參見:、 和

nāvis birēmis(雙層槳座戰艦)
源自原始印歐語 ,與古希臘語 (naûs, “船”), 波斯語 (nâv), 梵語 (nau, “船”)同源。
f (属格); 第三类变格
第三類變格名詞(i-詞幹,accusative singular in -em or -im,ablative singular in -e or -ī)。
格 | 單數 | 複數 |
主格 | ||
屬格 | ||
與格 | ||
賓格 | ||
奪格 | ||
呼格 |
- 的與格陽性複數
- 的與格陰性複數
- 的與格中性複數
- 的奪格陽性複數
- 的奪格陰性複數
- 的奪格中性複數
- navis in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
- “navis”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- 在Charles du Fresne du Cange的Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
- navis在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典), Hachette中的內容
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- to have a powerful navy: navibus plurimum posse
- much damage was done by this collision: ex eo navium concursu magnum incommodum est acceptum
- (模糊)a cutter: navis actuaria
- (模糊)a man-of-war: navis longa
- (模糊)a transport or cargo-boat: navis oneraria
- (模糊)a merchantman: navis mercatoria
- (模糊)to build a ship, a fleet: navem, classem aedificare, facere, efficere, instituere
- (模糊)to equip a boat, a fleet: navem (classem) armare, ornare, instruere
- (模糊)to launch a boat: navem deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
- (模糊)to haul up a boat: navem subducere (in aridum)
- (模糊)to repair a boat: navem reficere
- (模糊)to embark: navem conscendere, ascendere
- (模糊)to embark an army: exercitum in naves imponere (Liv. 22. 19)
- (模糊)ships of last year: naves annotinae
- (模糊)to weigh anchor, sail: navem (naves) solvere
- (模糊)the ships sail from the harbour: naves ex portu solvunt
- (模糊)to row: navem remis agere or propellere
- (模糊)to row hard: navem remis concitare, incitare
- (模糊)to back water: navem retro inhibere (Att. 13. 21)
- (模糊)the ship strikes on the rocks: navis ad scopulos alliditur (B. C. 3. 27)
- (模糊)to land (of people): appellere navem (ad terram, litus)
- (模糊)to make fast boats to anchors: naves ad ancoras deligare (B. G. 4. 29)
- (模糊)to make fast boats to anchors: naves (classem) constituere (in alto)
- (模糊)to land, disembark: exire ex, de navi
- (模糊)the admiral's ship; the flagship: navis praetoria (Liv. 21. 49)
- (模糊)to clear for action: navem expedire
- (模糊)to charge, ram a boat: navem rostro percutere
- (模糊)to board and capture a boat: navem expugnare
- (模糊)to sink a ship, a fleet: navem, classem deprimere, mergere
- (模糊)to throw grappling irons on board; to board: copulas, manus ferreas (in navem) inicere
- (模糊)to throw grappling irons on board; to board: in navem (hostium) transcendere
- (模糊)to capture a boat: navem capere, intercipere, deprehendere
- to have a powerful navy: navibus plurimum posse
- “navis”, in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers
- “navis”, in William Smith et al., editor (1890) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: William Wayte. G. E. Marindin
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