Voiceless labiodental fricative
IPA Number128
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Entity (decimal)f
Unicode (hex)U+0066
Braille⠋ (braille pattern dots-124)
Voiceless labiodental approximant
IPA Number150 402A

The voiceless labiodental fricative is a type of consonantal sound used in a number of spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is f.

Some scholars also posit the voiceless labiodental approximant distinct from the fricative. The approximant may be represented in the IPA as ʋ̥.


Features of the voiceless labiodental fricative:


Abkhazфы/fy[fə]'lightning'See Abkhaz phonology
Adygheтфы/tfy[tfə]'five'Corresponds to [xʷ] in Kabardian and Proto-Circassian
ArabicModern Standard[1]ظرف/th'arf[ðˤɑrf]'envelope'See Arabic phonology
Assyrianܦܬܐ pata[fɔθɔ]'face'Used mostly by Western speakers; corresponds to /p/ in most other dialects.
Bengaliফু/ful[ful]'flower'Allophone of /pʰ/. See Bengali phonology
Catalan[3]fort[ˈfɔɾt]'strong'See Catalan phonology
Chechenфакс / faks[faks]'fax'Used only in loanwords. There is no /f/ in Chechen; /f/ was replaced by /p/ in loanwords that contained it before increased influence from the Russian language popularized the usage of /f/.
ChineseCantonese / fēi[fei̯˥]'to fly'See Cantonese phonology
Mandarin (traditional) / (simplified) / fēi[feɪ̯˥]See Mandarin phonology
Czechfoukat[ˈfoʊ̯kat]'to blow'See Czech phonology
Dutch[4]fiets[fiːts]'bike'See Dutch phonology
EnglishAll dialectsfill[fɪɫ]'fill'See English phonology
Cockney[5]think[fɪŋk]'think'Socially marked,[6] with speakers exhibiting some free variation with [θ] (with which it corresponds to in other dialects).[7] See th-fronting.
Many British urban dialects[8]
Some younger East Anglian English
Some younger New Zealanders[9][10]
Broad South African[11]myth [mɨf] 'myth' Possible realization of /θ/, more common word-finally. See White SAE phonology.
Indian South African[12] fair [ʋ̥eː] 'fair' Described as an approximant. Corresponds to /f/ in other accents.
Esperantofajro[ˈfajɾo]'fire'See Esperanto phonology
Ewe[13]eflen[éflé̃]'he spit off'
French[14]fabuleuse[fäbyˈløːz̪]'fabulous'See French phonology
Galicianfaísca[faˈiska]'spark'See Galician phonology
Germanfade[ˈfaːdə]'bland'See Standard German phonology
Goemaif'at' [fat]'to blow'
Greekφύση / fysī[ˈfisi]'nature'See Modern Greek phonology
Gujarati / faļ[fəɭ]'fruit'See Gujarati phonology
Hebrewסופר/sofer[so̞fe̞ʁ]'writer'See Modern Hebrew phonology
Hindustaniसाफ़ / صاف/saaf[sɑːf]'clean'See Hindustani phonology
Hungarianfigyel[ˈfiɟɛl]'he/she pays attention'See Hungarian phonology
Indonesianfajar[fadʒar]'dawn'See Indonesian phonology
Italianfantasma[fän̪ˈt̪äzmä]'ghost'See Italian phonology
Kabardianфыз/fyz[fəz]'woman'Corresponds to [ʂʷ] in Adyghe and Proto-Circassian
Kazakhfaqır / фақыр[faqr]'poor'
Khmerកាហ្វេ / kahvé[kaːfeː]'coffee'See Khmer phonology
Macedonianфонетика/fonetika[fɔnetika]'phonetics'See Macedonian phonology
Māoriwhakapapa[fakapapa]'genealogy'Less commonly [ɸ]. See Māori phonology.
Malayferi[feri]'ferry'Only occurs in loanwords
Malayalam ലം/falam [fɐlɐm] 'fruit, result' Only occurs in loanwords in the standard version. ഫ is used to represent both /pʰ/ and /f/ but nowadays most people pronounce /pʰ/ as [f]. Occurs in native words in the Jeseri dialect.
Norwegianfilter[filtɛɾ]'filter'See Norwegian phonology
Polish[15]futro[ˈfut̪rɔ]'fur'See Polish phonology
Portuguese[16]fala[ˈfalɐ]'speech'See Portuguese phonology
Romanian[17]foc[fo̞k]'fire'See Romanian phonology
Russian[18]орфография/orfografiya[ɐrfɐˈɡrafʲɪjə]'orthography'Contrasts with palatalized form. See Russian phonology
Serbo-Croatian[19]фаза / faza[fǎːz̪ä]'phase'See Serbo-Croatian phonology
Slovakfúkať[ˈfu̞ːkäc]'to blow'See Slovak phonology
Slovene Standard flavta [ˈfláːu̯t̪à] 'flute' See Slovene phonology
Some dialects vsi [ˈfs̪î] 'all (people)' Allophone of /v/ before voiceless obstruents in dialects with /ʋ//v/ development. See Slovene phonology
Somalifeex[fɛħ]'wart'See Somali phonology
Spanish[20]fantasma[fã̠n̪ˈt̪a̠zma̠]'ghost'See Spanish phonology
Swahilikufa[kufɑ]'to die'
Swedishfisk[ˈfɪsk]'fish'See Swedish phonology
Toda nes̲of [nes̲of] 'moon'
Turkishsaf[ˈs̟ɑf]'pure'See Turkish phonology
Ukrainian[21]Фастів/fastiv[ˈfɑsʲtʲiw]'Fastiv'See Ukrainian phonology
Vietnamese[22]pháo[faːw˧ˀ˥]'firecracker'See Vietnamese phonology
Welshffon[fɔn]'stick'See Welsh phonology
West Frisianfol[foɫ]'full'See West Frisian phonology
Yi / fu[fu˧]'roast'
ZapotecTilquiapan[23]cafe[kafɘ]'coffee'Used primarily in loanwords from Spanish

See also



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