阿特拉哈西斯是阿卡德語的「智者[3]」「極具智慧者[2]」,原本稱為阿特拉姆哈西斯 < Atra-m-hasis > [4]。除了「阿特拉哈西斯史詩」以外,也在美索不達米亞的各篇神話中以不同姓名出現,以下所示者基本上都是同一位人物。
例如,於「吉爾伽美什史詩」中,他被稱為烏特納匹什提姆 < Uta-napistiim >,亦即古巴比倫語的「看見生命者」之意[4]的變體。除了烏特納匹什提姆 < Ut-napishtim >等名稱外,他也被稱為朱蘇德拉 < Ziusu-dra >,即蘇美語大洪水傳說中「永遠的生命[5]」「永續的生命[4]」之義。
- The Akkadian determinative dingir, which is usually translated as “god” or “goddess” can also mean “priest” or “priestess”[11] although there are other Akkadian words (e.g. ēnu and ēntu) that are also translated priest and priestess. The noun “divine” would preserve the ambiguity in dingir.
- On some tablets the under-god Weila or Aw-ilu, was slain for this purpose.
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- Tigay, Jeffrey H. . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1982. ISBN 0-8122-7805-4. OCLC 804000447.
- 矢島, 文夫. . 世界の神話. 筑摩書房. 1982-07-09. ISBN 4-480-32901-3. OCLC 673828844. 82052721.
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