| |||
| |||
| |||
中文名及学名 | 状态 | 命名人 | 时期 | 单位 | 发现地 | 注释 | 图集 |
Arctictenaspis[1] |
有效 |
皮尔海峡组 |
Ctenaspidae科,模式种为A. obruchevi。本属为Ctenaspis属的部分物种分离建立的,包括C. obruchevi、C. russelli、C. ornata |
Ariaspis arctata[2] |
有效 |
晚志留纪 |
异甲亚纲 |
Zaphoctenaspis[1] |
有效 |
塞维白云岩 |
Ctenaspidae科,模式种为Z. meemannae. |
中文名及学名 | 状态 | 命名人 | 时期 | 单位 | 发现地 | 注释 | 图集 |
Bryantolepis williamsi[3] |
有效 |
泥盆纪早期 |
水峡谷组 |
节甲鱼目,Bryantolepis属的一个种. |
Dolganosteus[4] |
有效 |
泥盆纪早期 |
硬鲛目,模式种为D. remotus |
Merimbulaspis[5] |
有效 |
泥盆纪 |
胴甲鱼目星鳞鱼亚目的成员,模式种为M. meemannae |
坡塘鱼属 Potangaspis[6] |
有效 |
埃姆斯期早期 |
郁江组 |
南极盾鱼科。模式种为P. parvoculatus |
中文名及学名 | 状态 | 命名人 | 时期 | 单位 | 发现地 | 注释 | 图集 |
Akaimia[7] |
有效 |
奥格罗杰涅茨 |
一种原始德须鲛目成员 |
Avonacanthus[8] |
有效 |
石炭纪早期 |
板鳃亚纲德成员,可能为Heslerodidae科。Ctenacanthus brevis分离建立的一个新属 |
Cretorectolobus robustus[9] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
Denaea saltsmani[10] |
有效 |
宾夕法尼亚世 |
西莫利鲨目的一个成员,可能为胸脊鲨科;Denaea属的一个种 |
Denaea williamsi[10] |
有效 |
密西西比世晚期 |
西莫利鲨目的一个成员,可能为胸脊鲨科;Denaea属的一个种 |
Edaphodon hesperis[11] |
有效 |
哈斯拉姆组 |
全头类,Edaphodon属的一个种 |
Eoscymnus[12] |
有效 |
角鲨目Eoscymnidae科。模式种为E. anthonisi. |
Eostriatolamia paucicorrugata[9] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
Foumtizia deschutteri[12] |
有效 |
始新世 |
Jiaodontus[13] |
有效 |
牛津期 |
齐古组 |
弓鲨目Lonchidiidae科 |
Meristodonoides[9] |
有效 |
阿普第期至马斯特里赫特期 |
Hybodus rajkovichi分离建立的一个新属。其它种包括H. butleri、H. montanensis和H. novojerseyensis |
Orectoloboides angulatus[9] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
Orectoloboides gijseni[12] |
有效 |
始新世 |
Palaeogenotodus[12] |
次异名 |
阿尔布期至伊普雷斯期 |
起初以为是鼠鲨目始鼠鲨科的一种,[12]随后分配至耳齿鲨科。模式种为P. luypaertsi。Herman和Van Waes于2012年认为Palaeogenotodus是耳齿鲨属(Otodus)的异名;作者保留了模式种P. luypaertsi为耳齿鲨属的一个独特物种[14] |
Palaeoxyris friessi[15] |
有效 |
埃尔福特组 |
疑似为弓鲨的卵囊。 |
Ptychodus rhombodus[9] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
Roulletia canadensis[9] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
Telodontaspis[9] |
次异名 |
森诺曼期 |
模式种为T. agassizensis. Newbrey等人于2013年认为该属为白垩刺甲鲨属(Cretoxyrhina)的次异名尽管他们仍将T. agassizensis 保留为白垩刺甲鲨属下的一个单独物种[16] |
Titanonarke[17] |
有效 |
始新世 |
电鳐目,Narcine molini分离建立的一个新属 |
Triaenodon willei[12] |
有效 |
始新世 |
灰三齿鲨属的一个种 |
Urobatis molleni[18] |
有效 |
阿尔特组 |
一种𫚉鱼,Urobatis属的一个种 |
Welcommia cappettai[19] |
有效 |
牛津期中期 |
古鳍棘鲨目,Welcommia属的一个种 |
中文名及学名 | 状态/新颖性 | 命名人 | 时期 | 单位 | 地点 | 注释 | 图集 |
Acanthocepola sicca[20] |
Sp. nov |
赤刀鱼科,棘赤刀鱼属的一个种 |
Alaconger[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
糯鳗科,模式种为A. triquetrus,该属的另一个种为A. eocaenicus (Sulc, 1932) |
Amblyeleotris radwanskaae[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
钝塘鳢属的一个种 |
Ampheristus brevicauda[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
鼬鱼科,Ampheristus属的一个种 |
Ampheristus traunensis[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
鼬鱼科,Ampheristus属的一个种 |
Aphia weinbrechti[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
微体玻璃虾虎鱼的近亲 |
Archaeotetraodon bannikovi[22] |
有效 |
中新世 |
四齿鲀科,Archaeotetraodon属的一个种 |
Archaeotetraodon dicarloi[22] |
有效 |
中新世 |
四齿鲀科,Archaeotetraodon属的一个种 |
Archaeotetraodon zafaranai[22] |
有效 |
中新世 |
四齿鲀科,Archaeotetraodon属的一个种 |
Archaulopus[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
青眼鱼科,模式种为A. acutus. |
Argentina voigti[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A herring smelt, a species of Argentina. |
Argyroberyx[21] |
Gen. et comb. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of spinyfins. A new genus for "Otolithus (Ganoidarum)" dentatus Liebus (1927); genus might also contain "? Caproidarum" dockeryi Nolf & Stringer (1996). |
Ateleopus ariejansseni[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A jellynose fish, a species of Ateleopus. |
Ateleopus nolfi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A jellynose fish, a species of Ateleopus. |
Atlantoceratodus patagonicus[23] |
有效 |
晚白垩世(坎帕期或马斯特里赫特期) |
艾伦组 |
A lungfish, a species of Atlantoceratodus. |
Auriculithus[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Sternoptychidae. The type species is Auriculithus pattersoni. |
Bannikovperca[24] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
坎帕期至马斯特里赫特期 |
Initially classified as a member of Perciformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Percoidei;[24] subsequently reinterpreted as a slimehead.[25] The type species is Bannikovperca apula. |
Bathycongrus teredophilus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Congridae, a species of Bathycongrus. |
Bathyuroconger sincerus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Congridae, a species of Bathyuroconger. |
Bavariconger[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
A member of Congridae. The type species is Bavariconger pollerspoecki. |
Bavariscopelus[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
晚白垩世(桑托期至马斯特里赫特期)古新世 |
Originally considered to be a lanternfish;[21] subsequently only classified as a member of Myctophiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement by Schwarzhans (2012).[26] The type species is Bavariscopelus bispinosus; genus also contains "genus Apogonidarum" vetustus Nolf (2003). |
Beauryia[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb? nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of spinyfins. The type species is Beauryia medialis; genus might also contain ? B. obovatus (Liebus, 1927) from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of Carinthia. |
Bellwoodilabrus[27] |
有效 |
伊普雷斯期晚期 |
A wrasse. The type species is Bellwoodilabrus landinii. |
Blennius dividatus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A combtooth blenny, a species of Blennius. |
Bollmannia nubila[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Bollmannia. |
邦氏鲲属 Bonnerichthys[28] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
尼奥布拉拉组 |
A gigantic pachycormid fish, a new genus for "Portheus" gladius (Cope, 1873). |
Bullichthys[29] |
有效 |
桑塔纳群 |
An albuliform fish. The species is B. santanensis. |
Cataetyx cautus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A viviparous brotula, a species of Cataetyx. |
Caucasiganus[30] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
始新世(巴尔顿期)至渐新世早期 |
A rabbitfish. The type species is Caucasiganus eocaenicus from the Eocene of Russia; genus also includes second, unnamed species from the early Oligocene of Iran. |
Chelidonichthys mistensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A smallscaled gurnard. |
Ciliata crimmeni[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Lotidae, a species of Ciliata. |
Coelorinchus supramedianus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A grenadier, a species of Coelorinchus. |
Deltentosteus eggenburgensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Deltentosteus. |
Diaphus extremus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A lanternfish, a species of Diaphus. |
Diaphus guersi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A lanternfish, a species of Diaphus. |
Diaphus simplex[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A lanternfish, a species of Diaphus. |
Dibranchus auriculatus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Ogcocephalidae, a species of Dibranchus. |
Diretmus primus[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A spinyfin related to the silver spinyfin. |
Encheliophis woltrupensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A pearlfish, a species of Encheliophis. |
Enchodus zimapanensis[31] |
有效 |
阿尔布期至森诺曼期 |
埃尔多克特山脉组 |
An enchodontid aulopiform, a species of Enchodus. |
Engyophrys arnoldmuelleri[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Bothidae, a species of Engyophrys. |
Gadichthys serratus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Gadidae, a species of Gadichthys. |
Gadichthys syltensis abruptus[20] |
Subsp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Gadidae, a subspecies of Gadichthys syltensis. |
Gadiculus deurnensis compactus[20] |
Subsp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Gadidae, a subspecies of Gadiculus deurnensis. |
Gadiculus deurnensis macer[20] |
Subsp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Gadidae, a subspecies of Gadiculus deurnensis. |
Gobius rudis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Gobius. |
Gobius simplicissimus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Gobius. |
Gobius tenuisulcus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Gobius. |
Gymnogeophagus eocenicus[32] |
有效 |
始新世 |
伦布雷拉组 |
A cichlid, a species of Gymnogeophagus. |
"genus Hemiramphidarum" insolitus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A halfbeak of uncertain generic assignment. |
Holocentronotus[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
晚白垩世(马斯特里赫特期)至始新世 |
A member of Holocentridae. The type species is Holocentronotus percomorphus; genus also contains H. palasulcatus (Schwarzhans 1980), H. ventriosus (Schwarzhans 1980) and H. amplus (Schwarzhans 1980), all from the Eocene of New Zealand. |
Hoplobrotula tenuinotata[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A cusk-eel, a species of Hoplobrotula. |
Hoplunnis massivus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Nettastomatidae, a species of Hoplunnis. |
Hygophum brzobohatyi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A lanternfish, a species of Hygophum. |
Hyporhamphus ronaldjansseni[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A halfbeak, a species of Hyporhamphus. |
Isozen[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
晚白垩世(桑托期晚期至马斯特里赫特期)至古新世 |
A member of Zeiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement, related to the family Parazenidae. The type species is Isozen beateae; genus also contains "genus Zeiformorum" tyleri Nolf 2003 and "genus Zeiformorum" janni Schwarzhans (2003). |
Johnsonperca[24] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
坎帕期至马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Perciformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Percoidei. The type species is Johnsonperca annavaccarii. |
Kathetostoma drusianus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A stargazer, a species of Kathetostoma. |
Kokenichthys[21] |
Gen. et comb. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Osteoglossiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement; a new genus for "genus ? Albulidarum" ensis Nolf & Dockery (1990). |
Lagosiganus[30] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
巴尔顿期 |
库马地平线 |
A rabbitfish. The type species is Lagosiganus parinterneuralis. |
Lamprogrammus joergennielseni[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A cusk-eel, a species of Lamprogrammus. |
Lavinia lugaskii[33] |
有效 |
中新世中期 |
阿尔德里奇站组 |
A cyprinid fish, a species of Lavinia. |
Lepidotrigla dingdenensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Lepidotrigla. |
Lepidotrigla modica[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Lepidotrigla. |
Lepidotrigla necrophagus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Lepidotrigla. |
Lepidotrigla vierlandica[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Lepidotrigla. |
Macropycnodon[34] |
有效 |
上白垩世 |
曼科斯页岩 |
A gigantic pycnodont fish. |
Magnigena[35] |
有效 |
乌姆希玛尔组 |
An arowana. Genus includes new species M. arabica. |
Mesobius lohneensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A grenadier, a species of Mesobius. |
Microgadus ipswichensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
上新世中期 |
A member of Gadidae, a species of Microgadus. |
Morone exercitus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A temperate bass, a species of Morone. |
Morone sororius[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A temperate bass, a species of Morone. |
Myrichthys valens[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Ophichthidae, a species of Myrichthys. |
Nigerium tamaguelense[36] |
Sp. nov |
始新世早期 |
A catfish belonging to the family Claroteidae. |
Notoscopelus ostiolatus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A lanternfish, a species of Notoscopelus. |
Oblada torneschensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A relative of the saddled seabream. |
Oliganodon[37] |
Gen. et comb. nov |
渐新世 |
A member of Percoidei. Genus includes "Smerdis" budensis Heckel (1856) and "Serranus" comparabilis Daniltshenko (1960). However, Prokofiev (2009) already established a new genus Oligoserranoides for these two species.[38] |
Orrichthys[39] |
有效 |
伊普雷斯期 |
蒙特波卡化石库 |
A handfish. The type species is Orrichthys longimanus. |
Owstonia badenensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A bandfish, a species of Owstonia. |
Pagrus vandornicki[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Sparidae, a species of Pagrus. |
Palaeostomias[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of barbeled dragonfishes of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Palaeostomias praematurus. |
Pampus pampauensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Stromateidae, a species of Pampus. |
Pampus uedemensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Stromateidae, a species of Pampus. |
Paralichthys transatlanticus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Paralichthyidae, a species of Paralichthys. |
Parascombrops malzi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Acropomatidae, a species of Parascombrops. |
"genus aff. Parascombrops" postgeron[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Acropomatidae related to members of the genus Parascombrops. |
Paratrisopterus glaber[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Gadidae, a species of Paratrisopterus. |
Peprilus hoedemakersi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Stromateidae, a species of Peprilus. |
Peristedion menzeli[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
An armored searobin, a species of Peristedion. |
Pfeilichthys[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of members of the family Holocentridae. The type species is Pfeilichthys pfeili. |
Pisodonophis cetacephalus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Ophichthidae, a species of Pisodonophis. |
Plesioheros[40] |
有效 |
始新世 |
伦布雷拉组 |
A cichlid belonging to the tribe Heroini. The type species is P. chauliodus. |
Plesiopoma[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
科尼亚克期至马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Acropomatidae. The type species is Plesiopoma otiosa; genus also contains P. anhaltinus (Voigt, 1926), P. weinbergeri (Sieber & Weinfurter, 1967) and P. bilottei (Nolf, 2003). |
Polazzodus[41] |
有效 |
晚白垩世 |
A pycnodont fish. The species is P. coronatus. |
Pollerspoeckia[21] |
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov |
土仑期至马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of members of the genus Pterothrissus. The type species is Pollerspoeckia siegsdorfensis; genus also contains P. rotunda (Stinton, 1973) and P. bagassianus (Nolf, 2003). |
"genus Polymixiidarum" beauryi[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A Polymixiidae. Assigned to the genus Cowetaichthys by Schwarzhans, Huddleston & Takeuchi (2018).[42] |
Pomatoschistus flensburgensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Pomatoschistus. |
Ponticola wiesenensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A goby, a species of Ponticola. |
Potamoceratodus[43] |
有效 |
莫里森组 |
A lungfish, a new genus for "Ceratodus" guentheri (Marsh, 1878). |
Prionotus chamavensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Prionotus. |
Prionotus europaeus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A sea robin, a species of Prionotus. |
Pristigenys hermani[44] |
有效 |
始新世中期 |
A priacanthid, a species of Pristigenys. |
Pristigenys schiecki[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A priacanthid, a species of Pristigenys. |
Protobathylagus[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A deep-sea smelt. The type species is Protobathylagus effusus. |
Protobythites[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A cusk-eel. The type species is Protobythites brzobohatyi. |
Pteralbula foreyi[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
Originally described as a species of Pteralbula, but subsequently transferred to the genus Pterothrissus.[45] |
Qingmenodus[46] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
坡松冲组 |
A member of Onychodontida. The type species is Q. yui. |
长身鲲属 Rhinconichthys[28] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
A gigantic pachycormid fish. The species is Rhinconichthys taylori |
Rhinonemus gaemersi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Lotidae, a species of Rhinonemus. |
Rhombichthys[47] |
有效 |
森诺曼期 |
艾因亚卜鲁德 |
A double-armored member of the Ellimmichthyiformes. |
Rhynchoconger accentuatus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Congridae, a species of Rhynchoconger. |
"genus aff. Rhynchoconger" piger[21] |
Sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Congridae related to members of the genus Rhynchoconger. |
Robinsondipterus[48] |
有效 |
戈戈组 |
A holodontid lungfish. The type species is "Holodipterus" longi Campbell & Barwick (1991). |
Saccogaster vonderhochti[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A viviparous brotula, a species of Saccogaster. |
Sciaena abotrita[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Sciaena. |
Sciaena achimensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Sciaena. |
Sciaenops cimbricus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Sciaenops. |
疏勒鱼属 Shuleichthys[49] |
有效 |
A osteoglossomorph fish. The species is S. brachypteryx. |
Sillaginocentrus[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of members of the family Holocentridae. The type species is Sillaginocentrus alienus. |
Solea ijsselanus[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Soleidae, a species of Solea. |
Solea wolfi[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Soleidae, a species of Solea. |
Trachinus wettenensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A weever, a species of Trachinus. |
Traubiella[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A relative of members of the family Holocentridae. The type species is Traubiella anagoformis. |
Traunichthys[21] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
马斯特里赫特期 |
A possible relative of ridgeheads. The type species is Traunichthys pfeili. |
Trigla vandervoorti[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A relative of the piper gurnard. |
Triglopsis chaucensis[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Cottidae, a species of Triglopsis. |
Xeradipterus[50] |
有效 |
弗拉斯期 |
戈戈组 |
A holodontid lungfish. |
Zeugopterus martinii[20] |
Sp. nov |
中新世 |
A member of Scophthalmidae, a species of Zeugopterus. |
Zorzinperca[24] |
Gen. et sp. nov |
坎帕期至马斯特里赫特期 |
A member of Perciformes belonging to the group Percoidei, a relative of Nardoichthys. The type species is Zorzinperca weverberghi. |
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