This is a list of all counties (including autonomous counties, autonomous banners, and banners) along with county-level cities (Chinese: 县级市; pinyin: xianjí shì) and city districts (Chinese: (市辖)区; pinyin: (shìxiá) qū). The list goes by province name, then ascending division code. Note that some numbers are skipped as those division codes were used by former county-level divisions now part of another county-level division. This list also includes the counties that are administered by the Republic of China (ROC), which are claimed by the PRC in its Taiwan and Fujian provinces.


Name Name in ChinesePrefectureProvinceType Area (km2)Population Census 2010 Division code
numerical alphabetical
Yaohai District 瑶海区HefeiAnhuiDistrict 142.9902,830 340102 YAI
Luyang District 庐阳区District 139.32609,239 340103 LUG
Shushan District 蜀山区District 261.361,022,321 340104 SSA
Baohe District 包河区District 294.94817,686 340111 BAH
Changfeng County 长丰县County 1,928.45629,535 340121 CFG
Feidong County 肥东县County 2,205.92861,960 340122 FDO
Feixi County 肥西县County 2,082.66858,895 340123 FIX
Lujiang County 庐江县County 2,347.48973,850 340124 LJG
Chaohu City 巢湖市City 2,031.22780,700 340181 CHB
Jinghu District 镜湖区WuhuDistrict 114.82533,330 340202 JHW
Yijiang District 弋江区District 505.18309,514 340203 YIJ
Jiujiang District 鸠江区District 870.65421,695 340207 JJW
Wanzhi District 湾沚区District 670294,039 340209 -
Fanchang District 繁昌区District 584.28257,764 340210 -
Nanling County 南陵县County 1,259.53404,278 340223 NLX
Wuwei City 无为市City 2,0221,180,069 340281 -
Longzihu District 龙子湖区BengbuDistrict 147.65243,123 340302 LOZ
Bengshan District 蚌山区District 89.33334,426 340303 BES
Yuhui District 禹会区District 329.72249,361 340304 YUI
Huaishang District 淮上区District 402.68145,874 340311 HIQ
Huaiyuan County 怀远县County 2,192.021,028,066 340321 HYW
Wuhe County 五河县County 1,428.56621,973 340322 WHE
Guzhen County 固镇县County 1,360.75541,644 340323 GZX
Datong District 大通区HuainanDistrict 306.26180,917 340402 DTQ
Tianjia'an District 田家庵区District 249.99593,981 340403 TJA
Xiejiaji District 谢家集区District 270.60320,251 340404 XJJ
Bagongshan District 八公山区District 67.15175,993 340405 BGS
Panji District 潘集区District 598.33395,684 340406 PJI
Fengtai County 凤台县County 1,091.63667,070 340421 FTX
Shou County 寿县 County 2,948.34 1,008,116 340422 SHO
Huashan District 花山区Ma'anshanDistrict 178.76303,855 340503 HSM
Yushan District 雨山区District 174.34309,672 340504 YSQ
Bowang District 博望区District 379.96183,500 340506 BWG
Dangtu County 当涂县County 969.69624,771 340521 DTU
Hanshan County 含山县County 1,027.80376,436 340522 HSW
He County 和县County 1,318.59460,161 340523 HEX
Duji District 杜集区HuaibeiDistrict 233.17324,398 340602 DJQ
Xiangshan District 相山区District 141.72467,358 340603 XSA
Lieshan District 烈山区District 384.88321,565 340604 LHB
Suixi County 濉溪县County 1,981.621,000,955 340621 SXW
Tongguan District 铜官区TonglingDistrict 88.54287,765 340705 TGG
Yi'an District 义安区District 845.33114,297 340706 YIA
Jiaoqu District 郊区District 586.8072,301 340711 JTL
Zongyang County 枞阳县County 1,470.45249,595 340722 ZYW
Yingjiang District 迎江区AnqingDistrict 204.59251,000 340802 YJQ
Daguan District 大观区District 191.31275,000 340803 DGQ
Yixiu District 宜秀区District 414.39254,000 340811 YUU
Huaining County 怀宁县County 1,357.55593,000 340822 HNW
Taihu County 太湖县County 2,039.14515,000 340825 THU
Susong County 宿松县County 2,369.95571,000 340826 SUS
Wangjiang County 望江县County 1,347.98527,000 340827 WJX
Yuexi County 岳西县County 2,372.34322,000 340828 YXW
Tongcheng City 桐城市City 1,552.74664,000 340881 TCW
Qianshan City 潜山市City 1,687.97500,000 340882 -
Tunxi District 屯溪区HuangshanDistrict 191.04217,600 341002 TXN
Huangshan District 黄山区District 1,746.99147,600 341003 HSK
Huizhou District 徽州区District 419.4295,500 341004 HZQ
She County 歙县County 2,122.35409,300 341021 SEX
Xiuning County 休宁县County 2,126.18250,500 341022 XUN
Yi County 黟县County 857.4280,700 341023 YIW
Qimen County 祁门县County 2,214.98157,800 341024 QMN
Langya District 琅琊区ChuzhouDistrict 227.76310,427 341102 LYV
Nanqiao District 南谯区District 1,177.70251,894 341103 NQQ
Lai'an County 来安县County 1,498.63432,021 341122 LAX
Quanjiao County 全椒县County 1,568.36383,885 341124 QJO
Dingyuan County 定远县County 3,001.77779,174 341125 DYW
Fengyang County 凤阳县County 1,937.27644,895 341126 FYG
Tianchang City 天长市City 1,754.15532,732 341181 TNC
Mingguang City 明光市City 2,350.34602,840 341181 MGG
Yingzhou District 颍州区FuyangDistrict 622.89691,698 341202 YGZ
Yingdong District 颍东区District 683.12519,562 341203 YDO
Yingquan District 颍泉区District 650.73557,687 341204 YQQ
Linquan County 临泉县County 1,838.771,543,218 341221 LQN
Taihe County 太和县County 1,867.191,361,145 341222 TIH
Funan County 阜南县County 1,800.661,168,117 341225 FNX
Yingshang County 颍上县County 1,986.991,196,535 341226 YSW
Jieshou City 界首市City 667.83561,956 341282 JSW
Yongqiao District 埇桥区SuzhouDistrict 2,907.441,647,642 341282 YQO
Dangshan County 砀山县County 1,196.73800,408 341321 DSW
Xiao County 萧县County 1,853.601,130,916 341322 XIO
Lingbi County 灵璧县County 2,124.05975,308 341323 LBI
Si County 泗县County 1,856.96798,650 341324 SIX
Jin'an District 金安区Lu'anDistrict 1,668.54923,938 341502 JAU
Yu'an District 裕安区District 1,907.95854,645 341503 YAQ
Yeji District 叶集区 District 562.45 279,100 341504 YEJ
Huoqiu County 霍邱县County 3,239.661,246,129 341522 HQI
Shucheng County 舒城县County 2,109.51749,273 341523 SCW
Jinzhai County 金寨县County 3,918.96514,456 341524 JZX
Huoshan County 霍山县County 2,043.76315,144 341525 HOS
Qiaocheng District 谯城区BozhouDistrict 2,262.891,409,436 341602 QCH
Guoyang County 涡阳县County 2,109.901212054 341621 GOY
Mengcheng County 蒙城县County 2,143.931,062,080 341622 MCX
Lixin County 利辛县County 2,004.501,167,087 341623 LIX
Guichi District 贵池区ChizhouDistrict 2,504.97595,268 341702 GCI
Dongzhi County 东至县County 3,250.01468,280 341721 DZI
Shitai County 石台县County 1,413.8392,238 341722 SHT
Qingyang County 青阳县County 1,196.00246,732 341723 QGY
Xuanzhou District 宣州区XuanchengDistrict 2,585.14772,500 341802 XZO
Langxi County 郎溪县County 1,100.55320,600 341821 LGX
Jing County 泾县County 2,033.23299,600 341823 JXA
Jixi County 绩溪县County 1,103.63156100 341824 JXW
Jingde County 旌德县County 907.00120,000 341825 JDE
Ningguo City 宁国市City 2,466.90376,900 341881 NGU
Guangde City 广德市City 2,116.10487,200 341882 -
Dongcheng District 东城区 Directly administeredBeijingDistrict 40.6919,000 110101 DCQ
Xicheng District 西城区 District 50.71,243,000 110102 XCQ
Chaoyang District 朝阳区 District 4753,545,000 110105 CYQ
Fengtai District 丰台区 District 3062,112,000 110106 FTQ
Shijingshan District 石景山区 District 86616,000 110107 SJS
Haidian District 海淀区 District 4313,281,000 110108 HDN
Mentougou District 门头沟区 District 1,321290,000 110109 MTG
Fangshan District 房山区 District 2,019945,000 110111 FSQ
Tongzhou District 通州区 District 9061,184,000 110112 TZQ
Shunyi District 顺义区 District 1,020877,000 110113 SYI
Changping District 昌平区 District 1,3521,661,000 110114 CHP
Daxing District 大兴区 District 1,0121,365,000 110115 DXU
Huairou District 怀柔区 District 2,557.3373,000 110116 HRO
Pinggu District 平谷区 District 950416,000 110117 PGU
Miyun District 密云区 District 2,227468,000 110118 MYI
Yanqing District 延庆区 District 1,992317,000 110119 YQY
Yuzhong Directly administeredChongqingDistrict 630,100
Dadukou District 301,000
Jiangbei District 738,000
Shapingba District 1,000,000
Jiulongpo District 1,084,400
Nan'an District 759,600
Beibei District 680,400
Yubei District 1,345,400
Banan District 918,700
Fuling District 1,066,700
Changshou District 770,000
Jiangjin District 1,233,100
Hechuan District 1,293,000
Yongchuan District 1,024,700
Nanchuan District 534,300
Qijiang District 801,000
Dazu District 671,200
Wanzhou District 1,563,100
Qianjiang District 445,000
Tongnan County 640,000
Tongliang District 600,100
Rongchang County 661,300
Bishan District 586,000
Liangping County 687,500
Chengkou County 193,000
Fengdu County 649,200
Dianjiang County 704,500
Zhong(xian) County 751,400
Kaizhou District 1,160,300
Yunyang County 912,900
Fengjie County 834,300
Wushan County 495,100
Wuxi County 414,100
Wulong County 351,000
Shizhu Autonomous county (Tujia) 415,100
Xiushan Autonomous county (Tujia & Miao) 501,600
Youyang Autonomous county (Tujia & Miao) 578,100
Pengshui Autonomous county (Miao & Tujia) 545,100
Gulou FuzhouFujianDistrict 687,706
Taijiang District 446,891
Cangshan District 762,746
Mawei District 231,929
Jin'an District 792,491
Minhou County 662,118
Lianjiang County 561,490
Luoyuan County 207,677
Minqing County 237,643
Yongtai County 249,455
Pingtan County 357,760
Fuqing City 1,234,838
Changle District 682,626
Siming XiamenDistrict 929,998
Haicang District 288,739
Huli District 931,291
Jimei District 580,857
Tong'an District 496,129
Xiang'an District 304,333
Chengxiang PutianDistrict 413,853
Hanjiang District 470,097
Licheng District 499,110
Xiuyu District 570,741
Xianyou County 824,707
Meilie SanmingDistrict 176,539
Sanyuan District 198,958
Mingxi County 102,667
Qingliu County 136,248
Ninghua County 272,443
Datian County 311,631
Youxi County 352,067
Sha(xian) County 226,669
Jiangle County 148,867
Taining County 110,278
Jianning County 119,979
Yong'an City 347,042
Licheng QuanzhouDistrict 404,817
Fengze District 529,640
Luojiang District 187,189
Quangang District 313,539
Hui'an County 944,231
Anxi County 977,432
Yongchun County 452,217
Dehua County 277,867
Shishi City 636,700
Jinjiang City 1,986,447
Nan'an City 1418,451
Kinmen (claimed) County - - -
Xiangcheng ZhangzhouDistrict 538,186
Longwen District 167,463
Yunxiao County 415835
Zhangpu County 802,971
Zhao'an County 597,798
Changtai County 206,809
Dongshan County 211,505
Nanjing County 333,969
Pinghe County 498,533
Hua'an County 159,152
Longhai City 877,762
Yanping NanpingDistrict 467,875
Shunchang County 191,588
Pucheng County 304,583
Guangze County 134,113
Songxi County 125,472
Zhenghe County 171,715
Shaowu City 275,110
Wuyishan City 233,557
Jian'ou City 452,174
Jianyang District 289,362
Xinluo LongyanDistrict 662,429
Changting County 393,390
Yongding County 362,658
Shanghang County 374,047
Wuping County 278,182
Liancheng County 248,645
Zhangping City 240,194
Jiaocheng NingdeDistrict 429,260
Xiapu County 461,176
Gutian County 323,700
Pingnan County 137,724
Shouning County 175,874
Zhouning County 112,701
Zherong County 88,387
Fu'an City 563,640
Fuding City 529,534
Chengguan LanzhouGansuDistrict 1,278,745
Qilihe District 561,020
Xigu District 364,050
Anning District 288,510
Honggu District 136,101
Yongdeng County 418,789
Gaolan County 131,785
Yuzhong County 437,163
Jinchuan JinchangDistrict 228,561
Yongchang County 235,489
Baiyin BaiyinDistrict 294,400
Pingchuan District 192,398
Jingyuan County 454,925
Huining County 541,273
Jingtai County 225,755
Qinzhou TianshuiDistrict 643,906
Maiji District 553,268
Qingshui County 266,908
Qin'an County 515,423
Gangu County 559,712
Wushan County 437,268
Zhangjiachuan Autonomous county (Hui) 286,063
Liangzhou WuweiDistrict 1,010,295
Minqin County 241,251
Gulang County 388,718
Tianzhu Autonomous county (Tibetan) 174,790
Ganzhou ZhangyeDistrict 507,433
Minle County 219,356
Linze County 134,328
Gaotai County 143,446
Shandan County 161,299
Sunan Autonomous county (Yugur) 33,653
Kongtong PingliangDistrict 504,848
Jingchuan County 281,145
Lingtai County 183,937
Chongxin County 102,116
Huating County 189,333
Zhuanglang County 382,827
Jingning County 423,827
Suzhou JiuquanDistrict 428,346
Jinta County 147,460
Guazhou County 148,798
Subei Autonomous county (Mongol) 14,979
Aksai Autonomous county (Kazakh) 10,545
Yumen City 159,792
Dunhuang City 186,027
Xifeng QingyangDistrict 377,528
Qingcheng County 261,898
Huan(xian) County 302,918
Huachi County 120,875
Heshui County 145,722
Zhengning County 180,909
Ning(xian) County 405,614
Zhenyuan County 415,727
Anding DingxiDistrict 420,614
Tongwei County 349,539
Longxi County 453,257
Weiyuan County 324,215
Lintao County 507,386
Zhang(xian) County 192,957
Min(xian) County 450,654
Wudu LongnanDistrict 555,004
Cheng(xian) County 242,343
Wen(xian) County 218,796
Tanchang County 274,313
Kang(xian) County 180,061
Xihe County 393,272
Li(xian) County 458,237
Hui(xian) County 200,294
Liangdang County 45,398
Linxia(shi) LinxiaCity 274,466
Linxia(xian) County 326,123
Kangle County 233,173
Yongjing County 180,161
Guanghe County 227,466
Hezheng County 185,083
Dongxiang Autonomous county (Dongxiang) 284,507
Jishishan Autonomous county (Bonan, Dongxiang & Salar) 235,698
Hezuo GannanCity 90,290
Lintan County 137,001
Jonê County 100,522
Zhugqu County 132,108
Têwo County 52,166
Maqu County 54,745
Luqu County 35,630
Xiahe County 86,670
Liwan GuangzhouGuangdongDistrict 898,204
Yuexiu District 1,157,277
Haizhu District 1,558,663
Tianhe District 1,432,431
Baiyun District 2,222,658
Huangpu District 880,100
Panyu District 1,764,869
Huadu District 945,053
Nansha District 259,899
Luogang District 373,670
Zengcheng District 1,036,731
Conghua District 593,415
Luohu ShenzhenDistrict 923,423
Futian District 1,318,055
Nanshan District 1,087,936
Bao'an District 4,017,807
Guangming District 481,420
Longhua District not established
Longgang District 2,011,225
Pingshan District 309,211
Dapeng District not established
Yantian District 208,861
Doumen ZhuhaiDistrict 415,854
Jinwan District 251,783
Xiangzhou District 892,592
Longhu ShantouDistrict 536,102
Jinping District 810,606
Haojiang District 267,597
Chaoyang District 1,626,641
Chaonan District 1,290,922
Chenghai District 798,896
Nan'ao County 60,264
Chancheng FoshanDistrict 1,101,077
Nanhai District 2,588,844
Shunde District 2,461,701
Gaoming District 420,044
Sanshui District 622,645
Pengjiang JiangmenDistrict 719,120
Jianghai District 254,365
Xinhui District 849,155
Taishan City 941,087
Kaiping City 697,395
Heshan City 494,935
Enping City 492,814
Wujiang ShaoguanDistrict 294,620
Zhenjiang District 393,526
Qujiang District 303,377
Shixing County 205,553
Renhua County 200,356
Wengyuan County 331,319
Ruyuan Autonomous county (Yao) 177,471
Xinfeng County 206,108
Lechang City 398,103
Nanxiong City 316,179
Chikan ZhanjiangDistrict 285,000
Xiashan District 416,000
Potou District 333,700
Mazhang District 577,600
Suixi County 887,900
Xuwen County 699,100
Lianjiang City 1,445,800
Leizhou City 1,429,900
Wuchuan City 928,800
Huicheng HuizhouDistrict 1,579,691
Huiyang District 764,816
Boluo County 1,038,198
Huidong County 907,229
Longmen County 307,068
Meijiang MeizhouDistrict 380,774
Meixian District 554,745
Dabu County 374,731
Fengshun County 479,025
Wuhua County 1,052,256
Pingyuan County 229,863
Jiaoling County 205,862
Xingning City 962,883
Maonan MaomingDistrict 820,934
Dianbai District 1,218,724
Gaozhou City 1,288,724
Huazhou City 1,178,873
Xinyi City 913,717
Duanzhou ZhaoqingDistrict 479,344
Dinghu District 164,701
Guangning County 424,128
Huaiji County 814,172
Fengkai County 398,304
Deqing County 341,197
Gaoyao District 753357
Sihui City 542,882
Cheng(qu) ShanweiDistrict 491,766
Haifeng County 804,107
Luhe County 314,153
Lufeng City 1,688,536
Yuancheng HeyuanDistrict 464,847
Zijin County 640,438
Lungchuan County 695,680
Lianping County 337,172
Heping County 374,425
Dongyuan County 440,457
Jiangcheng YangjiangDistrict 676,858
Yangdong District 442,786
Yangxi County 452,663
Yangchun City 849,505
Qingcheng QingyuanDistrict 810,971
Fogang County 302,782
Yangshan County 356,071
Lianshan Autonomous county (Zhuang & Yao) 90,375
Liannan Autonomous county (Yao) 129,207
Qingxin District 698,826
Yingde City 942,303
Lianzhou City 367,859
Xiangqiao ChaozhouDistrict 452,472
Chao'an District 1,335,398
Raoping County 881,974
Rongcheng JieyangDistrict 741,674
Jiedong District 1,157,720
Jiexi County 825,313
Huilai County 1,097,615
Puning City 2,054,703
Yuncheng YunfuDistrict 314,188
Xinxing County 428,410
Yunan County 388,727
Yun'an District 269,736
Luoding City 959,067
Xingning NanningGuangxiDistrict 398,789
Qingxiu District 709,721
Jiangnan District 567,999
Xixiangtang District 1,156,173
Liangqing District 344,768
Yongning District 259,721
Wuming County 544,478
Long'an County 300,215
Mashan County 390,900
Shanglin County 343,590
Binyang County 782,255
Heng(xian) County 863,001
Chengzhong LiuzhouDistrict 160,217
Yufeng District 356,296
Liunan District 492,043
Liubei District 428,043
Liujiang County 562,351
Liucheng County 353,796
Luzhai County 421,019
Rong'an County 285,641
Rongshui Autonomous county (Miao) 402,054
Sanjiang Autonomous county (Dong) 297,244
Xiufeng GuilinDistrict 103,984
Diecai District 136,142
Xiangshan District 224,492
Qixing District 175,061
Yanshan District 71,191
Lingui District 472,057
Yangshuo County 308,296
Lingchuan County 366,773
Quanzhou County 803,495
Xing'an County 354,924
Yongfu County 274,662
Guanyang County 280,284
Ziyuan County 170,413
Pingle County 418,501
Lipu City 374,169
Longsheng Autonomous county (Various) 168,895
Gongcheng Autonomous county (Yao) 285,058
Wanxiu WuzhouDistrict 159,000
Changzhou District 148,100
Longxu District 303,000
Cangwu County 619,300
Teng(xian) County 1,036,900
Mengshan County 212,100
Cenxi City 903,000
Haicheng BeihaiDistrict 348,600
Yinhai District 176,800
Tieshangang District 142,700
Hepu County 871,200
Gangkou FangchenggangDistrict 155,200
Fangcheng District 362,900
Shangsi County 204,100
Dongxing City 144,700
Qinnan QinzhouDistrict 613,000
Qinbei District 749,000
Lingshan County 1,557,800
Pubei County 871,400
Gangbei GuigangDistrict 581,123
Gangnan District 628,917
Qintang District 563,241
Pingnan County 1,422,379
Guiping City 1,837,441
Yuzhou YulinDistrict 1,056,700
Fumian District District not established
Rong(xian) County 633,100
Luchuan County 762,400
Bobai County 1,342,500
Xingye County 560,400
Beiliu City 1,132,200
Youjiang BaiseDistrict 320,100
Tianyang County 338,300
Tiandong County 411,500
Pingguo County 470,800
Debao County 350,800
Jingxi County 605,100
Napo County 195,600
Lingyun County 193,600
Leye County 167,100
Tianlin County 243,700
Xilin County 151,200
Longlin Autonomous county (Various) 378,500
Babu HezhouDistrict 1,093,600
Zhaoping County 402,200
Zhongshan County 423,300
Fuchuan Autonomous county (Yao) 312,800
Jinchengjiang HechiDistrict 308,100
Nandan County 291,400
Tian'e County 156,600
Fengshan County 195,700
Donglan County 295,500
Luocheng Autonomous county (Mulao) 369,200
Huanjiang Autonomous county (Maonan) 361,800
Bama Autonomous county (Yao) 266,700
Du'an Autonomous county (Yao) 672,000
Dahua Autonomous county (Yao) 446,200
Yizhou District 628,600
Xingbin LaibinDistrict 1,015,165
Xincheng County 405,384
Xiangzhou County 354,918
Wuxuan County 431,330
Jinxiu Autonomous county (Yao) 152,212
Heshan City 139,227
Jiangzhou ChongzuoDistrict 347,800
Fusui County 432,000
Ningming County 412,300
Longzhou County 260,200
Daxin County 359,800
Tiandeng County 429,200
Pingxiang City 106,400
Nanming GuiyangGuizhouDistrict 829,948
Yunyan District 957,535
Huaxi District 360,054
Wudang District 376,920
Baiyun District 264,543
Guanshanhu District not established
Kaiyang County 358,130
Xifeng County 212,879
Xiuwen County 248,955
Qingzhen City 467,438
Zhongshan LiupanshuiDistrict 616,774
Liuzhi District 495,008
Pan(xian) County 1,034,903
Shuicheng County 704,495
Honghuagang ZunyiDistrict 656,725
Huichuan District 438,464
Zunyi County 944,326
Tongzi County 521,567
Suiyang County 379,938
Zheng'an County 389,434
Daozhen Autonomous county (Gelao & Miao) 244,123
Fenggang County 313,005
Meitan County 377,354
Yuqing County 234,681
Xishui County 522,541
Wuchuan Autonomous county (Gelao & Maio) 321,581
Chishui City 237,029
Renhuai City 546,241
Xixiu AnshunDistrict 765,313
Pingba County 298,034
Puding County 378,288
Zhenning Autonomous county (Buyei & Miao) 283,880
Guanling Autonomous county (Buyei & Miao) 301,562
Ziyun Autonomous county (Miao & Buyei) 270,262
Bijiang TongrenDistrict 361,864
Wanshan District 47,844
Jiangkou County 172,753
Shiqian County 304,218
Sinan County 499,398
Dejiang County 367,908
Yuping Autonomous county (Dong) 118,398
Yinjiang Autonomous county (Tujia & Miao) 284,110
Yanhe Autonomous county (Tujia) 449,361
Songtao Autonomous county (Miao) 486,511
Qixingguan BijieDistrict 1,136,905
Dafang County 776,246
Qianxi County 695,735
Jinsha County 560,651
Zhijin County 783,951
Nayong County 669,781
Hezhang County 1,263,816
Weining Autonomous county (Yi, Hui, & Miao) 649,285
Xingyi QianxinanCity 784,032
Xingren County 417,829
Pu'an County 254,328
Qinglong County 246,594
Zhenfeng County 303,762
Wangmo County 251,629
Ceheng County 190,379
Anlong County 357,304
Kaili QiandongnanCity 478,642
Huangping County 263,123
Shibing County 130,490
Sansui County 155,671
Zhenyuan County 203,735
Cengong County 162,008
Tianzhu County 263,841
Jinping County 154,841
Jianhe County 180,544
Taijiang County 112,236
Liping County 391,110
Rongjiang County 286,336
Congjiang County 290,845
Leishan County 117,198
Majiang County 167,596
Danzhai County 122,410
Duyun QiannanCity 443,937
Fuquan City 283,943
Libo County 144,849
Guiding County 231,015
Weng'an County 380,458
Dushan County 265,083
Pingtang County 228,377
Luodian County 256,488
Changshun County 190,931
Longli County 180,683
Huishui County 342,294
Sandu Autonomous county (Shui) 283,103
Xiuying District 秀英区 HaikouHainanDistrict 493.64349,544 460105 XYH
Longhua District 龙华区 District 302.49593,018 460106 LOH
Qiongshan District 琼山区 District 928.62479,960 460107 QOS
Meilan District 美兰区 District 581.06623,667 460108 MEL
Haitang District 海棠区 SanyaDistrict 252.41not established 460202 HTN
Jiyang District 吉阳区 District 372.61not established 460203 JYV
Tianya District 天涯区 District 946.79not established 460204 TYA
Yazhou District 崖州区 District 347not established 460205 YZB
Xisha District 西沙区 SanshaDistrict (Islands) 10.07not established 460302 -
Nansha District 南沙区 District (Islands) 11not established 460303 -
Danzhou City 儋州市 Directly administeredCity 3,394932,362 460401 DNZ
Wuzhishan City 五指山市 City 1,130.81104,122 469001 WZN
Qionghai City 琼海市 City 1,692483,217 469002 QHA
Wenchang City 文昌市 City 2,403537,428 469005 WEC
Wanning City 万宁市 City 1,883.5545,597 469006 WNN
Dongfang City 东方市 City 2,256408309 469007 DFG
Ding'an County 定安县 County 1,189284,616 469021 DIA
Tunchang County 屯昌县 County 1,231.5256,931 469022 TCG
Chengmai County 澄迈县 County 2,067.6467,161 469023 CMA
Lingao County 临高县 County 1,317427,873 469024 LGO
Baisha Li Autonomous County 白沙黎族自治县 Autonomous county (Li) 2,177167,918 469025 BSX
Changjiang Li Autonomous County 昌江黎族自治县 Autonomous county (Li) 1,617223,839 469026 CJX
Ledong Li Autonomous County 乐东黎族自治县 Autonomous county (Li) 2,745.4458,876 469027 LED
Lingshui Li Autonomous County 陵水黎族自治县 Autonomous county (Li) 1,12832,046 469028 LSL
Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County 保亭黎族苗族自治县 Autonomous county (Li & Miao) 1,160.6146,684 469029 BTG
Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County 琼中黎族苗族自治县 Autonomous county (Li & Miao) 2,936174,076 469030 QZG
Chang'an ShijiazhuangHebeiDistrict 479,801
Qiaoxi District 596,164
Xinhua District 625,119
Yuhua District 655,414
Jingxing(qu) District 95,170
Jingxing(xian) County 309,882
Zhengding County 466,807
Luancheng County 328,933
Xingtang County 406,353
Lingshou County 333,558
Gaoyi County 186,478
Shenze County 250,264
Zanhuang County 244,799
Wuji County 502,662
Pingshan County 433,429
Yuanshi County 418,466
Zhao(xian) County 571,077
Xinji City 615,919
Gaocheng City 775,110
Jinzhou City 537,679
Xinle City 487,652
Luquan City 432,936
Lunan TangshanDistrict 311,076
Lubei District 743,504
Guye District 358,461
Kaiping District 262,571
Fengnan District 541,352
Fengrun District 916,092
Caofeidian District 251,785
Luan County 554315
Luannan County 571,779
Laoting County 526,222
Qianxi County 390,128
Yutian County 684,833
Zunhua City 737,011
Qian'an City 728,160
Haigang QinhuangdaoDistrict 765,254
Shanhaiguan District 178,769
Beidaihe District 85,647
Qinglong Autonomous county (Manchu) 496,726
Changli County 559,697
Funing County 517,073
Lulong County 384,439
Hanshan HandanDistrict 385,626
Congtai District 363,778
Fuxing District 192,023
Fengfeng District 503,911
Handan County 462,012
Linzhang County 600,600
Cheng'an County 377,398
Daming County 767,035
She(xian) County 413,057
Ci(xian) County 677,884
Feixiang County 351,690
Yongnian County 943,935
Qiu(xian) County 227,578
Jize County 274,328
Guangping County 268,993
Guantao County 309,032
Wei(xian) County 809,193
Quzhou County 427,610
Wu'an City 819,000
Qiaodong XingtaiDistrict 269,603
Qiaoxi District 400,551
Xingtai County 466,323
Lincheng County 204,086
Neiqiu County 266,620
Baixiang County 190,225
Longyao County 506,552
Ren(xian) County 327,926
Nanhe County 325,332
Ningjin County 764,828
Julu County 374,634
Xinhe County 169,858
Guangzong County 283,851
Pingxiang County 300,029
Wei(xian) County 556,624
Qinghe County 386,231
Linxi County 343,384
Nangong City 469,030
Shahe City 498,416
Xinshi BaodingDistrict 482,768
Beishi District 387,339
Nanshi District 287,784
Mancheng County 387,307
Qingyuan County 631,659
Laishui County 339,063
Fuping County 295,764
Xushui County 563,030
Dingxing County 517,873
Tang(xian) County 529,066
Gaoyang County 345,160
Rongcheng County 258,179
Laiyuan County 260,678
Wangdu County 250,014
Anxin County 437,378
Yi(xian) County 537,564
Quyang County 588,559
Li(xian) County 505,574
Shunping County 295,764
Boye County 245,504
Xiong(xian) County 359,506
Zhuozhou City 603,535
Dingzhou City 1,165,182
Anguo City 370,314
Gaobeidian City 640,280
Qiaodong ZhangjiakouDistrict 339,372
Qiaoxi District 287,900
Xuanhua(qu) District 370,569
Xiahuayuan District 62,764
Xuanhua(xian) County 273,506
Zhangbei County 318,669
Kangbao County 204,975
Guyuan County 174,619
Shangyi County 151,398
Yu(xian) County 450,236
Yangyuan County 258,086
Huai'an County 210,914
Wanquan County 211,706
Huailai County 352,307
Zhuolu County 333,932
Chicheng County 238,169
Chongli County 106,122
Shuangqiao ChengdeDistrict 424,897
Shuangluan District 146,878
Yingshouyingzi District 62,454
Chengde County 388,554
Xinglong County 314,730
Pingquan City 446,939
Luanping County 287,986
Longhua County 372,030
Fengning Autonomous county (Manchu) 357,029
Kuancheng Autonomous county (Manchu) 250,304
Weichang Autonomous county (Manchu & Mongol) 421,400
Xinhua CangzhouDistrict 228,340
Yunhe District 308,453
Cang(xian) County 669,019
Qing(xian) County 402,137
Dongguang County 356,501
Haixing County 201,538
Yanshan County 436,811
Suning County 334,639
Nanpi County 366,231
Wuqiao County 282,410
Xian(xian) County 579,830
Mengcun Autonomous county (Hui) 202,571
Botou City 584,308
Renqiu City 822,454
Huanghua City 548,506
Hejian City 810,305
Anci LangfangDistrict 367,670
Guangyang District 500,396
Gu'an County 418,689
Yongqing County 356,481
Xianghe County 343,372
Dacheng County 477,773
Wen'an County 500,967
Dachang Autonomous county (Hui) 118,474
Bazhou City 622,975
Sanhe City 652,042
Taocheng HengshuiDistrict 522,147
Zaoqiang County 394,469
Wuyi County 315,693
Wuqiang County 214,549
Raoyang County 280,498
Anping County 328,512
Gucheng County 487,025
Jing(xian) County 528,693
Fucheng County 341,087
Jizhou District 362,013
Shenzhou City 566,087
Daoli HarbinHeilongjiangDistrict 923,762
Nangang District 1,343,857
Daowai District 906,421
Xiangfang District 916,408
Pingfang District 190,253
Songbei District 236,848
Hulan District 764,534
Acheng District 596,856
Shuangcheng District 825,634
Yilan County 388,319
Fangzheng County 203,853
Bin(xian) County 551,271
Bayan County 590,555
Tonghe County 210,650
Mulan County 277,685
Yanshou County 242,455
Shangzhi City 585,386
Wuchang City 881,224
Longsha QiqiharDistrict 354,987
Jianhua District 292,579
Tiefeng District 331,951
Ang'angxi District 80,109
Fularji District 256,159
Nianzishan District 72,151
Meilisi District 165,852
Longjiang County 572,764
Yi'an County 480,035
Tailai County 302,027
Gannan County 368,734
Fuyu County 276,537
Keshan County 403,175
Kedong County 264,285
Baiquan County 519,766
Nehe City 625,892
Jiguan JixiDistrict 365,376
Hengshan District 160,185
Didao District 103,646
Lishu District 76,361
Chengzihe District 127,290
Mashan District 30,097
Jidong County 273,871
Hulin City 317,884
Mishan City 407,451
Xiangyang HegangDistrict 110,916
Gongnong District 140,070
Nanshan District 119,047
Xing'an District 74,396
Dongshan District 175,239
Xingshan District 44,803
Luobei County 220,131
Suibin County 174,063
Jianshan ShuangyashanDistrict 221,767
Lingdong District 81,882
Sifangtai District 67,704
Baoshan District 128,153
Jixian County 319,893
Youyi County 123,435
Baoqing County 419,708
Raohe County 141,884
Sartu DaqingDistrict 328,808
Longfeng District 352,404
Ranghulu District 564,534
Honggang District 169,522
Datong District 234,557
Zhaozhou County 387,463
Zhaoyuan County 388,828
Lindian County 244,578
Dorbod Autonomous county (Mongol) 233,838
Yichun YichunDistrict 146,074
Nancha District 118,060
Youhao District 53,409
Xilin District 51,938
Cuiluan District 44,976
Xinqing District 43,054
Meixi District 40,697
Jinshantun District 39,917
Wuying District 33,980
Wumahe District 31,391
Tangwanghe District 30,980
Dailing District 32,256
Wuyiling District 21,145
Hongxing District 21,838
Shangganling District 19,487
Jiayin County 68,566
Tieli City 350,358
Xiangyang JiamusiDistrict 233,855
Qianjin District 171,530
Dongfeng District 161,740
Jiao(qu) District 314,586
Huanan County 468,698
Huachuan County 202,827
Tangyuan County 255,211
Fuyuan County 126,694
Tongjiang City 179,791
Fujin City 437,165
Xinxing QitaiheDistrict 236,768
Taoshan District 230,293
Qiezihe District 153,874
Boli County 299,484
Dong'an MudanjiangDistrict 200,160
Yangming District 240,214
Aimin District 275,289
Xi'an District 249,491
Dongning County 200,716
Linkou County 368,956
Suifenhe City 132,315
Hailin City 400,859
Ning'an City 437,452
Muling City 293,271
Aihui HeiheDistrict 211,313
Nenjiang County 495,519
Xunke County 101,411
Sunwu County 102,821
Bei'an City 436,444
Wudalianchi City 326,390
Beilin SuihuaDistrict 877,682
Wangkui County 428,760
Lanxi County 454,526
Qinggang County 474,553
Mingshui County 320,985
Qing'an County 382,416
Suileng County 331,705
Zhaodong City 903,171
Anda City 472,716
Hailun City 769,925
Jiagedaqi Daxing'anlingDistrict 154,363
Songling District 33,555
Xinlin District 50,859
Huzhong District 45,039
Huma County 51,861
Tahe County 92,473
Mohe County 83,414
Zhongyuan ZhengzhouHenanDistrict 905,430
Erqi District 712,597
Guancheng District 645,888
Jinshui District 1,588,611
Shangjie District 131,540
Huiji District 269,561
Zhongmu County 727,389
Gongyi City 807,857
Xingyang City 613,761
Xinmi City 797,200
Xinzheng City 758,079
Dengfeng City 668,592
Longting KaifengDistrict 127,777
Shunhe District 232,280
Gulou District 143,165
Yuwangtai District 130,595
Qi(xian) County 956,465
Tongxu County 567,457
Weishi County 879,651
Kaifeng County 698,751
Lankao County 677,778
Laocheng LuoyangDistrict 163,165
Xigong District 372,917
Chanhe District 177,927
Jianxi District 619,178
Jili District 69,071
Luolong District 523,690
Mengjin County 414,609
Xin'an County 470,166
Luanchuan County 342,823
Song(xian) County 507,013
Ruyang County 407,981
Yiyang County 636,447
Luoning County 421,233
Yichuan County 756,616
Yanshi City 666,650
Xinhua PingdingshanDistrict 389842
Weidong District 302,582
Shilong District 54,909
Zhanhe District 286,642
Baofeng County 490,236
Ye(xian) County 777,150
Lushan County 789,845
Jia(xian) County 571,484
Wugang City 313,807
Ruzhou City 927,870
Wenfeng AnyangDistrict 442,854
Beiguan District 245,608
Yindu District 243,858
Long'an District 214,441
Anyang County 848,999
Tangyin County 430,773
Hua(xian) County 1,263,203
Neihuang County 693,451
Linzhou City 789,647
Heshan HebiDistrict 131,413
Shancheng District 230,952
Qibin District 272,313
Xun(xian) County 665,292
Qi(xian) County 269,130
Hongqi XinxiangDistrict 391,265
Weibin District 193,493
Fengquan District 144,289
Muye District 317,973
Xinxiang County 339918
Huojia County 402,922
Yuanyang County 659,335
Yanjin County 469,248
Fengqiu County 743,786
Changyuan County 809,479
Weihui City 495,710
Huixian City 740,383
Jiefang JiaozuoDistrict 295,675
Zhongzhan District 106,057
Macun District 139,524
Shanyang District 324,100
Xiuwu County 287,794
Bo'ai County 436,289
Wuzhi County 713,896
Wen(xian) County 421,767
Qinyang City 447,670
Mengzhou City 367,088
Hualong PuyangDistrict 655,630
Qingfeng County 635,880
Nanle County 458,450
Fan(xian) County 469,840
Taiqian County 332,100
Puyang County 104,650
Weidu XuchangDistrict 498,058
Xuchang County 767,396
Yanling County 551,575
Xiangcheng County 671,270
Yuzhou City 1,131,819
Changge City 687,081
Yuanhui LuoheDistrict 323,935
Yancheng District 493,648
Shaoling District 477,308
Wuyang County 538,412
Linying County 710,800
Hubin SanmenxiaDistrict 325,608
Mianchi County 346,411
Shan(xian) County 343,657
Lushi County 352,425
Yima City 721,001
Wancheng NanyangDistrict 887,215
Wolong District 924,517
Nanzhao County 557,117
Fangcheng County 922,404
Xixia County 444,383
Zhenping County 859,506
Neixiang County 575,169
Xichuan County 685,637
Sheqi County 633,742
Tanghe County 1,282,174
Xinye County 629,166
Tongbai County 393,915
Dengzhou City 1,468,061
Liangyuan ShangqiuDistrict 787,931
Suiyang District 748,356
Minquan County 703,379
Sui(xian) County 711,088
Ningling County 523,367
Zhecheng County 778,107
Yucheng County 954,720
Xiayi County 915,228
Yongcheng City 1,240,296
Shihe XinyangDistrict 594,351
Pingqiao District 635,608
Luoshan County 504,542
Guangshan County 585,314
Xi(xian) County 275,285
Shangcheng County 495,491
Gushi County 1,023,857
Huangchuan County 630,333
Huaibin County 570,156
Xin(xian) County 793,746
Chuanhui ZhoukouDistrict 505,139
Fugou County 625,776
Xihua County 787,862
Shangshui County 940,727
Shenqiu County 983,516
Dancheng County 1,003,841
Huaiyang County 1,089,621
Taikang County 1,102,875
Luyi County 910,189
Xiangcheng City 1,003,626
Yicheng ZhumadianDistrict 721,678
Xiping County 700,103
Shangcai County 1,084,133
Pingyu County 748,348
Zhengyang County 644,991
Queshan County 405,992
Biyang County 810,353
Runan County 769,945
Suiping County 493,897
Xincai County 851,304
Jiyuan Directly administeredCity 675,710
Jiang'an WuhanHubeiDistrict 895,635
Jianghan District 683,492
Qiaokou District 828,644
Hanyang District 792,183
Wuchang District 1,199,127
Qingshan District 485,375
Hongshan District 1,549,917
Dongxihu District 451,880
Hannan District 114,970
Caidian District 410,888
Jiangxia District 644,835
Huangpi District 874,938
Xinzhou District 848,760
Huangshigang HuangshiDistrict 362611
Xisaishan District 233,708
Xialu District 110,925
Tieshan District 57,327
Yangxin County 827,631
Daye City 837,116
Maojian ShiyanDistrict 399,449
Zhangwan District 368,471
Yunyang District 558,355
Yunxi County 447,484
Zhushan County 417,081
Zhuxi County 315,257
Fang(xian) County 390,991
Danjiangkou City 443,755
Xiling YichangDistrict 512,074
Wujiagang District 214,194
Dianjun District 103,696
Xiaoting District 61,230
Yiling District 520,186
Yuan'an County 184,532
Xingshan County 170,630
Zigui County 367,107
Changyang Autonomous county (Tujia) 388,228
Wufeng Autonomous county (Tujia) 188,923
Yidu City 384,598
Dangyang City 468,293
Zhijiang City 495,995
Xiangcheng XiangyangDistrict 485,934
Fancheng District 808,798
Xiangzhou District 904,957
Nanzhang County 533,661
Gucheng County 523,607
Baokang County 254,597
Laohekou City 471,482
Zaoyang City 1,004,741
Yicheng City 512,530
Liangzihu EzhouDistrict 142,608
Huarong District 237,333
Echeng District 668,731
Dongbao JingmenDistrict 360,984
Duodao District 271,970
Jingshan City 636,776
Shayang County 581,443
Zhongxiang City 1,022,514
Xiaonan XiaoganDistrict 908,266
Xiaochang County 588,666
Dawu County 614,902
Yunmeng County 524,799
Yingcheng City 593,812
Anlu City 568,590
Hanchuan City 1,015,507
Shashi JingzhouDistrict 600,330
Jingzhou District 553,756
Gong'an County 881,128
Jianli County 1,162,770
Jiangling County 331,344
Shishou City 577,022
Honghu City 819,446
Songzi City 765,911
Huangzhou HuanggangDistrict 366,769
Tuanfeng County 338,613
Hong'an County 602,156
Luotian County 544,650
Yingshan County 357,296
Xishui County 872,650
Qichun County 727,821
Huangmei County 858,806
Macheng City 849,092
Wuxue City 644,219
Xian'an XianningDistrict 512,517
Jiayu County 319,196
Tongcheng County 380,758
Chongyang County 410,623
Tongshan County 361,079
Chibi City 478,410
Zengdu SuizhouDistrict 618,582
Sui(xian) County 755,910
Guangshui City 787,730
Enshi EnshiCity 749,609
Lichuan City 654,197
Jianshi County 411,936
Badong County 420,798
Xuan'en County 310,390
Xianfeng County 300,648
Laifeng County 242,920
Hefeng County 199,796
Xiantao Directly administeredCity 1,175,085
Qianjiang City 946,277
Tianmen City 1,418,913
Shennongjia City 76,140
Furong ChangshaHunanDistrict 523,730
Tianxin District 475,663
Yuelu District 801,861
Kaifu District 567,373
Yuhua District 725,353
Wangcheng District 523,489
Changsha County 979,665
Ningxiang County 1,168,056
Liuyang City 1,278,928
Hetang ZhuzhouDistrict 309,006
Lusong District 248,021
Shifeng District 282,975
Tianyuan District 215,371
Zhuzhou County 383,570
You(xian) County 693,178
Chaling County 575,303
Yanling County 201,692
Liling City 946,493
Yuetang XiangtanDistrict 501,348
Yuhu District 457,955
Xiangtan County 915,997
Xiangxiang City 787,216
Shaoshan City 86,036
Zhuhui HengyangDistrict 332,463
Yanfeng District 212,997
Shigu District 231,595
Zhengxiang District 298,461
Nanyue District 59,650
Hengyang County 1,103,897
Hengnan County 953,608
Hengshan County 382,086
Hengdong County 629,725
Qidong County 980,218
Changning City 1,150,241
Leiyang City 806,521
Shuangqing ShaoyangDistrict 307,980
Daxiang District 340,605
Beita District 104,609
Shaodong County 896,625
Xinshao County 743,073
Shaoyang County 915,600
Longhui County 1,095,392
Dongkou County 770,473
Suining County 351,139
Xinning County 560,742
Chengbu Autonomous county (Miao) 250,633
Wugang City 734,870
Yueyanglou YueyangDistrict 814,593
Yunxi District 176,872
Junshan District 240,668
Yueyang County 717,032
Huarong County 709,098
Xiangyin County 681,075
Pingjiang County 947,774
Miluo City 692,280
Linxiang City 498,519
Wuling ChangdeDistrict 620,973
Dingcheng District 837,563
Anxiang County 525,619
Hanshou County 799,497
Li(xian) County 827,021
Linli County 401,071
Taoyuan County 854,935
Shimen County 599,475
Jinshi City 251,064
Yongding ZhangjiajieDistrict 441,333
Wulingyuan District 52,712
Cili County 601,977
Sangzhi County 380,499
Ziyang YiyangDistrict 410,542
Heshan District 839,265
Nan(xian) County 725,562
Taojiang County 769,568
Anhua County 901,043
Yuanjiang City 667,104
Beihu ChenzhouDistrict 420,531
Suxian District 403,299
Guiyang County 695,918
Yizhang County 579,565
Yongxing County 572,960
Jiahe County 296,017
Linwu County 331,871
Rucheng County 330,254
Guidong County 230,948
Anren County 382,920
Zixing City 337,495
Lingling YongzhouDistrict 528,637
Lengshuitan District 479,144
Qiyang County 853,197
Dong'an County 543,453
Shuangpai County 163,274
Dao(xian) County 605,799
Jiangyong County 232,599
Ningyuan County 700,759
Lanshan County 332,940
Xintian County 329,906
Jianghua Autonomous county (Yao) 410,527
Hecheng HuaihuaDistrict 552,622
Hongjiang(qu) District 64,960
Zhongfang County 236,649
Yuanling County 582,582
Chenxi County 453,565
Xupu County 741,014
Huitong County 318,686
Mayang Autonomous county (Miao) 343,309
Xinhuang Autonomous county (Dong) 244,322
Zhijiang Autonomous county (Dong) 339,437
Jingzhou Autonomous county (Miao & Dong) 245,116
Tongdao Autonomous county (Dong) 206,650
Hongjiang(shi) City 413,036
Louxing LoudiDistrict 497,171
Shuangfeng County 854,555
Xinhua County 1,110,910
Lengshuijiang City 327,279
Lianyuan City 995,712
Jishou XiangxiCity 301,460
Luxi County 273,361
Fenghuang County 350,195
Huayuan County 288,082
Baojing County 277,379
Guzhang County 126,756
Yongshun County 428,373
Longshan County 502,227
Xincheng HohhotInner MongoliaDistrict 567,255
Huimin District 394,555
Yuquan District 383,365
Saihan District 635,599
Tumed Left Banner 312,532
Togtoh County 200,840
Horinger County 169,856
Qingshuihe County 93,887
Wuchuan County 108,726
Donghe BaotouDistrict 512,045
Hondlon District 726,838
Qingshan District 481,216
Shiguai District 35,805
Bayan Obo District 26,050
Jiuyuan District 195,831
Binhe District 119,066
Tumed Right Banner 276,453
Darhan Muminggan United Banner 101,486
Guyang County 175,574
Haibowan WuhaiDistrict 296,177
Hainan District 103,355
Wuda District 133,370
Hongshan ChifengDistrict 434,785
Yuanbaoshan District 325,170
Songshan District 573,571
Ar Horqin Banner 272,205
Bairin Left Banner 327,765
Bairin Right Banner 175,543
Hexigten Banner 211,155
Ongniud Banner 433,298
Harqin Banner 293,246
Aohan Banner 547,043
Linxi County 200,619
Ningcheng County 546,845
Horqin TongliaoDistrict 898,895
Horqin Left Middle Banner 514,741
Horqin Left Back Banner 379,237
Hure Banner 167,020
Naiman Banner 401,509
Jarud Banner 279,371
Kailu County 396,166
Holingol City 102,214
Dongsheng OrdosDistrict 582,544
Dalad Banner 322,101
Jungar Banner 356,501
Otog Front Banner 68,282
Otog Banner 148,844
Hanggin Banner 111,102
Uxin Banner 124,527
Ejin Horo Banner 226,752
Hailar HulunbuirDistrict 344,947
Jalainur District not established
Arun Banner 278,744
Old Barag Banner 58,244
New Barag Left Banner 40,258
New Barag Right Banner 36,356
Morin Dawa Autonomous banner (Daur) 276,912
Oroqin Autonomous banner (Oroqin) 223,752
Evenk Autonomous banner (Evenk) 134,981
Manzhouli City 249,473
Yakeshi City 352,177
Zhalantun City 366,326
Ergun City 76,667
Genhe City 110,441
Linhe BayannurDistrict 541,721
Urad Front Banner 293,269
Urad Middle Banner 134,204
Urad Rear Banner 65,207
Hanggin Rear Banner 257,943
Wuyuan County 260,480
Dengkou County 117,091
Jining UlanqabDistrict 298,887
Chahar Right Front Banner 247,285
Chahar Right Middle Banner 219,038
Chahar Right Back Banner 217,877
Siziwang Banner 210,646
Zhuozi County 226,144
Huade County 175,621
Shangdu County 346,985
Xinghe County 317,286
Liangcheng County 246,038
Fengzhen City 336,749
Ulanhot HingganCity 327,081
Arxan City 68,311
Horqin Right Front Banner 299,834
Horqin Right Middle Banner 251,465
Jalaid Banner 392,346
Tuquan County 274,213
Erenhot XilingolCity 74,197
Xilinhot City 245,886
Abag Banner 43,574
Sonid Left Banner 33,652
Sonid Right Banner 71,063
East Ujimqin Banner 93,962
West Ujimqin Banner 87,614
Taibus Banner 112,339
Bordered Yellow Banner 28,450
Plain and Bordered White Banner 54,443
Plain Blue Banner 81,967
Duolun County 100,893
Alxa Left AlxaBanner 173,494
Alxa Right Banner 25,430
Ejin Banner 32,410
Xuanwu NanjingJiangsuDistrict 651,957
Qinhuai District 405,891
Jianye District 426,999
Gulou District 826,074
Pukou District 710,298
Qixia District 644,503
Yuhuatai District 391,285
Jiangning District 1,145,628
Luhe District 915,845
Lishui District 421,323
Gaochun District 417,729
Chong'an WuxiDistrict 228,854
Nanchang District 378,490
Beitang District 336,844
Binhu District 1,225,772
Huishan District 691,059
Xishan District 681,300
Jiangyin City 1,594,829
Yixing City 1,235,476
Gulou XuzhouDistrict 490,855
Yunlong District 345,393
Jiawang District 430,712
Quanshan District 539,693
Tongshan District 1,247,125
Feng(xian) County 963,531
Pei(xian) County 1,141,935
Suining County 1,039,315
Xinyi City 920,628
Pizhou City 1,458,038
Tianning ChangzhouDistrict 513,682
Zhonglou District 505,936
Qishuyan District 105,124
Xinbei District 596,807
Wujin District 1,568,999
Liyang City 749,377
Jintan District 552,047
Gusu SuzhouDistrict not established
Huqiu District 572,313
Wuzhong District 1,853,656
Xiangcheng District 693,576
Wujiang District 1,275,090
Changshu City 1,510,103
Zhangjiagang City 1,248,414
Kunshan City 1,646,318
Taicang City 712,069
Chongchuan NantongDistrict 868,262
Gangzha District 266,326
Tongzhou District 1,138,738
Hai'an County 866,337
Rudong County 995,983
Qidong City 972,525
Rugao City 1,267,066
Haimen City 907,598
Haizhou LianyungangDistrict 818,134
Lianyun District 231,697
Ganyu District 949,438
Donghai County 952,250
Guanyun County 817,629
Guannan County 624,766
Qinghe Huai'anDistrict 529,956
Huai'an District 984,601
Huaiyin District 788,634
Qingpu District 330,229
Lianshui County 859,991
Hongze County 326,365
Xuyi County 658,830
Jinhu County 321,283
Tinghu YanchengDistrict 904,417
Yandu District 711,300
Xiangshui County 509,524
Binhai County 956,162
Funing County 843,275
Sheyang County 896,639
Jianhu County 741,646
Dongtai City 990,208
Dafeng District 707,069
Guangling YangzhouDistrict 340,977
Hanjiang District 576,873
Baoying County 752,074
Yizheng City 563,945
Gaoyou City 744,662
Jiangdu District 1,006,780
Jingkou ZhenjiangDistrict 601,671
Runzhou District 296,453
Dantu District 302,276
Danyang City 960,418
Yangzhong City 334,886
Jurong City 617,680
Hailing TaizhouDistrict 475,100
Gaogang District 250,500
Jiangyan District 729,000
Jingjiang City 684,600
Taixing City 1,074,300
Xinghua City 1,253,800
Sucheng SuqianDistrict 796,627
Suyu District 641,059
Shuyang County 1,538,054
Siyang County 830,502
Sihong County 909,311
Donghu NanchangJiangxiDistrict 575,489
Xihu District 503,822
Qingyunpu District 316,723
Wanli District 63,963
Qingshanhu District 897,841
Nanchang County 1,018,675
Xinjian County 795,412
Anyi County 180,194
Jinxian County 690,446
Zhushan JingdezhenDistrict 281,358
Changjiang District 192,203
Fuliang County 303,563
Leping City 810,353
Anyuan PingxiangDistrict 559,909
Xiangdong District 358,990
Lianhua County 236,328
Shangli County 441,860
Luxi County 257,423
Lushan JiujiangDistrict 302,228
Xunyang District 402,758
Jiujiang County 315,219
Wuning County 360,269
Xiushui County 739,986
Yongxiu County 376,107
De'an County 222,322
Xingzi County 245,526
Duchang County 716,370
Hukou County 275,797
Pengze County 353,149
Gongqingcheng City 120,000
Ruichang City 419,047
Yushui XinyuDistrict 839,487
Fenyi County 299,386
Yuehu YingtanDistrict 214,028
Yujiang County 352,427
Guixi City 558,451
Zhanggong GanzhouDistrict 642,653
Nankang District 787,636
Gan(xian) County 546,964
Xinfeng County 664,047
Dayu County 289,378
Shangyou County 257,464
Chongyi County 187,234
Anyuan County 340,740
Longnan County 300,301
Dingnan County 172,771
Quannan County 180,691
Ningdu County 794,806
Yudu County 853,457
Xingguo County 719,830
Huichang County 445,137
Xunwu County 288,207
Shicheng County 278,246
Ruijin City 618,885
Jizhou Ji'anDistrict 338,524
Qingyuan District 200,176
Ji'an County 464,295
Jishui County 501,337
Xiajiang County 184,483
Xingan County 329,830
Yongfeng County 428,276
Taihe County 512,225
Suichuan County 535,974
Wan'an County 301,699
Anfu County 385,631
Yongxin County 475,580
Jinggangshan City 152,310
Yuanzhou YichunDistrict 1,045,952
Fengxin County 312,956
Wanzai County 476,856
Shanggao County 326,697
Yifeng County 274,046
Jing'an County 144,800
Tonggu County 135,139
Fengcheng City 1,336,393
Zhangshu City 555,103
Gao'an City 811,633
Linchuan FuzhouDistrict 1,089,888
Nancheng County 306,236
Lichuan County 230,086
Nanfeng County 287,932
Chongren County 347,840
Le'an County 345,769
Yihuang County 224,039
Jinxi County 294,826
Zixi County 111,983
Dongxiang County 438,318
Guangchang County 235,395
Xinzhou ShangraoDistrict 416,219
Shangrao County 700,266
Guangfeng County 752,939
Yushan County 574,363
Yanshan County 427,000
Hengfeng County 184,870
Yiyang County 353,378
Yugan County 887,603
Poyang County 1,296,756
Wannian County 359,098
Wuyuan County 334,020
Dexing City 293,202
Nanguan ChangchunJilinDistrict 1,012,547
Kuancheng District 457,959
Chaoyang District 846,688
Erdao District 402,090
Luyuan District 810,831
Shuangyang District 377,933
Jiutai District 738,606
Nong'an County 102,968
Yushu City 1,060,969
Dehui City 839,786
Changyi JilinDistrict 659,188
Longtan District 527,532
Chuanying District 492,159
Fengman District 296,924
Yongji County 394,622
Jiaohe City 447,380
Huadian City 444,997
Shulan City 645,925
Panshi City 505,954
Tiexi SipingDistrict 278,837
Tiedong District 335,000
Lishu County 782,900
Yitong Autonomous county (Manchu) 475,409
Gongzhuling City 1,093,314
Shuangliao City 420,865
Longshan LiaoyuanDistrict 294,380
Xi'an District 178,039
Dongfeng County 355,201
Dongliao County 349,025
Dongchang TonghuaDistrict 360,195
Erdaojiang District 146,682
Tonghua County 247,225
Huinan County 359,453
Liuhe County 363,962
Meihekou City 615,367
Ji'an City 232,358
Hunjiang BaishanDistrict 364,849
Jiangyuan District 254,381
Fusong County 298,063
Jingyu County 131,677
Changbai Autonomous county (Korean) 72,575
Linjiang City 175,030
Ningjiang SongyuanDistrict 612,816
Changling County 639,205
Qian'an County 301,438
Qian Gorlos Autonomous county (Mongol) 607,640
Fuyu City 718,987
Taobei BaichengDistrict 517,613
Zhenlai County 298,404
Tongyu County 353,604
Taonan City 432,271
Da'an City 431,166
Yanji YanbianCity 563,154
Tumen City 134,498
Dunhua City 483,631
Hunchun City 241,861
Longjing City 177,295
Helong City 189,597
Wangqing County 255,499
Antu County 226,065
Heping ShenyangLiaoningDistrict 638,959
Shenhe District 719,033
Dadong District 696,711
Huanggu District 809,100
Tiexi District 878,261
Sujiatun District 429,143
Hunnan District 301,832
Shenbei District 318,895
Yuhong District 408,798
Liaozhong County 538,220
Kangping County 351,188
Faku County 446,223
Xinmin City 696,895
Zhongshan DalianDistrict 357,091
Xigang District 307,850
Shahekou District 653,762
Ganjingzi District 722,559
Lüshunkou District 212,752
Jinzhou District 729,100
Changhai County 74,010
Wafangdian City 1,026,160
Pulandian District 827,585
Zhuanghe City 922,876
Haizhou FuxinDistrict 277,902
Xinqiu District 91,376
Taiping District 171,625
Qinghemen District 73,923
Xihe District 165,525
Zhangwu County 417,724
Fuxin Autonomous county (Mongol) 732,630
Pingshan BenxiDistrict 349,130
Xihu District 252,671
Mingshan District 409,576
Nanfen District 82,917
Benxi Autonomous county (Manchu) 296,218
Huanren Autonomous county (Manchu) 319,026
Yuanbao DandongDistrict 191,200
Zhenxing District 372,400
Zhen'an District 173,800
Kuandian Autonomous county (Manchu) 434,900
Donggang City 664,000
Fengcheng City 587,900
Baita LiaoyangDistrict 210,317
Wensheng District 184,129
Hongwei District 117,776
Gongchangling District 89,441
Taizihe District 123,415
Liaoyang County 595,189
Dengta City 513,538
Shuangtaizi PanjinDistrict 195,486
Xinglongtai District 398,919
Dawa County 393,318
Panshan County 294,646
Yinzhou TielingDistrict 346,613
Qinghe District 98,421
Tieling County 389,494
Xifeng County 349,187
Changtu County 1,038,848
Diaobingshan City 241,028
Kaiyuan City 590,888
Shuangta ChaoyangDistrict 315,437
Longcheng District 188,434
Chaoyang County 628,066
Jianping County 583,307
Harqin Autonomous county (Mongol) 424,546
Beipiao City 617,236
Lingyuan City 644,630
Xinfu FushunDistrict 276,518
Dongzhou District 335,779
Wanghua District 371,592
Shuncheng District 416,856
Fushun County 190,528
Xinbin Autonomous county (Manchu) 306,018
Qingyuan Autonomous county (Manchu) 339,969
Tiedong AnshanDistrict 491,707
Tiexi District 294,585
Lishan District 427,434
Qianshan District 259,819
Tai'an County 377,706
Xiuyan Autonomous county (Manchu) 517,152
Haicheng City 1,134,065
Zhanqian YingkouDistrict 383,241
Xishi District 204,105
Bayuquan District 431,329
Laobian District 165,047
Gaizhou City 723,218
Dashiqiao City 721,363
Guta JinzhouDistrict 250,577
Taihe District 454,883
Linghe District 212,030
Heishan County 630,472
Yi(xian) County 439,377
Linghai City 576,143
Beizhen City 530,645
Lianshan HuludaoDistrict 626,573
Longgang District 202,306
Nanpiao District 147,047
Suizhong County 636,858
Jianchang County 622,068
Xingcheng City 552,180
Xingqing District 兴庆区 YinchuanNingxiaDistrict 648.08678,306 640104 XQN
Xixia District 西夏区 District 883.84329,310 640105 XQU
Jinfeng District 金凤区 District 270.27282,554 640106 JFU
Yongning County 永宁县 County 934.06218,260 640121 YGN
Helan County 贺兰县 County 1,197.57222,981 640122 HLN
Lingwu City 灵武市 City 3,009.04261,677 640181 LWU
Dawukou District 大武口区 ShizuishanDistrict 949.89286,669 640202 DWK
Huinong District 惠农区 District 1,064.79185,803 640205 HNO
Pingluo County 平罗县 County 2,059.79253,010 640221 PLO
Litong District 利通区 WuzhongDistrict 1,106.67379,346 640302 LTW
Hongsibu District 红寺堡区 District 2,756.22165,016 640303 HSE
Yanchi County 盐池县 County 6,553.79146,560 640323 YCY
Tongxin County 同心县 County 4,433.34318,153 640324 TGX
Qingtongxia City 青铜峡市 City 1,907.57264,717 640381 QTX
Yuanzhou District 原州区 GuyuanDistrict 2,739.01411,854 640402 YAZ
Xiji County 西吉县 County 3,129.4354,321 640422 XJI
Longde County 隆德县 County 992.21160,754 640423 LDE
Jingyuan County 泾源县 County 1,128.67101,026 640424 JYK
Pengyang County 彭阳县 County 2,533.49200,201 640425 PEY
Shapotou District 沙坡头区 ZhongweiDistrict 5,380.42378,606 640502 SPT
Zhongning County 中宁县 County 3,280.17312,921 640521 ZNG
Haiyuan County 海原县 County 4,989.55389,305 640522 HYB
Chengdong District 城东区 XiningQinghaiDistrict 112.86359,688 630102 CDQ
Chengzhong 城中区 District 153.58296,987 630103 CDZ
Chengxi 城西区 District 52.98242,627 630104 CXQ
Chengbei 城北区 District 138.1299,002 630105 CBE
Huangzhong District 湟中区 District 2,444136,632 630106 -
Huangyuan County 湟源县 County 1,545.48437,835 630121 HYU
Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County 大通回族土族自治县 Autonomous county (Hui & Tu) 3,159.7435,937 630123 DAT
Ledu District 乐都区 HaidongDistrict 2,480.52260,185 630202 LDA
Ping'an District 平安区 District 734.59102,975 630203 PIA
Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous County 民和回族土族自治县 Autonomous county (Hui & Tu) 1,897.32350,118 630222 MHE
Huzhu Tu Autonomous County 互助土族自治县 Autonomous county (Tu) 3,348356,437 630223 HZT
Hualong Hui Autonomous County 化隆回族自治县 Autonomous county (Hui) 2,706.77203,317 630224 HLO
Xunhua Salar Autonomous County 循化撒拉族自治县 Autonomous county (Salar) 1,815.21123,814 630225 XUH
Menyuan Hui Autonomous County 门源回族自治县 HaibeiAutonomous county (Hui) 6,381.6537,595 632221 MYU
Qilian County 祁连县County 13,919.7913,789 632222 QLN
Haiyan County 海晏县 County 4,443.111,497 632223 HIY
Gangca County 刚察县 County 9,575.9111,473 632224 GAN
Tongren City 同仁市 Huangnan City 3,19592,601 632301 -
Jainca County 尖扎县 County 1,557.8555,325 632322 JAI
Zêkog County 泽库县 County 6,773.3769,416 632323 ZEK
Henan Mongol Autonomous County 河南蒙古族自治县 Autonomous county (Mongol) 6,700.2339,374 632324 HNM
Gonghe County 共和县 HainanCounty 16,626.73122,966 632521 GHE
Tongde County 同德县 County 4,652.864,367 632522 TDX
Guide County 贵德县 County 3,510.37101,771 632533 GID
Xinghai County 兴海县 County 12,177.6376,025 632524 XHA
Guinan County 贵南县 County 6,485.7176,560 632525 GNN
Maqên County 玛沁县 Golog County 13,460.1251,245 632621 MAQ
Banma County 班玛县 County 6,37627,185 632622 BMX
Gadê County 甘德县 County 7,130.7134,840 632623 GAD
Darlag County 达日县 County 14,485.2130,995 632624 TAR
Jigzhi County 久治县 County 8,279.226,081 632625 JUZ
Madoi County 玛多县 County 24,494.1211,336 632626 MAD
Yushu City 玉树市 Yushu City 13,462120,447 632701 YSC
Zadoi County 杂多县 County 35,00058,268 632722 ZAD
Chindu County 称多县 County 15,30055,619 632723 CHI
Zhidoi County 治多县 County 80,20030,037 632724 ZHI
Nangqên County 囊谦县 County 12,74185,825 632725 NQN
Qumarlêb 曲麻莱县 County 47,00028,243 632726 QUM
Golmud City 格尔木市HaixiCity 124,500215,213 632801 GOS
Delingha City 德令哈市City 27,70078,184 632802 DEL
Mangnai City 茫崖市City 49,90031,017 632803 -
Ulan County 乌兰县County 12,249.7638,273 632821 ULA
Dulan County 都兰县County 45,264.6176,623 632822 DUL
Tianjun County 天峻县County 25,612.6333,923 632823 TJN
Da Qaidam Administrative Zone 大柴旦行政区Administrative committee 21,00013,671 632857 -
Xincheng Xi'anShaanxiDistrict 589,739
Beilin District 614,710
Lianhu District 698,513
Baqiao District 595,124
Weiyang District 806,811
Yanta District 1,178,529
Yanliang District 278,604
Lintong District 655,874
Chang'an District 1,083,285
Lantian County 514,026
Zhouzhi County 562,768
Hu(xian) County 556,377
Gaoling County 333,477
Yaozhou TongchuanDistrict 200,230
Yintai District 217,509
Wangyi District 325,538
Yijun County 91,160
Weibin BaojiDistrict 448,189
Jintai District 394,538
Chencang District 595,075
Fengxiang County 483,471
Qishan County 459,064
Fufeng County 416,398
Mei(xian) County 299,988
Long(xian) County 248,901
Qianyang County 123,959
Linyou County 90,728
Feng(xian) County 105,492
Taibai County 50,928
Qindu XianyangDistrict 507,093
Yangling District 201,172
Weicheng District 438,327
Sanyuan County 403,529
Jingyang County 487,749
Qian(xian) County 527,088
Liquan County 447,771
Yongshou County 184,642
Bin(xian) County 323,256
Changwu County 167,570
Xunyi County 261,566
Chunhua County 193,377
Wugong County 411,312
Xingping City 541,554
Linwei WeinanDistrict 877,142
Hua(xian) County 322,148
Tongguan County 155,463
Dali County 693,392
Heyang County 436,441
Chengcheng County 386,150
Pucheng County 743,000
Baishui County 279,679
Fuping County 743,385
Hancheng City 391,164
Huayin City 258,113
Baota Yan'anDistrict 475,234
Yanchang County 125,391
Yanchuan County 168,375
Zichang County 216,910
Ansai County 171,552
Zhidan County 140,489
Wuqi County 145,061
Ganquan County 77,188
Fu(xian) County 149,727
Luochuan County 220,684
Yichuan County 117,203
Huanglong County 49,392
Huangling County 129,803
Hantai HanzhongDistrict 534,923
Nanzheng County 471,634
Chenggu County 464,903
Yang(xian) County 383,981
Xixiang County 341,812
Mian(xian) County 388,123
Ningqiang County 308,885
Lueyang County 201,645
Zhenba County 246,817
Liuba County 43,398
Foping County 30,075
Yuyang YulinDistrict 637,617
Shenmu City 455,493
Fugu County 260,585
Hengshan County 288,053
Jingbian County 355,939
Dingbian County 319,370
Suide County 296,088
Mizhi County 154,953
Jia(xian) County 204,666
Wubu County 75,748
Qingjian County 128,938
Zizhou County 173,987
Hanbin AnkangDistrict 870,126
Hanyin County 246,147
Shiquan County 171,097
Ningshan County 70,435
Ziyang County 283,947
Langao County 154,157
Pingli County 192,959
Zhenping County 50,966
Xunyang County 426,677
Baihe County 163,395
Shangzhou ShangluoDistrict 531,646
Luonan County 441,643
Danfeng County 295,424
Shangnan County 221,564
Shanyang County 422,255
Zhen'an County 275,862
Zhashui County 153,348
Lixia JinanShandongDistrict 754,100
Shizhong District 713,600
Huaiyin District 476,800
Tianqiao District 688,400
Licheng District 1,124,300
Changqing District 578,700
Pingyin County 331,700
Jiyang County 517,900
Shanghe County 564,100
Zhangqiu District 1,064,200
Shinan QingdaoDistrict 544,800
Shibei District 558,200
Licang District 512,400
Huangdao District 524,200
Laoshan District 379,500
Chengyang District 737,200
Jiaozhou City 843,100
Pingdu City 1,357,400
Laixi City 750,200
Jimo District 1,177,200
Zichuan ZiboDistrict 731,900
Zhangdian District 929,200
Boshan District 463,000
Linzi District 642,800
Zhoucun District 362,300
Huantai County 504,000
Gaoqing County 347,900
Yiyuan County 549,500
Shizhong ZaozhuangDistrict 535,500
Xuecheng District 481,400
Yicheng District 364,200
Tai'erzhuang District 279,500
Shanting District 465,000
Tengzhou City 1,603,700
Dongying DongyingDistrict 756,700
Hekou District 247,600
Kenli County 242,300
Lijin County 281,200
Guangrao County 507,500
Zhifu YantaiDistrict 830,200
Fushan District 644,800
Muping District 467,600
Laishan District 285,100
Longkou City 688,300
Laiyang City 878,600
Laizhou City 883,900
Penglai City 451,100
Zhaoyuan City 566,200
Qixia City 589,700
Haiyang City 638,700
Weicheng WeifangDistrict 415,100
Hanting District 424,100
Fangzi District 512,200
Kuiwen District 525,900
Linqu County 834,300
Changle County 615,900
Qingzhou City 940,400
Zhucheng City 1086,200
Shouguang City 1,139,400
Anqiu City 926,900
Gaomi City 895,600
Changyi City 603,500
Rencheng JiningDistrict 526,400
Yanzhou District 744,200
Weishan County 633,400
Yutai County 437,100
Jinxiang County 625,300
Jiaxiang County 818,200
Wenshang County 684,600
Sishui County 536,100
Liangshan County 730,700
Qufu City 640,500
Zoucheng City 1,116,700
Taishan Tai'anDistrict 760,100
Daiyue District 975,400
Ningyang County 754,600
Dongping County 741,600
Xintai City 1,315,900
Feicheng City 946,600
Huancui WeihaiDistrict 908,200
Wendeng District 609,700
Rongcheng City 714,400
Rushan City 572,500
Donggang RizhaoDistrict 920,500
Lanshan District 400,100
Ju(xian) County 995,600
Wulian County 484,900
Laicheng LaiwuDistrict 989,500
Gangcheng District 309,000
Lanshan LinyiDistrict 1,274,200
Luozhuang District 660,600
Hedong District 665,400
Yinan County 790,900
Tancheng County 838,000
Yishui County 998,300
Lanling County 1,161,900
Fei(xian) County 757,000
Pingyi County 900,100
Junan County 886,400
Mengyin County 489,500
Linshu County 617,100
Decheng DezhouDistrict 679,600
Lingcheng District 569,000
Ningjin County 449,900
Qingyun County 294,700
Linyi County 511,100
Qihe County 602,000
Pingyuan County 442,900
Xiajin County 500,500
Wucheng County 376,100
Leling City 652,400
Yucheng City 490,000
Dongchangfu LiaochengDistrict 1,229,800
Yanggu County 770,700
Shen(xian) County 958,800
Chiping County 520,100
Dong'e County 352,600
Guan(xian) County 764,900
Gaotang County 473,400
Linqing City 719,600
Bincheng BinzhouDistrict 566,100
Huimin County 602,500
Yangxin County 427,000
Wudi County 418,700
Boxing County 487,100
Zouping City 778,800
Zhanhua District 116,600
Mudan HezeDistrict 1,346,700
Cao(xian) County 1,365,700
Shan(xian) County 1,063,200
Chengwu County 612,000
Juye County 860,600
Yuncheng County 1,040,700
Juancheng County 721,900
Dingtao County 565,800
Dongming County 711,100
Huangpu District 黄浦区Directly administeredShanghaiDistrict 18.72429,891 310101 HGP
Xuhui District 徐汇区 District 54.761,085,130 310104 XHI
Changning District 长宁区 District 37.19690,571 310105 CNQ
Jing'an District 静安区 District 37.37246,788 310106 JAQ
Putuo District 普陀区 District 55.471,288,881 310107 PTQ
Hongkou District 虹口区 District 23.48852,476 310109 HKQ
Yangpu District 杨浦区 District 60.611,313,222 310110 YPU
Minhang District 闵行区 District 371.72,429,372 310112 MHQ
Baoshan District 宝山区 District 424.581,904,886 310113 BAO
Jiading District 嘉定区 District 463.551,471,231 310114 JDG
Pudong New Area 浦东新区 District and New Area 1,210.55,044,430 310115 PDX
Jinshan District 金山区 District 586.14732,410 310116 JSH
Songjiang District 松江区 District 605.641,582,398 310117 SOJ
Qingpu District 青浦区 District 675.111,081,022 310118 QPU
Fengxian District 奉贤区 District 704.681,083,463 310120 FXI
Chongming District 崇明区 District 1,411703,722 310151 CMG
Xiaodian TaiyuanShanxiDistrict 804,537
Yingze District 601,112
Xinghualing District 634,482
Jiancaoping District 415,705
Wanbailin District 749,255
Jinyuan District 221,431
Qingxu County 343,861
Yangqu County 120,228
Loufan County 105,841
Gujiao City 205,139
Cheng(qu) DatongDistrict 723,013
Kuang(qu) District 500,158
Nanjiao District 405,864
Xinrong District 108,482
Yanggao County 272,488
Tianzhen County 206,009
Guangling County 182,613
Lingqiu County 234,004
Hunyuan County 343,486
Zuoyun County 156,163
Datong County 185,777
Cheng(qu) YangquanDistrict 193,106
Kuang(qu) District 242,994
Jiao(qu) District 286,055
Pingding County 335,265
Yu(xian) County 311,082
Cheng(qu) ChangzhiDistrict 483,628
Jiao(qu) District 281,213
Changzhi County 340,963
Xiangyuan County 270,216
Tunliu County 263,844
Pingshun County 150,955
Licheng County 158,541
Huguan County 291,609
Zhangzi County 353,266
Wuxiang County 182,548
Qin(xian) County 172,205
Qinyuan County 158,702
Lucheng City 226,874
Cheng(qu) JinchengDistrict 476,945
Qinshui County 213,022
Yangcheng County 388,788
Lingchuan County 231,360
Zezhou County 484,174
Gaoping City 484,862
Shuocheng ShuozhouDistrict 505,294
Pinglu District 203,793
Shanyin County 238,885
Ying(xian) County 327,973
Youyu County 112,063
Huairen County 326,849
Yuci JinzhongDistrict 635651
Yushe County 134648
Zuoquan County 161314
Heshun County 144178
Xiyang County 227896
Shouyang County 211014
Taigu County 298783
Qi(xian) County 265310
Pingyao County 502712
Lingshi County 261402
Jiexiu City 406517
Yanhu YunchengDistrict 680,043
Linyi County 57,251
Wanrong County 439,364
Wenxi County 404,146
Jishan County 347,425
Xinjiang County 332,473
Jiang(xian) County 281,644
Yuanqu County 231,018
Xia(xian) County 352,821
Pinglu County 258,241
Ruicheng County 394,854
Yongji City 444,724
Hejin City 395,531
Xinfu XinzhouDistrict 544,682
Dingxiang County 217,468
Wutai County 299,390
Dai(xian) County 214,091
Fanshi County 266,800
Ningwu County 161,165
Jingle County 156,846
Shenchi County 106,538
Wuzhai County 107,632
Kelan County 84,395
Hequ County 145,136
Baode County 160,035
Pianguan County 112,111
Yuanping City 491,213
Yaodu LinfenDistrict 944,050
Quwo County 237,033
Yicheng County 311,471
Xiangfen County 442,614
Hongdong County 733,421
Gu(xian) County 91,798
Anze County 82,012
Fushan County 127,831
Ji(xian) County 106,407
Xiangning County 233,162
Pu(xian) County 107,339
Daning County 64,501
Yonghe County 63,649
Xi(xian) County 103,617
Fenxi County 144,795
Houma City 240,005
Huozhou City 282,907
Lishi LüliangDistrict 320,142
Wenshui County 421,200
Jiaocheng County 230,522
Xing(xian) County 279,369
Lin(xian) County 579,069
Liulin County 320,681
Shilou County 111,814
Lan(xian) County 174,180
Fangshan County 143,809
Zhongyang County 141,374
Jiaokou County 119,919
Xiaoyi City 468,766
Fenyang City 416,212
Jinjiang District 锦江区 ChengduSichuanDistrict 62.12690,422 510104 JJQ
Qingyang District 青羊区 District 67.78828,140 510105 QYQ
Jinniu District 金牛区 District 1081,754,201 510106 JNU
Wuhou District 武侯区 District 76.561,083,806 510107 WHQ
Chenghua District 成华区 District 110.6938,785 510108 CHQ
Longquanyi District 龙泉驿区 District 556767,203 510112 LQY
Qingbaijiang District 青白江区 District 378.94381,792 510113 QBJ
Xindu District 新都区 District 497775,703 510114 XDU
Wenjiang District 温江区 District 277457,070 510115 WNJ
Shuangliu District 双流区 District 1,0321,158,516 510116 SLA
Pidu District 郫都区 District 437.5756,047 510117 PID
Xinjin District 新津区 District 330302,199 510118 -
Jintang County 金堂县 County 1,156717,225 510121 JNT
Dayi County 大邑县 County 1,548502,198 510129 DYI
Pujiang County 蒲江县 County 580239,562 510131 PJX
Dujiangyan City 都江堰市 City 1,208657,996 510181 DJY
Pengzhou City 彭州市 City 1,420762,887 510182 PZS
Qionglai City 邛崃市 City 1,384612,753 510183 QLA
Chongzhou City 崇州市 City 1,090661,120 510184 CZO
Jianyang City 简阳市 City 2,2151,481,180 510185 JYC
Ziliujing District 自流井区 ZigongDistrict 153346,401
Gongjing District 贡井区 District 417.63260,607
Da'an District 大安区 District 398.81382,245
Yantan District 沿滩区 District 467.99272,809
Rong County 荣县 County 1,598.97590,640
Fushun County 富顺县 County 1,336.26826,196
Dong District 东区 PanzhihuaDistrict 167.23364,326
Xi District 西区 District 124162,557
Renhe District 仁和区 District 1,727260,294
Miyi County 米易县 County 2,153219,227
Yanbian County 盐边县 County 3,269207,717
Jiangyang District 江阳区 LuzhouDistrict 649575,233
Naxi District 纳溪区 District 1,150.6451,401
Longmatan District 龙马潭区 District 340.8344,601
Lu County 泸县 County 1,532840,336
Hejiang County 合江县 County 2,422709,473
Xuyong County 叙永县 County 2,977584,299
Gulin County 古蔺县 County 3,184713,083
Jingyang District 旌阳区 DeyangDistrict 684735,070
Luojiang District 罗江区 District 447.88212,186
Zhongjiang County 中江县 County 2,0631,186,762
Guanghan City 广汉市 City 538591,115
Shifang City 什邡市 City 863412,758
Mianzhu City 绵竹市 City 1,245477,868
Fucheng District 涪城区 MianyangDistrict 597.7866,727
Youxian District 游仙区 District 973488,604
Anzhou District 安州区 District 1,404366,802
Santai County 三台县 County 2,660.581,042,064
Yanting County 盐亭县 County 1,648417,221
Zitong County 梓潼县 County 1,438302,246
Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County 北川羌族自治县 Autonomous county (Qiang) 3,112197,108
Pingwu County 平武县 County 5,974170,959
Jiangyou City 江油市 City 2,719762,142
Lizhou GuangyuanDistrict 516,424
Zhaohua District 168,489
Chaotian District 174,333
Wangcang County 385,787
Qingchuan County 222,253
Jiange County 457,656
Cangxi County 559,181
Chuanshan SuiningDistrict 656,760
Anju District 639,125
Pengxi County 553,239
Shehong County 924,531
Daying County 478,896
Shizhong NeijiangDistrict 501,285
Dongxing District 749,810
Weiyuan County 626,482
Zizhong County 1,192,060
Longchang City 633,210
Shizhong LeshanDistrict 662,812
Shawan District 187,180
Wutongqiao District 312,086
Jinkouhe District 49,157
Qianwei County 434,409
Jingyan County 282,222
Jiajiang County 338,345
Muchuan County 216,737
Ebian Autonomous county (Yi) 139,210
Mabian Autonomous county (Yi) 176,530
Emeishan City 437,068
Shunqing NanchongDistrict 635,999
Gaoping District 585,769
Jialing District 691,489
Nanbu County 1,275,748
Yingshan County 926,940
Peng'an County 702,336
Yilong County 1,088,266
Xichong County 643,818
Langzhong City 870,708
Dongpo MeishanDistrict 840,909
Pengshan District 329,777
Renshou County 1,571,112
Hongya County 343,321
Danleng County 163,032
Qingshen County 197,029
Cuiping YibinDistrict 836,383
Nanxi District 335,805
Yibin County 813,057
Jiang'an County 399,829
Changning County 340,016
Gao(xian) County 411,118
Gong(xian) County 379,798
Junlian County 329,056
Xingwen County 377,162
Pingshan County 249,777
Guang'an Guang'anDistrict 858,159
Qianfeng District not established
Yuechi County 778,639
Wusheng County 585,624
Linshui County 704,695
Huaying City 278,359
Tongchuan DazhouDistrict 478,276
Dachuan District 1,111,159
Xuanhan County 1,006,826
Kaijiang County 430,878
Dazhu County 876,884
Qu(xian) County 1,156,476
Wanyuan City 407,593
Yucheng Ya'anDistrict 355,572
Mingshan District 256,484
Yingjing County 147,955
Hanyuan County 324,408
Shimian County 123,600
Tianquan County 134,156
Lushan County 109,029
Baoxing County 56,060
Bazhou BazhongDistrict 1,126,790
Enyang District not established
Tongjiang County 687,369
Nanjiang County 606,992
Pingchang County 862,620
Yanjiang ZiyangDistrict 905,729
Anyue County 1,141,347
Lezhi County 546,773
Wenchuan NgawaCounty 100,776
Li(xian) County 46,556
Mao(xian) County 104,829
Songpan County 72,309
Jiuzhaigou County 81,394
Jinchuan County 65,976
Xiaojin County 77,731
Heishui County 60,704
Barkam County 58,437
Zamtang County 39,173
Ngawa County 72,391
Zoigê County 74,619
Hongyuan County 43,818
Kangding GarzêCounty 130,142
Luding County 83,386
Danba County 59,696
Jiulong County 62,133
Yajiang County 50,225
Dawu County 55,396
Luhuo County 46,558
Garzê County 68,523
Xinlong County 50,393
Dêgê County 81,503
Baiyü County 56,290
Sêrxü County 80,834
Sêrtar County 58,606
Litang County 69,046
Batang County 48,649
Xiangcheng County 33,170
Daocheng County 31,113
Dêrong County 26,209
Xichang LiangshanCity 712,434
Yanyuan County 350,176
Dechang County 214,405
Huili County 430,066
Huidong County 362,944
Ningnan County 170,673
Puge County 155,740
Butuo County 160,151
Jinyang County 165,121
Zhaojue County 251,836
Xide County 165,906
Mianning County 351,245
Yuexi County 269,896
Ganluo County 195,100
Meigu County 221,505
Leibo County 223,885
Muli Autonomous county (Tibetan) 131,726
Hualian Directly administeredTaiwanCounty 338,805 - -
Jiayi County 543,248 - -
Miaoli County 560,968 - -
Nantou County 526,491 - -
Penghu County 96,918 - -
Pingdong County 873,509 - -
Taidong County 230,673 - -
Xinzhu County 513,015 - -
Yilan County 460,486 - -
Yunlin County 717,653 - -
Zhanghua County 1,307,286 - -
Heping Directly administeredTianjinDistrict 273,466
Hexi District 870,632
Hebei District 788,368
Nankai District 1,018,196
Hedong District 860,852
Hongqiao District 531,526
Jinnan District 593,063
Dongli District 569,955
Xiqing District 684,690
Beichen District 669,031
Binhai District 2,482,065
Baodi District 799,057
Wuqing District 949,413
Ji(xian) County 784,789
Jinghai County 646,978
Ninghe County 416,143
Chengguan LhasaTibetDistrict 279,074
Lhünzhub County 50,246
Damxung County 46,463
Nyêmo County 28,149
Qüxü County 31,860
Doilungdêqên County 52,249
Dagzê County 26,708
Maizhokunggar County 44,674
Karuo ChamdoDistrict 87,387
Jomdo County 75,238
Gonjo County 38,741
Riwoqê County 40,813
Dêngqên County 63,209
Zhag'yab County 53,130
Baxoi County 41,163
Zogang County 40,819
Markam County 81,659
Lhorong County 44,241
Banbar County 32,462
Nêdong ShannanCounty 57,334
Zhanang County 38,268
Gonggar County 47,255
Sangri County 16,453
Qonggyai County 18,089
Qusum County 16,943
Comai County 14,320
Lhozhag County 18,511
Gyaca County 18,746
Lhünzê County 34,097
Cona County 14,901
Nagarzê County 35,235
Samzhubzê ShigatseDistrict 102,894
Namling County 79,909
Gyantse County 63,398
Tingri County 49,108
Sa'gya County 46,118
Lhatse County 49,575
Ngamring County 47,195
Xaitongmoin County 43,532
Bainang County 44,240
Rinbung County 31,288
Kangmar County 20,912
Dinggyê County 18,458
Zhongba County 19,493
Yadong County 12,189
Gyirong County 13,329
Nyalam County 15,147
Saga County 12,939
Gamba County 10,047
Nagqu NagquCounty 91,859
Lhari County 27,955
Biru County 51,473
Nyainrong County 31,292
Amdo County 35,947
Xainza County 18,030
Sog(xian) County 39,036
Baingoin County 35,780
Baqên County 45,257
Nyima County 37,925
Shuanghu County 10,000
Gar NgariCounty 13,367
Burang County 8,658
Zanda County 6,567
Rutog County 8,292
Gê'gyai County 13,524
Gêrzê County 20,870
Coqên County 12,183
Nyingchi NyingchiCounty 40,496
Gongbo'gyamda County 25,677
Mainling County 18,509
Mêdog County 10,623
Bomê County 28,288
Zayü County 25,784
Nang(xian) County 14,954
Tianshan District 天山区 ÜrümqiXinjiangDistrict 171696,277 650102 TSL
Saybag District 沙依巴克区District 422664,716 650103 SAY
Xinshi District 新市区 District 142730,307 650104 XSU
Shuimogou District 水磨沟区 District 91390,943 650105 SMG
Toutunhe District 头屯河区 District 276172,796 650106 TTH
Dabancheng District 达坂城区 District 5,04240,657 650107 DBC
Midong District 米东区 District 3,408333,676 650109 MOQ
Ürümqi County 乌鲁木齐县 County 4,60183,187 650121 URX
Dushanzi District 独山子区 KaramayDistrict 40069,361 650202 DSZ
Karamay District 克拉玛依区 District 5,351261,445 650203 KRQ
Baijiantan District 白碱滩区 District 1,27250,422 650204 BJT
Orku District 乌尔禾区 District 2,2299,780 650205 ORK
Gaochang TurpanDistrict 273,385
Piqan County 231,297
Toksun County 118,221
Hami HamiCity 472,175
Yiwu County 24,783
Barkol Autonomous county (Kazakh) 75,442
Kashgar KashgarCity 506,640
Shufu County 311,960
Shule County 312,455
Yengisar County 262,067
Poskam County 206,936
Yarkand County 762,385
Kargilik County 454,328
Makit County 258,978
Yopurga County 147,688
Peyziwat County 381,767
Maralbexi County 336,274
Taxkorgan Autonomous county (Tajik) 37,843
Hotan(shi) HotanCity 322,300
Hotan(xian) County 269,941
Karakash County 500,114
Pishan County 258,210
Lop County 232,916
Chira County 147,050
Keriye County 249,899
Minfeng County 33,932
Tacheng TachengCity 163,606
Wusu City 215,430
Emin County 207,735
Shawan County 206,968
Toli County 93,896
Yumin County 55,507
Hoboksar Autonomous county (Mongol) 51,634
Altay AltayCity 19,0064
Burqin County 66,758
Fuyun County 87,886
Fuhai County 81,845
Habahe County 82,507
Qinggil County 58,858
Jeminay County 35,365
Changji ChangjiCity 426,253
Fukang City 165,006
Hutubi County 210,201
Manas County 237,558
Qitai County 210,566
Jimsar County 113,284
Mori Autonomous county (Kazakh) 65,719
Bole BortalaCity 259,557
Alashankou City not established
Jinghe County 139,661
Wenquan County 73,700
Korla BayingolinCity 549,324
Luntai County 116,166
Yuli County 96,068
Ruoqiang County 35,580
Qiemo County 65,572
Hejing County 160,804
Hoxud County 72,556
Bohu County 54,788
Yanqi Autonomous county (Hui) 127,628
Aksu AksuCity 535,657
Wensu County 233,933
Kuchar County 462,588
Shayar County 257,502
Toksu County 172,064
Baicheng County 229,252
Uqturpan County 197,990
Awat County 237,562
Kalpin County 44,261
Artux KizilsuCity 225,054
Akto County 181,049
Akqi County 39,764
Ulugqat County 54,140
Yining(shi) IliCity 515,082
Kuitun City 166,261
Korgas City not established
Yining(xian) County 372,590
Huocheng County 352,689
Gongliu County 164,860
Xinyuan County 282,718
Zhaosu County 148,187
Tekes County 142,718
Nilka County 157,743
Qapqal Autonomous county (Xibe) 179,744
Shihezi Direct administrationCity 380,130
Aral City 166,205
Tumushuke City 213,300
Wujiaqu City 72,613
Beitun City not established
Tiemenguan City not established
Shuanghe City not established
Wuhua KunmingYunnanDistrict 855,521
Panlong District 809,881
Guandu District 853,371
Xishan District 753,813
Dongchuan District 271,917
Chenggong District 310,843
Jinning County 283,784
Fumin County 145,554
Yiliang County 419,400
Songming County 287,095
Shilin Autonomous county (Yi) 246,220
Luquan Autonomous county (Yi & Miao) 396,404
Xundian Autonomous county (Hui & Yi) 457,068
Anning City 341,341
Qilin QujingDistrict 740,747
Malong County 184,989
Luliang County 622,397
Shizong County 392,361
Luoping County 549,680
Fuyuan County 722,640
Huize County 908,292
Zhanyi County 431,058
Xuanwei City 1,302,891
Hongta YuxiDistrict 495,129
Jiangchuan County 280,889
Chengjiang County 169,366
Tonghai County 300,800
Huaning County 214,650
Yimen County 177,110
Eshan Autonomous county (Yi) 162,831
Xinping Autonomous county (Yi & Dai) 285,344
Yuanjiang Autonomous county (Hani, Yi, & Dai) 217,392
Longyang BaoshanDistrict 935,618
Shidian County 305,223
Tengchong County 644,765
Longling County 277,319
Changning County 343,566
Zhaoyang ZhaotongDistrict 787,845
Ludian County 390,654
Qiaojia County 516,349
Yanjin County 369,881
Daguan County 263,225
Yongshan County 394,267
Suijiang County 153,091
Zhenxiong County 1,328,375
Yiliang County 521,838
Weixin County 385,865
Shuifu County 102,143
Gucheng LijiangDistrict 211,151
Yulong Autonomous county (Naxi) 214,697
Yongsheng County 392,024
Huaping County 168,028
Ninglang Autonomous county (Yi) 258,869
Simao Pu'erDistrict 296,500
Ning'er Autonomous county (Hani & Yi) 185,700
Mojiang Autonomous county (Hani) 360,500
Jingdong Autonomous county (Yi) 359,500
Jinggu Autonomous county (Dai & Yi) 291,700
Zhenyuan Autonomous county (Yi, Hani, & Lahu) 208,600
Jiangcheng Autonomous county (Hani & Yi) 121,500
Menglian Autonomous county (Dai, Lahu, & Va) 135,500
Lancang Autonomous county (Lahu) 491,900
Ximeng Autonomous county (Va) 91,300
Linxiang LincangDistrict 323,708
Fengqing County 458,330
Yun(xian) County 449,460
Yongde County 369,702
Zhenkang County 176,356
Shuangjiang Autonomous county (Lahu, Va, Blang, & Dai) 176,549
Gengma Autonomous county (Dai & Va) 296,302
Cangyuan Autonomous county (Va) 179,098
Chuxiong ChuxiongCity 588,620
Shuangbai County 159,867
Mouding County 208,726
Nanhua County 236,138
Yao'an County 197,676
Dayao County 273,315
Yongren County 109,304
Yuanmou County 215,795
Wuding County 271,963
Lufeng County 422,770
Mengzi HongheCity 417,200
Gejiu City 459,800
Kaiyuan City 322,700
Mile City 539,700
Shiping County 299,100
Jianshui County 531,500
Luxi(xian) County 400,700
Yuanyang County 396,800
Honghe County 296,500
Lüchun County 222,200
Pingbian Autonomous county (Miao) 154,000
Jinping Autonomous county (Miao, Yao, & Dai) 356,200
Hekou Autonomous county (Yao) 104,600
Wenshan WenshanCity 481,504
Yanshan County 463,264
Xichou County 255,286
Malipo County 277,960
Maguan County 367,507
Qiubei County 477,441
Guangnan County 787,449
Funing County 407,530
Jinghong XishuangbannaCity 519,935
Menghai County 331,850
Mengla County 281,730
Dali DaliCity 652,000
Xiangyun County 456,000
Binchuan County 349,000
Midu County 313,000
Yongping County 175,000
Yunlong County 200,000
Eryuan County 268,000
Jianchuan County 170,000
Heqing County 255,000
Yangbi Autonomous county (Yi) 102,000
Nanjian Autonomous county (Yi) 212,000
Weishan Autonomous county (Yi & Hui) 304,000
Ruili DehongCity 180,627
Mangshi City 389,891
Lianghe County 154,175
Yingjiang County 305,167
Longchuan County 181,580
Lushui NujiangCounty 184,835
Fugong County 98,616
Gongshan Autonomous county (Derung & Nu) 37,894
Lanping Autonomous county (Bai & Pumi) 212,992
Shangri-La DêqênCounty 172,988
Dêqên County 66,589
Weixi Autonomous county (Lisu) 160,605
Shangcheng District 上城区HangzhouZhejiangDistrict 344,600
Xiacheng District 下城区District 526,100
Jianggan District 江干区District 998,800
Gongshu District 拱墅区District 551,900
Xihu District 西湖区District 820,000
Binjiang District 滨江区District 319,000
Xiaoshan District 萧山区District 1,511,300
Yuhang District 余杭区District 1,170,300
Fuyang District 富阳区District 717,700
Lin'an District 临安区District 566,700
Tonglu County 桐庐县County 406,400
Chun'an County 淳安县County 336,800
Jiande City 建德市City 430,800
Haishu District 海曙区NingboDistrict 373,742
Jiangbei District 江北区District 361,242
Beilun District 北仑区District 612,267
Zhenhai District 镇海区District 418,500
Yinzhou District 鄞州区District 1,359,198
Fenghua District 奉化区District 491,697
Xiangshan County 象山县County 503,279
Ninghai County 宁海县County 646,074
Yuyao City 余姚市City 1,010,659
Cixi City 慈溪市City 1,462,383
Lucheng District 鹿城区WenzhouDistrict 1,293,300
Longwan District 龙湾区District 749,300
Ouhai District 瓯海区District 996,900
Dongtou District 洞头区District 87,700
Yongjia County 永嘉县County 789,200
Pingyang County 平阳县County 761,700
Cangnan County 苍南县County 1,184,600
Wencheng County 文成县County 212,100
Taishun County 泰顺县County 233,400
Rui'an City 瑞安市City 1,424,700
Yueqing City 乐清市City 1,389,300
Longgang City 龙港市 City 382,000
Nanhu District 南湖区JiaxingDistrict 612,771
Xiuzhou District 秀洲区District 589,253
Jiashan County 嘉善县County 574,233
Haiyan County 海盐县County 430,928
Haining City 海宁市City 807,094
Pinghu City 平湖市City 671,851
Tongxiang City 桐乡市City 815,803
Wuxing District 吴兴区HuzhouDistrict 757,165
Nanxun District 南浔区District 536,054
Deqing County 德清县County 491,789
Changxing County 长兴县County 641,982
Anji County 安吉县County 466,552
Yuecheng District 越城区ShaoxingDistrict 883,800
Keqiao District 柯桥区District 1,325,800
Shangyu District 上虞区District 779,400
Xinchang County 新昌县County 380,400
Zhuji City 诸暨市City 1,157,900
Shengzhou City 嵊州市City 679,800
Wucheng District 婺城区JinhuaDistrict 761,700
Jindong District 金东区District 315,600
Wuyi County 武义县County 349,900
Pujiang County 浦江县County 437,300
Pan'an County 磐安县County 174,700
Lanxi City 兰溪市City 560,500
Yiwu City 义乌市City 1,234,000
Dongyang City 东阳市City 804,400
Yongkang City 永康市City 723,500
Kecheng District QuzhouDistrict 464,500
Qujiang District District 341,400
Changshan County County 241,400
Kaihua County County 245,100
Longyou County County 362,400
Jiangshan City City 467,900
Dinghai District ZhoushanDistrict 464,200
Putuo District District 378,800
Daishan County County 202,200
Shengsi County County 76,100
Jiaojiang District TaizhouDistrict 653,800
Huangyan District District 632,100
Luqiao District District 616,600
Sanmen County County 328,900
Tiantai County County 382,800
Xianju County County 342,700
Wenling City City 1,366,800
Linhai City City 1,028,800
Yuhuan City City 616,300
Liandu District 莲都区LishuiDistrict 451,400
Qingtian County 青田县County 336,500
Jinyun County 缙云县County 358,900
Suichang County 遂昌县County 190,200
Songyang County 松阳县County 185,100
Yunhe County 云和县County 111,600
Qingyuan County 庆元县County 141,500
Jingning She Autonomous County 景宁畲族自治县Autonomous county (She) 107,100
Longquan City 龙泉市City 234,600

Dissolved Counties

Name Name in Chinese now part ofPrefectureProvinceTypePopulation Census 2010 Year dissolved
Sanshan District 三山区 Yijiang District Wuhu Anhui District 144,378 2020
Jinjiazhuang District 金家庄区 Huashan District Ma'anshanDistrict128,004 2012
Chongwen District 崇文区 Xicheng District Directly administered Beijing District merge into Xicheng 2010
Xuanwu District 宣武区 Dongcheng District District merge into Dongcheng 2010
Shizhong District 市中区 Shapingba District and Yuzhong District Directly administered Chongqing District split between Shapingba and Yuzhong 1995
Shuangqiao District 双桥区 Dazu District District 50,100 2011
Wansheng District 万盛区 Qijiang District District 255,800 2011
Maogang District 茂港区 Dianbai District Maoming Guangdong District 396,781 2014
Dieshan District 蝶山区 Wanxiu District Wuzhou Guangxi District 194,900 2013
Xiaohe District 小河区 Huaxi Guiyang Guizhou District 248,159 2012
Hainan Province Paracel, Spratly and Zhongsha Islands Authority 海南省西沙群岛、南沙群岛、中沙群岛办事处 Xisha District and Nansha District (county level),

Sansha (entity becomes a prefecture level division)

Directly administered Hainan Administrative office 444 2012
Baixia District 白下区 Qinhuai District Nanjing Jiangsu District 602,031 2013
Xiaguan District 下关区 Gulou District District 445,117 2013
Canglang District 沧浪区 Gusu District Suzhou District 394,958 2012
Jinchang District 金阊区 District 290,811 2012
Pingjiang District 平江区 District 268,686 2012
Weiyang District 维扬区 Hanjiang District Yangzhou District 474,449 2011
Shizhong District 市中区 Rencheng District Jining Shandong District 588,900 2013
Jiaonan City 胶南市 Huangdao District Qingdao City 868,400 2012
Sifang District 四方区 Shibei District District 462,500 2012
Luwan District 卢湾区 Huangpu District Directly administered Shanghai District 248,779 2011
Zhabei District 闸北区 Jing'an District District 830,476 2015
Jiangdong District 江东区 Yinzhou District Ningbo Zhejiang District 366,648 2016

Name Changes

Old→New Name Old→New Name in Chinese PrefectureProvinceType
Mei(xian) → Meixian 梅区→梅县区 MeizhouGuangdongDistrict
Jinyang → Guanshanhu 金阳新区→观山湖区 Guiyang Guizhou District
Tongren → Bijiang 铜仁市→碧江区 Tongren District
Bijie → Qixingguan 毕节市→七星关区 Bijie District
Tanghai → Caofeidian 唐海县→曹妃甸区 Tangshan Hebei District
Xiangyang → Xiangzhou 襄阳区→襄州区 Xiangyang Hubei District
Chuzhou → Huai'an 楚州区→淮安区 Huai'an Jiangsu District
Badaojiang → Hunjiang 八道江区→浑江区 Baishan Jilin District
Dongling → Hunnan 东陵区→浑南区 Shenyang Liaoning District
Ling(xian) → Lingcheng 陵县→陵城区 Dezhou Shandong District
Yuanba → Zhaohua 元坝区→昭化区 Guangyuan Sichuan District
Qamdo → Karuo 昌都县→卡若区 Chamdo Tibet District
Xigazê → Samzhubzê 日喀则市→桑珠孜区 Shigatse District
Luxi → Mangshi 潞西市→芒市 Dehong Yunnan City
Shaoxing → Keqiao 绍兴县→柯桥区 Shaoxing Zhejiang District


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