019-10-05).
- Piotrowski (1998), p. 95,Korboński's 1981 quote verifying claim.
- Piotrowski (1998), p. 96,Verification.
- Piotrowski (1998), pp. 77–142,"NSZ underpinnings."
- Chodakiewicz, Marek Jan, The Dialectics of Pain的存檔,存档日期August 22, 2006,. Glaukopis, vol. 2/3 (2004–2005). See also: John S. Micgiel, "'Frenzy and Ferocity': The Stalinist Judicial System in Poland, 1944–1947, and the Search for Redress," The Carl Beck Papers in Russian & East European Studies [ Pittsburgh], no. 1101 (February 1994): 1–48. For concurring opinions see: Krzysztof Lesiakowski and Grzegorz Majchrzak interviewed by Barbara Polak, "O Aparacie Bezpieczeństwa," Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, no. 6 (June 2002): 4–24; Barbara Polak, "O karach śmierci w latach 1944–1956," Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, no. 11 (November 2002): 4–29.
- Various authors. . Versions of the GPO. Alexandria, VA: World Future Fund. 2003 [2019-03-19]. Resources: Janusz Gumkowski and Kazimierz Leszczynski,Hitler's Plans for Eastern Europe. Ibid. (原始内容存档于2007-01-02).
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- Marcus, Joseph. . Walter de Gruyter. 1983: 17–19. ISBN 978-90-279-3239-6. (原始内容存档于October 22, 2017).
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- Wróbel, Piotr. . Routledge. 2014: 108 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1135926946. (原始内容存档于2020-08-20).
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When the Soviets occupied eastern Galicia, some 30,000 Ukrainian nationalists fled to the General Government. In 1940 the Germans began to set up military training units of Ukrainians, and in the spring of 1941 Ukrainian units were established by the Wehrmacht.
See also: Marek Getter. . Przegląd Policyjny nr 1-2. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie: 1–22. 1996. WebCite cache. (原始内容存档于June 26, 2013). - Breitman, Richard. . Cambridge University Press. 2005: 249 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0521617949. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17).
- Lukas (2001),The forgotten Holocaust, page 128.
- Strzembosz (2002), p. 1. Background information: Strzembosz, Tomasz. [Inny obraz sąsiadów] (31.03.01 Nr 77). Rzeczpospolita. 2001. (原始内容存档于June 10, 2001) –Internet Archive. As well as: Paul, Mark. (PDF). Glaukopis. 2013. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于May 12, 2013).
- Browning (2004), p. 262.
- Michael C. Steinlauf. Bondage to the Dead. Syracuse University Press, p. 30.
- Paweł Machcewicz, "Płomienie nienawiści", Polityka 43 (2373), October 26, 2002, p. 71–73 The Findings 的存檔,存档日期March 10, 2009,.
- Gross, Jan Tomasz. . Princeton University Press. 2002: 3. ISBN 978-0-691-09603-2.
- Snyder, Timothy. . Yale University Press. 2003: 84–89. ISBN 978-0-300-10586-5 –Google Books, preview.
- Müller, Jan-Werner. . Cambridge University Press. 2002: 47. ISBN 978-0-521-00070-3.
- Longerich, Peter. . Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 2010: 194–. ISBN 978-0-19-280436-5. (原始内容存档于February 1, 2017).
- . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (原始内容存档于March 7, 2012).
- Dr. Frank Grelka. . Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung unter deutscher Besatzungsherrschaft 1918 und 1941/42 (Viadrina European University: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag). 2005: 283–284 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-3-447-05259-7. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17).
RSHA von einer begrüßenswerten Aktivitat der ukrainischen Bevolkerung in den ersten Stunden nach dem Abzug der Sowjettruppen.
For the German administrative divisions of Polish kresy with prominent Jewish communities destroyed under Nazi occupation, see: Bauer, Yehuda, , Yale University Press: 1–6, 65, 2009 [2019-03-19], ISBN 978-0300152098, (原始内容存档于2020-09-26) - Kuwałek, Robert; Riadczenko, Eugeniusz; Marczewski, Adam. . Virtual Shtetl. Translated by Katarzyna Czoków and Magdalena Wójcik: 3–4. 2015 [2019-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-31).
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- Talking with the willing executioners. Haaretz.com 18 May 2009 via Internet Archive.
- Pohl, Dieter. (PDF). Yad Vashem Resource Center. : 12/13, 17/18, 21. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于12 August 2014) –direct download, PDF 95 KB.
It is clear that a massacre of such proportions under German civil administration was virtually unprecedented.
Andrea Löw. . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. [1 May 2016]. From The USHMM Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945. (原始内容存档于February 2, 2017). - Piotrowski (1998),Poland's Holocaust, page 209..另见:Eugeniusz Mironowicz. [Idea sojuszu niemiecko-białoruskiego]. Okupacja niemiecka na Białorusi. Związek Białoruski w RP; Katedra Kultury Białoruskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. 2007. (原始内容存档于September 27, 2007) –Internet Archive.
- Snyder, Timothy. . Yale University Press. 2003: 162–170. ISBN 978-0-300-10586-5. (原始内容存档于June 3, 2016).
- Spector, Shmuel; Wigoder, Geoffrey. . Volume III. NYU Press. 2001: 1627. ISBN 978-0814793787. (原始内容存档于December 31, 2013).
- Rossolinski, Grzegorz. . Columbia University Press. 2014: 290 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-3838206844. (原始内容存档于2020-09-11).
- Landau, David J., Caged — A story of Jewish Resistance, Pan Macmillan Australia, 2000, ISBN 0-7329-1063-3. Quote: "The tragic end of the Ghetto [in Warsaw] could not have been changed, but the road to it might have been different under a stronger leader. There can be no doubt that if the Uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto had taken place in August—September 1942, when there were still 300,000 Jews, the Germans would have paid a much higher price."
- Pinchuk, Ben Cion. . Marrus, Michael Robert (编). . Walter de Gruyter. 1989: 1036–1038 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-3110968682. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
The range of differences in estimates might give us an idea of the problem's complexity. Thus, Avraham Pechenik estimated the number of refugees at 1,000,000.[p.1038]
- Berendt, Grzegorz. [Emigracja ludności żydowskiej z Polski w latach 1945–1967] (PDF). Polska 1944/45–1989. Studia I Materiały. 2006, VII. pp. 25–26 (pp. 2–3 in current document). (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 1, 2017).
- Golczewski, Frank. Gregor, Neil , 编. . The impact of National Socialism (OUP Oxford). 2000: 329–330 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0191512032. Prof. Czesław Madajczyk ascribed 2,000,000 Polish-Jewish victims to extermination camps, and 700,000 others to ghettos, labour camps, and hands-on murder operations. His stated figure of 2,770,000 victims is regarded as low but realistic. Madajczyk estimated also 890,000 Polish-Jewish survivors of World War II; some 110,000 of them in the Displaced Person camps across the rest of Europe, and 500,000 in the USSR; bringing the number up to 610,000 Jews outside the country in 1945. (原始内容存档于2020-08-20).Note: some other estimates, see for example: Engel (2005), are substantially different.
- Longerich, Peter. . OUP Oxford. 2010: 748. ISBN 978-0191613470. (原始内容存档于May 21, 2016).
- Phayer (2000), pp. 113, 117–120, 250. In January 1941 Jan Dobraczynski placed roughly 2,500 children in cooperating convents of Warsaw. Getter took many of them into her convent. During the Ghetto uprising the number of Jewish orphans in their care surged upward.[p.120]
- Bogner (2012), pp. 41–44.
- Paul (2009), pp. 16, 63–71, 98, 185. Despite the fact that at least several hundred Sisters of the Family of Mary risked their lives to rescue Jews, only three of them, MotherMatylda Getter of Warsaw, Sister Helena Chmielewska of Podhajce, and Sister Celina Kędzierska of Sambor (see: Sambor Ghetto) have been decorated by Yad Vashem.[p. 84].
- U.S. Department of State. . 1937–1945 Milestones. 2015. (原始内容存档于October 26, 2015).
- ESLI. (PDF). European Shoah Legacy Institute. July 2014. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于September 6, 2015) –Internet Archive.
- Berthon, Simon; Potts, Joanna. . Da Capo Press. 2007: 285. ISBN 978-0306816505.
- Fertacz, Sylwester. [Krojenie mapy Polski: Bolesna granica]. Magazyn Społeczno-Kulturalny Śląsk. 2005. (原始内容存档于April 25, 2009) –Internet Archive, June 5, 2016.
- Slay, Ben. . Princeton University Press. 2014: 20–21 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1400863730. (原始内容存档于2020-10-02).
The Second Republic was obliterated during the Second World War (1939–1945). As a consequence of seven years of brutal fighting and resistance to Nazi and Soviet military occupation, Poland's population was reduced by a third, from 34,849 at the end of 1938, to 23,930 in February 1946. Six million citizens...perished.[pp.19–20] (See Anti-communist resistance in Poland (1944–46) for supplementary data.)
- Hakohen (2003), p. 70,'Poland'.
- Hakohen (2003), p. 70,
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- Włodarczyk, Tamara. (PDF). Bricha (2.10). 2010. pp. 36, 44–45 (23–24 in PDF). (原始内容存档 (PDF)于April 13, 2016).
The decision originated from the military circles (and not the party leadership). The Berihah organization under Cwi Necer was requested to keep the involvement of MSZ and MON a secret.(24 in PDF) The migration reached its zenith in 1946, resulting in 150,000 Jews leaving Poland.(21 in PDF)
- Aleksiun, Natalia. . YIVO. [2019-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-22).
Suggested reading: Arieh Josef Kochavi, "Britain and the Jewish Exodus ... ," Polin 7 (1992): pp. 161–175.
- Kochavi, Arieh J. . The University of North Carolina Press. 2011: 15 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8078-2620-1. (原始内容存档于2020-07-26).
- Marrus, Michael Robert; Aristide R. Zolberg. . Temple University Press. 2002: 336 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-1-56639-955-5. (原始内容存档于2018-02-14).
This gigantic effort, known by the Hebrew code word Brichah(flight), accelerated powerfully after the Kielce pogrom in July 1946
- Siljak, Ana; Ther, Philipp. . Rowman & Littlefield. 2001: 138 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-7425-1094-4. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
- Steinlauf, Michael C. . 1996 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 9780801849695. In: David S. Wyman, Charles H. Rosenzveig. The World Reacts to the Holocaust. The Johns Hopkins University Press. (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
- Lukas (1989); also in Lukas (2001), p. 13.
- Albert Stankowski, with August Grabski and Grzegorz Berendt; Studia z historii Żydów w Polsce po 1945 roku, Warszawa, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny 2000, pp. 107–111. ISBN 83-85888-36-5
- Kochavi, Arieh J. . The University of North Carolina Press. 2001: xi, 167–169 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0-8078-2620-1. (原始内容存档于2019-10-17).
- Natalia Aleksiun. . Yad Vashem Studies. Volume 33 (Yad Vashem Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority). 2005: 156–157. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2017).
- Applebaum, Anne. . Knopf Doubleday. 2012: 48 [2019-03-19]. ISBN 978-0385536431. (原始内容存档于2019-10-05).
- The Associated Press. . Ryan Lucas, Warsaw. June 26, 2007. (原始内容存档于December 14, 2017).
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- . Open registration. International March of the Living 2012–2013. [January 5, 2013]. (原始内容存档于January 15, 2013).
- Nir Hasson. . Haaretz (Haaretz Daily Newspaper). Jun 7, 2013. (原始内容存档于July 14, 2013).
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