



Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3
Ba1 Ba2 Ba3 B1 B2 B3 Caa1 Caa2 Caa3 Ca C
 喀麦隆071B2Stable2016-08-05 [24]
 伊拉克051Caa1Stable2017-08-03 [58]
 091Ba3Stable2015-11-05 [63]
 阿曼090 Ba3Negative2020-06-23[93][94]
 斯威士兰070 B3Stable2020-07-20[121]
 尚比亞021CaStable2020-04-03 [139]



 201 AAStable2012-02-20[142]
 阿尔巴尼亚091 B+Stable2016-02-05[143]
 安道尔141 BBBStable2020-04-24[144]
 安哥拉061 CCC+Stable2020-03-26[145]
 阿根廷061 CCC+Stable2020-09-07[146]
 阿鲁巴141 BBBStable2021-03-15[147]
 221 AAAStable2021-06-06[148]
 奥地利211 AA+Stable2013-01-29[142]
 121 BB+Stable2018-01-26[149]
 巴哈马110 BBNegative2020-04-16[150]
 巴林091 B+Stable2020-03-26[151]
 101 BB-Stable2010-04-05[142]
 巴巴多斯071 B-Stable2019-12-11[152]
 白俄羅斯051 CCCStable2022-03-05[153]
 比利时201 AAStable2018-04-04[154]
 伯利兹030 D違約2021-05-24[155]
  092 B+ Positive 2023-10-20 [156]
 百慕大181 A+Stable2015-04-28[142]
 玻利维亚070 B-Negative2023-04-19[157]
 081 BStable2020-04-30[158]
 博茨瓦纳150 BBB+Negative2020-09-18[159]
 巴西112 BBPositive2023-08-03[160]
 保加利亚141 BBBStable2020-05-29[161]
 布吉納法索081 BStable2017-05-26[162]
 柬埔寨081 BStable2011-10-31[163]
 喀麦隆071 B-Stable2020-04-10[164]
 加拿大221 AAAStable2002-07-29[154]
 佛得角071 B-Stable2021-02-19[159]
 智利180 AStable2021-03-24


 中國181 A+Stable2017-09-21[167]
 哥伦比亚121 BB+Stable2021-05-19[168]
 刚果民主共和国061 CCC+Stable2020-07-31[169]
 刚果共和国061 CCC+Stable2020-09-04[159]
 庫克群島091 B+Stable2020-11-11[159]
 哥斯达黎加101 BB-Stable2023-03-02[170]
 152 BBB+Positive2023-09-15[171]
 161 A-Stable2013-06-14[154]
 賽普勒斯131 BBB-Stable2018-09-14[154]
 捷克191 AA-Stable2011-08-24[154]
 丹麦221 AAAStable2001-02-27[154]
 101 BB-Stable2021-12-8[172]
 厄瓜多尔071 B-Stable2020-09-01[173]
 埃及080 BNegative2023-04-21[174]
 薩爾瓦多071 B-Stable2018-12-28[175]
 爱沙尼亚192 AA-Stable2020-08-21[159]
 衣索比亞060 CCC+Negative2021-09-25[176]
 欧洲联盟201 AAStable2016-06-30[154]
 斐济100 BB-Negative2020-06-18[177]
 芬兰211 AA+Stable2016-09-16[154]
 法國201 AAStable2016-10-21[154]
 110 BBNegative2021-02-26[178]
 德国221 AAAStable2012-01-13[154]
 071 B-Stable2020-09-11[159]
 希腊122 BBB-Stable2023-10-20[179]
 101 BB-Stable2017-10-18[180]
 根西191 AA-Stable2016-07-08[154]
 洪都拉斯101 BB-Stable2017-07-18[154]
 香港211 AA+Stable2017-09-22[181]
 匈牙利141 BBBStable2020-04-28[182]
 冰島181 A+Stable2023-11-10[183]
 印度131 BBB-Stable2014-09-26[154]
 印度尼西亞140 BBBStable2022-04-27[184]
 伊拉克071 B-Stable2015-09-03[154]
 愛爾蘭201 AAStable2023-10-25[185]
 以色列190 AA-Negative2023-10-25[186]
 義大利141 BBBStable2020-11-06[187]
 牙买加101 BB-Stable2023-09-13[188]
 日本181 A+Stable2020-06-09[189]
 澤西191 AA-Stable2016-07-08[142]
 约旦091 B+Stable2017-10-20[190]
 131 BBB-Stable2017-09-08[191]
 肯尼亚090 BStable2021-03-05[192][193]
 科威特190 AA-Negative2020-07-17[194]
 拉脫維亞181 A+Stable2020-02-21[154][195]
 黎巴嫩010 D違約2020-03-11[196]
 列支敦斯登221 AAAStable2016-02-26[154]
 立陶宛181 A+Stable2020-02-21[197]
 盧森堡221 AAAStable2013-01-14[154]
 马来西亚160 A-Negative2020-06-26[198]
 馬爾他161 A-Stable2020-03-13[199]
 墨西哥140 BBBStable2022-07-06[154]
 蒙古081 BStable2018-11-09[200]
 蒙特內哥羅090 B+Negative2020-05-01[201]
 蒙特塞拉特131 BBB-Stable2011-09-02[154]
 摩洛哥131 BBB-Stable2019-10-04[202]
 莫桑比克061 CCC+Stable2019-11-22[203]
 荷蘭221 AAAStable2015-11-20[154]
 新西蘭211 AA+Stable2021-02-22[204]
 尼加拉瓜091 B+Stable2016-02-11[154]
 奈及利亞71 B-Stable2020-03-26[205]
 北馬其頓101 BB-Stable2013-05-24[154]
 挪威221 AAAStable2022-05-06[206]
 阿曼112 BBPositive2020-10-16[159]
 巴基斯坦061 CCC+Stable2022-12-22[207]
 巴拿马141 BBBStable2020-11-24[208]
 巴布亚新几内亚071 B-Stable2020-04-28[209]
 巴拉圭111 BBStable2016-06-15[154]
 秘魯151 BBB+Negative2023-01-31[210]
 菲律賓151 BBB+Stable2019-04-30[211]
 波蘭161 A-Stable2018-10-13[154]
 葡萄牙151 BBB+Stable2022-09-09[212]
 191 AA-Stable2018-12-07[213]
 171 AStable2014-10-13[154]
 羅馬尼亞130 BBB-Stable2021-04-16[154]
 俄羅斯040 D違約2022-04-08[214]
 卢旺达091 B+Stable2019-08-09[215]
 沙烏地阿拉伯182 A+Positive2022-03-25[216]
 塞内加尔091 B+Stable2019-12-06[217]
 塞爾維亞121 BB+Stable2020-05-01[218]
 沙迦131 BBB-Stable2020-10-23[159]
 新加坡221 AAAStable2022-05-17[219]
 斯洛伐克180 A+Stable2021-01-22[220]
 斯洛維尼亞191 AA-Stable2019-06-17[221]
 南非101 BB-Stable2021-05-21[222]
 201 AAStable2016-08-07[223]
 西班牙170 ANegative2020-09-18[159]
 斯里蘭卡010 D違約2021-04-25[224]
 苏里南010 D違約2020-07-16[159]
 瑞典221 AAAStable2004-02-16[154][225]
 瑞士221 AAAStable1989-06-26[154]
 臺灣211 AA+Stable2022-04-29[226]
 泰國151 BBB+Stable2020-04-13[227]
 千里達及托巴哥131 BBB-Stable2020-03-26[228]
 土耳其121 BB+Stable2022-09-30[142][229]
 151 BBB+Stable2014-07-01[142]
 乌干达081 BStable2014-01-17[154]
 烏克蘭060 CCC+Negative2023-04-07[230][231]
 英国201 AAStable2023-04-21[232]
 美国210 AA+Negative2013-06-10[154]
 乌拉圭151 BBB+Stable2023-06-07[233]
 委內瑞拉010 D違約2017-11-14[234]
 越南122 BB+Positive2022-05-26[235]
 尚比亞010 D違約2020-10-20[159]



 白俄羅斯011[註 1]2023-10-06[250]
 加彭061 B-Stable2023-08-04[278]
 俄羅斯011[註 2]2022-03-25[332]




 阿根廷021 D違約2014-07-31[363]





Japan Credit Rating Agency(JCR)是一家位於日本的信用評級機構,被美国证券交易委员会認可的統計評級機構







國家/地区 詳情


  1. . Finance-glossary.com. [2013-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-05).
  2. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-08-04 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-05).
  3. . moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 8 September 2020 [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  4. . Moody's Investors Service. 2020-04-03 [2021-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  5. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 27 August 2019 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-29).
  6. . Moody's Investors Service. [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  7. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-06-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-26).
  8. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 6 April 2021 [6 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-30).
  9. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 25 June 2020 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  10. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Services. 29 April 2021 [2 May 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  11. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-04-17 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-24).
  12. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 2 July 2019 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  13. . [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  14. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-03 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-03).
  15. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 24 November 2020 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  16. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 9 March 2021 [13 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  17. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-06-03 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  18. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 22 September 2020 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  19. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-02-26 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  20. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 23 April 2021 [24 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  21. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 9 April 2018 [2 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  22. . Moody's. 9 October 2020 [13 February 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  23. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-17 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  24. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-08-05 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-07).
  25. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-11-02 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-04).
  26. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-07-17 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  27. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 25 August 2020 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  28. . www.moodys.com. [2023-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-11).
  29. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 3 December 2020 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  30. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 1 December 2020 [13 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  31. . Moody's Investors Service. 2 June 2020 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  32. . Moody's Investors Service. 2022-07-15 [2022-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  33. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 8 November 2017 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  34. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 20 September 2019 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  35. . Moody's Investors Service. 2022-09-04 [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  36. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  37. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-07-20 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  38. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 18 June 2019 [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-27).
  39. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. [3 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  40. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 7 February 2023 [29 March 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-29).
  41. . 5 May 2022 [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  42. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-07-21 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-22).
  43. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 17 May 2021 [28 May 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  44. . Moodys Investors Service. 20 April 2021 [24 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  45. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-06-03 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  46. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 21 February 2020 [2021-01-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  47. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 4 December 2020 [6 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  48. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-09-11 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-11).
  49. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-02-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  50. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 17 April 2020 [6 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
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  52. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 10 November 2020 [6 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  53. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-09-22 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  54. . Moodys.com. 2023-12-06 [2023-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-07).
  55. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 24 September 2021 [25 September 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  56. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 8 November 2019 [6 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  57. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-04-13 [2018-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-13).
  58. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-08-03 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-04).
  59. . www.gov.ie. 2023-04-22 [2023-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-16).
  60. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 23 October 2020 [8 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  61. . Moody's Investors Service. 2018-07-20 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  62. . Moody's Investors Service. 2018-10-19 [2018-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-08).
  63. . Moody's Investors Service. 2015-11-05 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-31).
  64. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 11 December 2019 [8 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-29).
  65. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-08-30 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-31).
  66. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-11-14 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  67. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 22 August 2019 [8 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  68. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 7 May 2020 [9 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  69. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 22 September 2020 [9 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  70. . Moody's Investors Service. 26 November 2020 [13 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  71. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-07-14 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-15).
  72. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 27 July 2020 [9 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
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  74. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-03 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-03).
  75. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-05-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  76. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-11-01 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-26).
  77. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 21 May 2020 [10 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  78. . Moody's Investors Service. 22 March 2021 [26 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  79. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-09-02 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-04).
  80. . moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 4 March 2021 [13 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  81. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 17 April 2020 [10 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  82. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-01-13 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  83. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 16 March 2021 [17 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  84. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 6 March 2020 [17 Mar 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  85. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 4 February 2021 [20 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  86. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 20 September 2019 [11 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
  87. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 4 December 2020 [4 December 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  88. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-31 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  89. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-03-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-24).
  90. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 14 February 2020 [14 February 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  91. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 15 April 2020 [11 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  92. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-03-04 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-06).
  93. . www.moodys.com. [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  94. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 23 June 2020 [11 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-15).
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  97. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 19 April 2021 [24 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-27).
  98. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-06-21 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-22).
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  101. . Moody's Investors Service. 2017-05-12 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  102. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 17 November 2023 [17 November 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-17).
  103. . Moody's. 31 October 2019 [13 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  104. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 13 July 2018 [9 Feb 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
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  111. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-12-08 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-09).
  112. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 19 March 2021 [26 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-27).
  113. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 27 September 2019 [27 Sep 2019]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-27).
  114. . Moodys.com. Moodys Investors Service. 2 October 2020 [9 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
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  116. . Moody's Investors Service. 2015-12-18 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  117. . Moody's Investors Service. 2018-04-13 [2018-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-03).
  118. . Moodys.com. Moody's. 28 September 2020 [11 December 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  119. . Moody's Investors Service. 2016-05-19 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24).
  120. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 7 July 2020 [9 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  121. . Moodys.com. [20 Jul 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
  122. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 27 March 2020 [27 Mar 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-27).
  123. . Moodys.com. Moody's Investors Service. 27 November 2020 [27 Nov 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-26).
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  375. Country Brief - Gambia(有密碼鎖)
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  1. 因侵略烏克蘭而被撤評。
  2. 因侵略烏克蘭而被撤評。


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