

突尼斯杰姆(属罗马帝国阿非利加行省马赛克(220–250 AD)。上有拉丁文标题“安静!让公牛们睡觉”(Silentiu[m] dormiant tauri),以及像是用对话框表现的5名赴宴客人(可能是角斗士)的欢快戏谑:
-“我们要裸体了”([N]os nudi [f]iemus);
-“我们是来喝酒的”(Bibere venimus)
-“你们真能说”(Ia[m] multu[m] loquimini)
-“我们要喝三[杯]”(Nos tres tenemus)





高卢行省La Graufesenque遗址出土的赭色粘土陶器(terra sigillta)上的罗马书写体

拉丁语有史以来就是罗马人的母语。维吉尔在第一任罗马皇帝奥古斯都统治时期,强调拉丁语是罗马统一和祖宗大法的来源。在维吉尔所作关于罗马的建立的史诗《埃涅阿斯纪》中,主神朱庇特规定,为维持社会统一,来到意大利定居的特洛伊战争难民将使用拉丁人的语言:“他们将保持他们祖先的言辞(sermo)和传统……我将用一种表达方式(uno ore,字面意思“用一张嘴”)使他们都成为拉丁人。”[13]自称是维吉尔笔下英雄埃涅阿斯后裔的儒略-克劳狄王朝皇帝鼓励人民使用高标准的正确拉丁语(Latinitas),即古典拉丁语,且鼓励用拉丁语处理公务。[14]

被征服地区的人民改说拉丁语,使得拉丁语在被征服地区扎根,[15]没有任何法律条文强制推行拉丁语。[16]圣奥古斯丁认为,罗马人喜欢通过社会契约(per pacem societatis)推行拉丁语。[17]这种语言政策与亚历山大大帝的截然相反,他想通过设为官方语言将古希腊语推行至整个帝国。[18]会说拉丁语不是获得罗马公民身份的必要条件,也没有国立学校将其作为教育媒介的特权:流利的拉丁语是因为其“高度的文化、政治、法律、社会和经济价值”才受到青睐的。[19]















戴克里先(284–305在位)试图恢复拉丁语的权威性,希腊语成语ἡ κρατοῦσα διάλεκτος (hē kratousa dialektos)说明拉丁语作为“权力的语言”具有相当的权威性。[46]学者利巴尼乌斯(4世纪)认为拉丁语导致了希腊语修辞质量的下降。[47]在6世纪初,查士丁尼一世试图将拉丁语重新确立为法律用语,但在他的时代,拉丁语在东方已经不再具备什么实用价值。[48]















布匿语由社会精英使用:塞普蒂米乌斯·塞维鲁(193–211在位)生在大莱普提斯,通晓布匿语、拉丁语、希腊语,而他的妹妹据说压根不懂拉丁语。[71]北非的奥古斯丁多次提到布匿语:他观察到它与希伯来语、叙利亚语有关。他对布匿语的了解帮他从《圣经》中找出音译的闪米特语单词。ref>Jongeling and Kerr, Late Punic Epigraphy, p. 4.</ref>


凯尔特语族在公元初年包括高卢省(今日法国、比利时、瑞士及意大利北部)的高卢语西班牙省(西班牙与葡萄牙)的凯尔特伊比利亚语加利西亚语古布立吞语不列颠尼亚省)及公元前3世纪由一支凯尔特人带到安纳托利亚加拉提亚语。地名加拉太(Galatia)来自希腊语中表示“高卢人凯尔特人”的词Galatai。拉丁语中的高卢语借词可以追溯到昆图斯·恩纽斯(239–169 BC),由于意大利半岛上有凯尔特人定居点,拉丁语中开始出现高卢语的借词。[72]到古典时代晚期,一些高卢词已经拉丁化到人们不再承认其来源了。[73]


公元前2世纪与罗马人接触后,凯尔特伊比利亚语才有书面记录。[74]所有103块现存凯尔特伊比利亚语铭文中,有30块用伊比利亚文字写的,是招待用的信物(tesserae hospitales),其中20块外形类似于动物。[75]家庭或社区之间承诺相互支持的社会习俗同罗马文化中的主客关系类似。被罗马征服后,凯尔特伊比利亚人改用拉丁语制作这种信物,直到2世纪。[76]奥古斯都时期,凯尔特伊比利亚人的领土成为了塔拉科西班牙的一部分。[77]书面凯尔特伊比利亚语在奥古斯都时代之初就消失了。[78]




日耳曼语族中只有哥特语有零星记载。《拉丁语选集(Latin Anthology)》所载一副挽联中引用了哥特语短语,[85]福音书的主体被翻译为哥特语,既是6世纪的“银圣经”。[10]拉丁语中含有少量日耳曼语借词,而日耳曼语对拉丁语的影响更多的不在词汇上。[86]

罗马人在祭坛上献祭的场景,祭坛上有对日耳曼或凯尔特女神瓦格达维库斯提斯的拉丁文献词,由一位禁卫军长官于165年设立于Colonia Ubiorum(德国科隆)



三语在来自非拉丁语或希腊语区的受教育人群中并不多见。拉丁小说家阿普列尤斯也以希腊语写作,还从母亲那学会了布匿语。[92]《芭芭沙档案(Babatha Archive)》是多语制存在的有力证据,这些莎草纸文稿创作于公元93至132年间,以佩特拉阿拉伯一名犹太女性的名字命名,主要以当地语言阿拉姆语写就,所用文字则为受到闪米特语族和拉丁语影响的希腊字母;一份交给罗马总督的申请书则以希腊语写成。[93]







半身像(1世纪晚期),有高卢语名字Esumopas Cnustious及拉丁文缩写VSLM(votum solvit libens merito“自由地应允了他的誓言”)





















多瑙河诸省指的是多瑙河中下游盆地、东阿尔卑斯山脉迪纳拉山脉巴尔干山脉一带的罗马行省,主要有诺里库姆达契亚达尔马提亚默西亚色雷斯小斯基提亚潘诺尼亚等行省。[129] 拉丁语和希腊语影响的孰多孰寡可以划出界来,也称伊雷切克线











希腊语的国际化使用是基督教得以广泛传播的因素之一,如保罗书信用的就是希腊语。[6]第一个积极推广基督教的罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世大概会讲一些希腊语,但朝廷上则只说拉丁语,在第一次尼西亚公会议上还雇了翻译来跟说希腊语的主教交流。[143]在帝国西部、西罗马帝国,希腊语则被认为是一种外语。[144]圣奥古斯丁坦白,他讨厌希腊语,觉得它很难学。[145]不过到古典时代晚期,讲希腊语不再被认为是一种牵涉希腊人宗教文化的事了。[146]在5世纪上半叶,希腊语是主教们交流所用的标准用语,[147]Acta Conciliorum(“大公会议法令”)也以希腊语记录,之后才翻译成拉丁语、叙利亚语、科普特语。[148]这一时期,拉丁语只在大公会议中起次要作用,西方帝国的代表也是如此。[149]尽管传统上一般认为,到这一时期亚美尼亚语也被认为是一种基督教语言,但它并不出现在“法令”中。[150]有证据表明会上也有人说科普特语,但内容没有被记录下来。[151]其他语言可以被现场翻译为希腊语,包括“阿拉伯人”“撒拉森人”“以实玛利人”所说的语言。[152]基督教相关的文本在6世纪也零星见于一些阿拉伯语铭文。[152]









虽然直到220年代,罗马公民的出生证和遗嘱都必须用拉丁文书写,[25]但在乌尔比安法律意见书(ca. 215)中,委托遗赠信托方式的遗赠[175])就不限于拉丁语或希腊语,也可以用“布匿语、高卢语或任何其他”语源订立。[176]最初,遗嘱人的委托遗赠将继承者置于道德而非法律义务下,[177]而乌尔比安断言“任何语言都包含其言语的义务,只要各方能通过自己的母语或准确的翻译理解对方的意思”。[178]法学家盖约区分了口头契约和义务,前者的效力来自拉丁语的公式化言语,而后者则表达了对《万民法》的相互理解,无论双方是否是罗马人。[179]






  1. Richard Brilliant, "Scenic Representations," in Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979), pp. 96–97.
  2. Bruno Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," translated by James Clackson, in A Companion to the Latin Language (Blackwell, 2011), p. 560.
  3. Alex Mullen, "Introduction: Multiple Languages, Multiple Identities," in Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 28.
  4. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 554, 556.
  5. J.N. Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," Classical Quarterly 53.1 (2003), pp. 185–186, 205.
  6. Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State, p. 5.
  7. The Oxford Handbook of the Literatures of the Roman Empire 页面存档备份,存于, edited by Daniel L. Selden and Phiroze Vasunia (Oxford University Press). Richard Valantasis, introduction to Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice (Princeton University Press, 2000), p. 11.
  8. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages in the Roman Empire," pp. 15–16.
  9. Joseph Eska, "Inscriptions in the Celtic World," in Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia (ABC-Clio, 2006), pp. 965–970.
  10. Tore Janson, A Natural History of Latin (Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 87.
  11. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, pp. 264–265.
  12. James Clackson, introduction to A Companion to the Latin Language, p. 1.
  13. Virgil, Aeneid 12.834 and 837; Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 549, 563; Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," p. 184.
  14. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 552.
  15. József Herman, Vulgar Latin, translated by Roger Wright (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, originally published 1975 in French), p. 10.
  16. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 549; Charles Freeman, The Greek Achievement: The Foundation of the Western World (New York: Penguin, 1999), pp. 389–433.
  17. Augustine of Hippo, De Civitate Dei 19.7.18, as cited by Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 549.
  18. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 549, citing Plutarch, Life of Alexander 47.6.
  19. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, p. 265.
  20. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 92.
  21. Clifford Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (University of California Press, 2000), pp. 86–87.
  22. William V. Harris, Ancient Literacy (Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 5; William A. Johnson, Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 3–4, especially note 5; T.J. Kraus, "(Il)literacy in Non-Literary Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt: Further Aspects of the Educational Ideal in Ancient Literary Sources and Modern Times," Mnemosyme 53.3 (2000), p. 325; Marietta Horster, "Primary Education," in The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, pp. 89, 97–98.
  23. Christian Laes, Children in the Roman Empire: Outsiders Within (Cambridge University Press, 2011, originally published in Dutch 2006), p. 108; Horster, "Primary Education," in The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, p. 89.
  24. IG 14.1125
  25. Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," pp. 186–187.
  26. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, p. 101; Kraus, "(Il)literacy in Non-Literary Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt," pp. 325–327.
  27. Susan P. Mattern, Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate (University of California Press, 1999), p. 197; Teresa Morgan, Literate Education in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds (Cambridge University Press, 1998, 2000), pp. 1–2 et passim; Greg Woolf, "Literacy or Literacies in Rome?" in Ancient Literacies, p. 46ff.; Horster, "Primary Education," in The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, p. 97. Ando poses the question as "what good would 'posted edicts' do in a world of low literacy?' in Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, p. 101.
  28. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, pp. 152, 210.
  29. Edith Hall, introduction to New Directions in Ancient Pantomime (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 6–7.
  30. Rance, "The De Militari Scientia or Müller Fragment," pp. 63–64.
  31. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 100.
  32. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 279; Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p. 5.
  33. Lucian, Dialogue of the Dead 25; Anderson, The Second Sophistic, p. 194.
  34. Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, p. 5.
  35. Stefan Zimmer, "Indo-European," in Celtic Culture: An Historical Encyclopedia, p. 961.
  36. Cicero, In Catilinam 2.15, P.Ryl. I 61 "recto".
  37. Suetonius, Life of Claudius 42.
  38. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 553; Lee I. Levine, Jerusalem: Portrait of the City in the Second Temple Period (538 B.C.E. – 70 C.E.) (Jewish Publication Society, 2002), p. 154.
  39. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 556; Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," p. 200.
  40. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 553–554.
  41. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, pp. 93¬94.
  42. Moatii, "Translation, Migration, and Communication," p. 112.
  43. Rance, "The De Militari Scientia or Müller Fragment," p. 63.
  44. Anderson, The Second Sophistic, pp. 87–91.
  45. Anderson, The Second Sophistic, p. 101.
  46. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 560.
  47. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 560; A.H.M. Jones, The Decline of the Ancient World (Longmanns, 1966), p. 346.
  48. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 562–563.
  49. Richard Miles, "Communicating Culture, Identity, and Power," in Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire (Routledge, 2000), pp. 59–60.
  50. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 95.
  51. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 4.
  52. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 5.
  53. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 6.
  54. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," pp. 4–5.
  55. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," pp. 5–6.
  56. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 7.
  57. Edwards et al., introduction to Apologetics in the Roman Empire, p. 7; Matthew W. Dickie, "Lucian's Gods: Lucian's Understanding of the Divine," in The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identifies and Transformations (Edinburgh University Press, 2010), p. 350.
  58. Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," p. 199.
  59. Mark Sheridan, From the Nile to the Rhone and Beyond: Studies in Early Monastic Literature and Scriptural Interpretation (Studia Anselmiana, 2012), p. 225.
  60. Sheridan, From the Nile to the Rhone, p. 226.
  61. Maged S.A. Mikhail, "An Historical Definition for the 'Coptic Period'," in Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies Leiden 2000 (Peeters, 2004), vol. 2, p. 972.
  62. Mikhail, "An Historical Definition for the 'Coptic Period'," p. 973; Sheridan, From the Nile to the Rhone, p. 226.
  63. Mikhail, "An Historical Definition for the 'Coptic Period'," p. 973.
  64. Mikhail, "An Historical Definition for the 'Coptic Period'," p. 974.
  65. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, pp. 201, 213.
  66. Andrew Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa: Function and Display," in Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds, pp. 266–268.
  67. Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," p. 282.
  68. Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," p. 295.
  69. Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," p. 269.
  70. Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," p. 307ff.
  71. Karel Jongeling and Robert M. Kerr, Late Punic Epigraphy (Mohr Siebeck, 2005), p. 4; Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," p. 305.
  72. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 185 et passim.
  73. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 195.
  74. Fiona A. Rose, "Text and Image in Celtiberia: The Adoption and Adaptation of Written Language into Indigenous Visual Vocabulary," Oxford Journal of Archaeology 22.2 (2003), p. 155.
  75. Rose, "Text and Image in Celtiberia," pp. 157, 159.
  76. Rose, "Text and Image in Celtiberia," p. 159; Leonard A. Curchin, The Romanization of Central Spain: Complexity, Diversity and Change in a Provincial Hinterland (Routledge, 2004), p. 120.
  77. Rose, "Text and Image in Celtiberia," p. 156.
  78. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 280.
  79. Irenaeus, Against Heresies I, preface; Pierre-Yves Lambert, La langue gauloise: description linguistique, commentaire d'inscriptions choisies (Editions Errance, 2003), p. 10.
  80. Digest 31.1.11; Lambert, La langue gauloise, p. 10.
  81. Lambert, La langue gauloise, p. 10.
  82. Jerome, commentary on the Letter to the Galatians; Lambert, La langue gauloise, p. 10.
  83. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 192.
  84. Laurence Hélix. . Ellipses Edition Marketing S.A. : 7. ISBN 978-2-7298-6470-5. 高卢语的衰落和消失不仅可以用具体的文化习俗来解释:当凯撒领导着罗马人在公元前1世纪入侵高卢时,高卢逐渐变得深刻地罗马化。在将近500年的时间里,即著名的高卢-罗马时期,高卢语和拉丁语共存;甚至在6世纪,图尔的格雷戈里的证词也证明了高卢语的存在。
  85. Latin Anthology 285 (= 279 in the edition of Shackleton Bailey): Inter 'eils' Goticum 'scapia matzia ia drincan' / non audet quisquam dignos edicere versus ;Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 275.
  86. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 274.
  87. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, pp. 274–275, citing Tacitus, Annales 2.10.3.
  88. Ammianus Marcellinus 18.2.2; Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 275.
  89. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 276.
  90. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, pp. 276–277.
  91. Sidonius, Epistle 5.5; Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 277.
  92. Moatti, "Translation, Migration, and Communication," p. 111, note 9.
  93. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 553–555.
  94. The second inscription comes from Corstopitum (Corbridge), about 50 kilometers away.
  95. Mullen, introduction to Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds pp. 1–4.
  96. Miles, "Communicating Culture, Identity, and Power," p. 58.
  97. James Clackson and Geoffrey Horrocks, The Blackwell History of the Latin Language (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), p. 83; Herman, Vulgar Latin, p. 11.
  98. Giuliano Bonfante and Larissa Bonfante, The Etruscan Language (Manchester University Press, rev. ed. 2002), p. 33.
  99. Kalle Korhonen, "Sicily in the Roman Imperial Period," in Language and Linguistic Contact in Ancient Sicily (Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 332.
  100. Korhonen, "Sicily in the Roman Imperial Period," pp. 336–338.
  101. Korhonen, "Sicily in the Roman Imperial Period," 339–340.
  102. Korhonen, "Sicily in the Roman Imperial Period," p. 363.
  103. Korhonen, "Sicily in the Roman Imperial Period," p. 366.
  104. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," p. 550; Stefan Zimmer, "Indo-European," in Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia (ABC-Clio, 2006), p. 961; Leonard A. Curchin, "Literacy in the Roman Provinces: Qualitative and Quantitative Data from Central Spain," American Journal of Philology 116.3 (1995), p. 464.
  105. Varro as quoted by Isidore of Seville, Origines 15.1.63, trilingues quod et graece loquantur et latine et gallice; Edgar C. Polomé, "The Linguistic Situation in the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire," Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II (De Gruyter, 1983), p. 527; Philip Freeman, Ireland and the Classical World (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001), p. 15.
  106. Miles, "Communicating Culture, Identity, and Power," pp. 58–59.
  107. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, p. 8, especially note 10.
  108. Herman, Vulgar Latin, p. 12.
  109. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, pp. 266, 273.
  110. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, p. 266.
  111. Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, p. 267.
  112. Ausonius, Epicedion in patrem 9–10 (a first-person poem written in the voice of his father); J.N. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language (Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 356–357, especially note 109, citing R.P.H. Green, The Works of Ausonius (Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 1991), p. 276 on the view that Gaulish was the native language of Iulius Ausonius. Adams is inclined to believe that he simply spoke Latin with a Gaulish accent. See also Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, p. 269 (note 19).
  113. Karmele Rotaetxe, "Basque as a Literary Language," in A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula (John Benjamins, 2010), p. 446.
  114. Clackson and Horrocks, The Blackwell History of the Latin Language, pp. 85–86.
  115. Charles-Edwards, T. M. . 2012: 75. ISBN 0198217315.
  116. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," p. 127.
  117. Clackson and Horrocks, The Blackwell History of the Latin Language, pp. 86–87; Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," pp. 128–129, expressing skepticism about identifying the non-Punic languages of North Africa as "Berber".
  118. Wilson, "Neo-Punic and Latin Inscriptions in Roman North Africa," pp. 284, 286.
  119. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," p. 129.
  120. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," pp. 128–130.
  121. Blench, Roger. 2018. Reconciling archaeological and linguistic evidence for Berber prehistory 页面存档备份,存于.
  122. Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 558–559.
  123. Sheridan, From the Nile to the Rhone, p. 226.
  124. Sheridan, From the Nile to the Rhone, p. 225.
  125. Miles, "Communicating Culture, Identity, and Power," p. 58; Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp. 5–7.
  126. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," p. 126.
  127. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," p. 127, citing Philostratus and Gregory of Nyssa.
  128. Teresa Morgan, "Education," in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 18.
  129. J.J. Wilkes, "The Roman Danube: An Archaeological Survey," Journal of Roman Studies 95 (2005), p. 124
  130. Not to be confused with the modern Macedonian language, which is Slavonic.
  131. Clackson and Horrocks, The Blackwell History of the Latin Language, p. 86.
  132. Millar, "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire," p. 126, citing also L.P. Wilkinson, Ovid Recalled (1955), ch. 10.
  133. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, pp. 48, 130.
  134. Mullen, introduction to Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds, p. 18.
  135. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, p. 48.
  136. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, p. 79.
  137. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, pp. 53, 78.
  138. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, pp. 65–66.
  139. Goodman, Mission and Conversion, p. 48.
  140. Simon Price, "Latin Christian Apologetics: Minucius Felix, Tertullian, and Cyprian," in Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians (Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 103.
  141. Valantasis, introduction to Religions of Late Antiquity, p. 11.
  142. Robin Margaret Jensen, Understanding Christian Art (Routledge, 2000), p. 51; Alison E. Cooley, The Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy (Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 233.
  143. Mark Edwards, "The Constantinian Circle and the Oration to the Saints," in Apologetics, p. 255.
  144. Augustine, Confessions 1.14.23; Moatii, "Translation, Migration, and Communication," p. 112.
  145. Augustine, Confessions 1.13.20 and 2.38.91; Moatti, "Translation, Migration, and Communication," p. 112, note 16.
  146. Simon Swain, "Defending Hellenism: Philostratus, in Honour of Apollonius," in Apologetics, p. 173.
  147. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, pp. 97–98.
  148. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 98.
  149. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, pp. 102–103.
  150. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, pp. 103–104.
  151. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 104.
  152. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire, p. 105.
  153. Alderik Bloom, "Linguae sacrae in Ancient and Medieval Sources: An Anthropological Approach to Ritual Language," in Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds, p. 124, prefers "ritual" to the problematic distinction between "religion" and "magic" in antiquity.
  154. Hans Dieter Betz, "Introduction to the Greek Magical Papyri," The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells (University of Chicago Press, 1986, 1996), p. xli.
  155. William M. Breshear, "The Greek Magical Papyri: An Introduction and Survey," Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II 18.5 (1994), passim.
  156. Blom, "Linguae sacrae," p. 130.
  157. James Clackson, "Language Maintenance and Shift," in Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds, p. 55.
  158. Betz, introduction to "The Greek Magical Papyri," pp. xlv–xlvi; Janet H. Johnson, "Introduction to the Demotic Magical Papyri," p. lv in the same volume (page numbering of the two introductions is independent, not sequential).
  159. Campbell Bonner, “Harpokrates (Zeus Kasios) of Pelusium,” Hesperia 15 (1946), p. 54.
  160. In addition to the PGM, charms are common in texts from late antiquity, including the collected pharmacological recipes of Marcellus of Bordeaux; Pseudo-Apuleius, Herbarius; Sextus Placitus, Liber medicinae ex animalibus; Hippiatrica; Physica Plinii; Pseudo-Dioscurides, De herbis feminis; and the Anglo-Saxon Lacnunga. See Blom, "Linguae sacrae," p. 127, note 22. Inscriptions are found on amulets, intaglio gems, incantation bowls, curse tablets, and lamellae (metal-leaf tablets).
  161. Fritz Graf, “Prayer in Magic and Religious Ritual,” in Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion, (Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 191, and Roy Kotansky, “Incantations and Prayers for Salvation on Inscribed Greek Amulets,” also in Magika Hiera, p. 132, note 60, both on Egyptian; John G. Gager, “A New Translation of Ancient Greek and Demotic Papyri, Sometimes Called Magical,” Journal of Religion 67 (1987), p. 83 on Coptic.
  162. Gager, “A New Translation of Ancient Greek and Demotic Papyri,", p. 83; Paul Mirecki, “The Coptic Wizard's Hoard,” Harvard Theological Review 87 (1994), pp. 457–458.
  163. Kotansky, “Incantations and Prayers for Salvation," p. 117.
  164. Lambert, La langue gauloise, pp. 176–178, particularly on a 3rd–4th century tablet from the Gallo-Roman town Rom that may be Celtic in a Latin context.
  165. Breshear, "The Greek Magical Papyri," p. 3435.
  166. Matthias Klinghardt, “Prayer Formularies for Public Recitation: Their Use and Function in Ancient Religion,” Numen 46 (1999), p. 50; Hans Dieter Betz, "Secrecy in the Greek Magical Papyri," in Secrecy and Concealment: Studies in the History of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Religions (Leiden 1995), 153–175, especially 158–164; Brashear, “The Greek Magical Papyri," p. 3434.
  167. Richard Janko, “Forgetfulness in the Golden Tablets of Memory,” Classical Quarterly 34 (1984), pp. 89–100 on problems of oral transcription; Graf, “Prayer in Magic and Religious Ritual,” p. 191; Betz, "The Greek Magical Papyri," p. xlvi; Breshear, "The Greek Magical Papyri," pp. 3434–3438.
  168. IGF 159; Mullen, Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean, pp. 266–267.
  169. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 194.
  170. L.C. Youtie, "A Medical Prescription for Eye-salve," ZPE 23 (1976), pp. 121–29; Collingwood and Wright, “Roman Inscriptions of Britain I” (Oxford 1965), p. 144, no. 436.
  171. According to Origen, Commentary on Matthew (PG 13.1757): Hebraeo acceptis adiurant daemonia; Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 194.
  172. Jerome, Vita Hilarionis 13.7: videres de ore barbaro, et qui Francam tantum et Latinam linguam noverat, Syra ad purum verba resonare: Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, p. 275.
  173. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 3.
  174. MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," pp. 2–3.
  175. W.W. Buckland A Textbook of Roman Law from Augustus to Justinian, 3rd ed. edited by Peter Stein (Cambridge University Press, 1921, 2007), p. 9.
  176. Digest 32.11 pr.; Ramsey MacMullen, "Provincial Languages in the Roman Empire," American Journal of Philology 87.1 (1966), p. 2.
  177. Adolf Berg, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law (American Philosophical Society, 1980, 1991), pp. 470–471. In late antiquity, fideicommissa could be legally binding as well.
  178. Digest; MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," p. 2.
  179. Gaius, Institutiones 3.93; MacMullen, "Provincial Languages," pp. 2–3.
  180. Françoise Waquet, Latin, Or, The Empire of the Sign: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (Verso, 2001; originally published 1998 in French), pp. 1–2; Kristian Jensen, "The Humanist Reform of Latin and Latin Teaching," in The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism (Cambridge University Press, 1996, 2003), pp. 63–64.
  181. Adams, "Romanitas and the Latin Language," p. 199; Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, pp. 5, 7.



  • Adams, J.N. Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Anderson, Graham The Second Sophistic: A Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire. Routledge, 1993.
  • Ando, Clifford. Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire. University of California Press, 2000.
  • Clackson, James; Horrocks, Geoffrey. The Blackwell History of the Latin Language. Blackwell, 2007, 2011.
  • Goodman, Martin Welsh. Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • Herman, József. Vulgar Latin. Translated by Roger Wright, based on the original 1975 publication in French. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000.
  • Millar, Fergus. A Greek Roman Empire: Power and Belief under Theodosius II (408–450). University of California Press, 2006.
  • Mullen, Alex. Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean: Multilingualism and Multiple Identities in the Iron Age and Roman Periods. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Treadgold, Warren. A History of the Byzantine State and Society. Stanford University Press, 1997.
  • Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians. Edited by Mark Edwards, Martin Goodman, and Simon Price, with Christopher Rowland. Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • A Companion to the Latin Language. Edited by James Clackson. Blackwell, 2011.
  • Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds. Edited by Alex Mullen. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • The Oxford Handbook of the Literatures of the Roman Empire. Edited by Daniel L. Selden and Phiroze Vasunia. Oxford University Press (most of the chapters are available online here 页面存档备份,存于).


  • Adams, J.N. "Romanitas and the Latin Language." Classical Quarterly 53.1 (2003) 184–205. JSTOR 3556490
  • MacMullen, Ramsey. "Provincial Languages in the Roman Empire." American Journal of Philology 87.1 (1966) 1–17. JSTOR 292973
  • Millar, Fergus. "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa." Journal of Roman Studies 58 (1968) 126–134. JSTOR 299702
  • Moatti, Claudia. "Translation, Migration, and Communication in the Roman Empire: Three Aspects of Movement in History." Classical Antiquity 25.1 (2006) 109–140. JSTOR 10.1525/ca.2006.25.1.109
  • Rance, Philip. "The De Militari Scientia or Müller Fragment as a Philological Resource. Latin in the East Roman Army and Two New Loanwords in Greek: palmarium and *recala." Glotta 86 (2010) 63–92. JSTOR 41219881
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